Dem mayor, entire council become Republicans

February 10, 2023

It didn’t happen in Arizona, but the switcheroo in New Jersey provides hope that even democrats have had enough of Joe’s devastating Bidenflation, China-enabling, memory lapses, wobbly falsehoods and outright fabrications. Having Joe Biden hanging on to their coattails has become too reprehensible even for former Biden supporters. They still have to face themselves in the mirror and their constituents as the next election cycle approaches.

The New Jersey Globe’s report can be read here.

Morris County GOP Chair Laura Marie Ali credited Hanover Mayor Ace Gallagher for convincing the East Hanover officials to switch parties.

“The entire Republican Party in Morris County is welcoming Mayor Pannullo and East Hanover’s four Council members to our family with open arms and great excitement,” Ali said.  “East Hanover is an exceptionally run town with great leadership. It is clear we share the same values as Mayor Pannullo and his Council and we are so excited to have them be part of our Republican family.”

The East Hanover Republican municipal chair, former Councilwoman Sue Tietjen, also welcomed the new Republican officeholders.

“We will work together moving East Hanover forward,” she said.

This change comes on the heels of an ABC News report titled, “Biden faces doubt from some voters who backed Dems in 2022.” It’s far worse treading on thin ice when you know it.

The unusual move makes sense from the perspective of East Hanover’s 11,105 residents. Although democrats have long dominated the local government, in recent state and national elections the town has overwhelmingly supported Republicans, including voting for former President Donald Trump by 66 percent in 2020.

 Is Biden too old to be president?

February 7, 2023

Congressman James E. Clyburn, (D-SC), two years older than Biden, is an authority on age. He was born July 21, 1940.

Cool dude Joe is stuck in a time warp, man

February 4, 2023

Biden’s Homeland Insecurity chief Mayorkas double-talks border

February 2, 2023

Wherever there are massive efforts to undermine American sovereignty, count on the fact that America–hating, multibillionaire, one-worlder George Soros is behind the schemes. Now his son Alexander is taking the reins as he hobs and nobs with democrats, as reported by the New York Post. Be sure to scroll through the photographic evidence.

Just as we don’t capitalize the word democrat, Seeing Red AZ does not use the term “migrants” to describe illegal invaders.

Liar George Santos has an AZ rival named Christian Lamar

January 30, 2023

The name George Santos, who was a proficient enough liar to get elected to congress in New York, is emblazoned in our memories since his whoppers were ongoing and his actions outrageous. The link in the previous sentence contains a national news report revealing his preposterous lies.

Christian Lamar, a repeat, though losing, Arizona legislative candidate, was just elected as one of three to a low level obscure CD8 Member-at-Large post at the GOP meeting on Saturday, which he will use as a stepping stone for public office. The other two elected to the post were a state legislator and district chairman.

Lamar lacks any credentials, though he was previously charged and convicted of hitting his live-in girlfriend and coming after her with a frying pan while he was intoxicated. This occurred following a fight they had at a casino. Lamar maintained his innocence, despite three courts upholding the conviction. He then ludicrously filed a civil rights lawsuit against the female responding officer, the Phoenix Police Department, the city and other departments over the arrest, claiming his Fifth and 14th Amendment rights were violated and the investigation was maliciously turned against him due to his race and gender. Christian Lamar sought $7 million in damages, which was tossed by a federal judge. Had he won, he would have been made rich on the backs of law-abiding taxpayers, whose votes he continually seeks.

Christian Lamar was also the subject of a civil lawsuit brought by Midland Funding in 2021.

Joe has “no regrets” about hiding classified documents for 6 years

January 27, 2023

Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden’s mouthpiece, refuses to answer questions

January 25, 2023

Unfit for the job…credentials include having worked for Obama, and being a black, married lesbian

The scandal surrounding the ever-increasing loads of classified documents found at Joe Biden‘s home, garage and Penn-Biden Center office, continues to grow. Americans appropriately expecting to get official updates on the debacle are thwarted as spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre remains as stoic as a totem, not only claming up, but refusing to take questions about what has become more than an embarrassment. She is known to let an entire press conference lapse without once calling on Fox News’ Peter Doocy. This is her well rehearsed, absurd denial:

KJ-P: “I’m going to have to refer you to the department of justice for that.”

