What to expect if fmr. Pres. Trump’s arrest prediction is correct

March 19, 2023

Political prosecution is dem party’s mission

Though no charges have been filed, the left is salivating over reports that former President Donald Trump could be indicted early this coming week on contrived misdemeanor charges being brought against him in connection with an alleged hush money payment made to an unsavory adult film actress before the 2016 election. Fear is a powerful inducement for the left to continue to hound the popular president who, unlike feeble Joe Biden, can speak in complete sentences and has an enthusiastic and loyal following.

This debunked but regurgitated saga is being resuscitated due to the fact that Donald Trump officially launched a 2024 campaign for president, filing papers with the Federal Election Committee and establishing a campaign committee.

Drawing large, energized crowds wherever he speaks, Donald Trump is the Biden administration’s worst nightmare. Where else could a transgendered medical doctor, admiral and married father of two, who supports hormone blockers for children, declare himself a woman named Rachel (formerly known as Richard) and be given a cabinet level post in a serious administration? Biden brought this farce into his administration.

Trump holds significant leads for the Republican presidential nomination, supported by 43.9% of Republicans in compared with 28.0% for his nearest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has not yet announced his candidacy. Real Clear Politics aggregated polling has the most recent numbers.

If Donald Trump is arrested, expect protests across America and even higher poll numbers.

U.S. Sen. Cassidy holds Treasury Secretary Yellen’s feet to the fire on Social Security

March 17, 2023

Sen. Cassidy, (R-LA), has a resume most could only aspire to, but never equal. He is also knowledgeable enough to smell rotten baloney when it’s being tossed his way as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen attempted to do Thursday.

Appearing before the Senate’s Finance Committee, Yellen was repeatedly asked by Republicans about the lack of a Social Security plan in Pres. Biden’s recent budget proposal and democrats’ false claims that Republicans intend to slash the program. Sen. Cassidy stated that he is involved in bipartisan talks on the matter, but has been unable to schedule an Oval Office meeting to discuss them further.

This White House “fact sheet” titled, “The President’s Budget: Extending Medicare Solvency by 25 Years or More, Strengthening Medicare, and Lowering Health Care Costs,“ double talks and attempts to obscure the pressing problems of the severely under-funded program, while obviously omitting from the Ponzi scheme that younger American workers paying for the benefits their grandparents are currently accessing, will be left without funding in their own retirement years.

The Social Security Act, signed into law in 1935 by democrat Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, created Social Security, regarded as a federal safety net for elderly and unemployed Americans. The main stipulation of the original Social Security Act was to pay financial benefits to retirees over age 65 based on lifetime payroll tax contributions. In 1935, the life expectancy of the average American male was 59, so it worked out well with few able to collect. Social Security did not extend to widows and children until 1939. The average salary in 1935 was $471 a year. The average salary of high earners in that time period was $1,070 per year.     

On Feb. 13, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) reintroduced The Social Security Expansion Act in Congress, expanding individual’s benefits by an additional $2,400 a year. A Socialist masquerading as an Independent, Sanders (who caucuses with the dems) will have more support from dems in pushing the initiative, as they face upcoming elections and their constituents irrationally think these unsustainable, expansive programs are free.

Influence Watch introduces us to ERIC

March 12, 2023

President Reagan was a prophet

The acronym ERIC stands for Electronic Registration Information Center. Take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with this scheme which refers to itself as “a non-profit organization with the sole mission of assisting states to improve the accuracy of America’s voter rolls and increase access to voter registration for all eligible citizens.” ERIC claims it is governed and managed by states that choose to join. It was formed in 2012 with assistance from the far less than unbiased Pew Charitable Trusts.

That guarantee should put any concerns to rest.

Under the heading, “What Data Does Eric Collect From Member States,” is this reassuring tidbit: “Each member state receives reports that show voters who have moved within their state, voters who have moved out of state, voters who have died, duplicate registrations in the same state, and individuals who are potentially eligible to vote but are not yet registered. States may request a report identifying voters who appear to have voted twice within the state in the prior federal election, voted in more than one state in the prior federal election, or who voted on behalf of a deceased voter in the prior federal election.”

In addition to needlessly usurping the duties of individual elected secretaries of state and county reorders, timeliness is a crucial factor.

Republican President Ronald Reagan was renowned for saying, “The 9 most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” A visionary, he foresaw the current situation decades ago.

British PM Rishi Sunak vows to deport illegal aliens

March 7, 2023

Biden should take a page from British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s book as U.S. domestic terrorism surges

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, a conservative nearly half Biden’s age at 43, is serious regarding his contention that illegal immigration creates myriad problems. He noted that criminal gangs should not be allowed to continue their activities, which he called “immoral trade.” Sunak said, “Illegal migration is not fair on British taxpayers, it is not fair on those who come here legally and it is not right that criminal gangs should be allowed to continue their immoral trade. I am determined to deliver on my promise to stop the boats.”

Sunak’s comments come at a time when Britain allows illegal aliens to claim asylum after they have crossed the border. As per these laws, illegals are allowed to stay while their case is litigated. You don’t have to strain yourself to know that the illegals use the time to disburse throughout the country they invaded, as Americans are all too well aware, since they are replicating what occurs here.

Scroll down the Atlanta Police Department press release website to see the 23 mug shots of the mostly home-grown domestic terrorists — including two from Arizona — who waged an unprovoked, coordinated attack on the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center’s construction equipment and police officers. Wearing black clothing they entered the construction area and began throwing large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers. The far-left, dying, Arizona newspaper provided no coverage.

Wokeism exposed by the brilliant Victor Davis Hanson

March 4, 2023

No amount of flattery is sufficient to describe the national treasure that is exemplified by prolific author Dr. Victor Davis Hanson, whose impressive credentials include being a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness. He is also a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution and Stanford University. Today we present his most recent column which is, as we have previously noted with others, “guaranteed to make us all smarter.”

Regardless of the need to change the air filters, trim some trees or fill the gas tank, make time to read his most recent column, “The Woke Wrecking Machine.”  You’ll be wiser for