“I’m just going to respect the process.”

KJ-P: “Again I would refer you to the department of justice …next.”

The concerns that the Penn-Biden Center is the recipient of large sums of money from China are detailed in this letter from U.S. Rep. James Comer, (R-KY), chairman of the Congressional Committee on Oversight and Accountability. It is addressed to Ms. Mary Elizabeth Magill, President of the University of Pennsylvania. The congressman minces no words in his search for the truth. He previously wrote this op-ed, “Get Ready for Republican Oversight,” printed in the Wall Street Journal, detailing the need for accountability by the democrats.

H/T RNC Research

VP Kamala’s calculated omissions in Roe v. Wade speech

January 24, 2023

In a pro-abortion speech in Florida, actually celebrating the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on Monday, the vice president of the United States purposely misquoted the Declaration of Independence, deliberately leaving out the words “life” and “Creator.”

Kamala Harris deviously stated four times, “So we are here together because we collectively believe and know America is a promise. America is a promise. It is a promise of freedom and liberty — not for some, but for all.”  She continues: “A promise we made in the Declaration of Independence that we are each endowed with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The actual words are: “…endowed by [their] Creator with certain unalienable Rights…that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Harris also referred to abortion sites as “clinics,” as though they dispense health care instead of facilities where certain death of pre-born children is the ultimate goal. National Right to Life puts the most recent compilation of deaths at “More than 64 million.”

Stunning increase in crimes committed by illegal aliens

January 23, 2023

Numbers have escalated under Biden after being curtailed during Trump’s presidency

Although democrats regard those invading the USA warmly, FOX News reported the surge in crimes among illegal aliens in 2022. The spikes included homicides, drug-related crimes, sexual assaults and illegal weapons possession.

Illegals committed 1,178 assault and violent crimes in 2021, which represents more than a 400% increase from the 208 in 2020. Those shocking numbers have only worsened. Sixty homicide or manslaughter convictions were attributed to illegal aliens in 2021, a dramatic 1,900% increase from the previous year.

The Criminal Noncitizen Statistics for Fiscal Year 2023 are staggering, though you won’t find them in the local news.

Silence is acquiescence. Acceptance of this ever-increasing criminality puts all Americans at heightened risk. Call your state legislators and members of congress. We hear from them when they are campaigning. Now that they are in office, they need to hear from us. Our links omit Arizona’s two U.S. Senators. They were both radical democrats although one recently strategically switched parties to become a registered “Independent,” since she is about to be challenged by another democrat congressional seatmate. Democrats are unmoved by citizen’s pleas to crackdown on the escalating lawlessness on our southern border, which is ignored by Joe Biden and his VP/border czar, Kamala Harris. These are the ever-increasing current numbers of Criminal Noncitizen Statistics as of January 2023 as provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a democrat, issued this Emergency Request to deal with the influx of illegals (he calls them asylum seekers) which he says is, “pushing New York City to the brink.” Border state governors Greg Abbott (Texas) and former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey began busing illegal aliens to other states, including New York. Now overwhelmed, Mayor Adams even went so far as to call for a “border czar,” unaware that that is the specific job of Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris, as CNS News reports.

Democrats are eager to tell us what they stand for

January 22, 2023

Dems unified in desire to defund the police:

…and on the topic of abortion?

Dems all agree: The decision should be made between “the woman and her doctor.” Arizona’s far left Gov. Katie Hobbs (then a candidate) and radical Sen. Mark Kelly both appear in this video, mouthing the same words, that have been hard-wired into democrat‘s heads.

H/T RNC Research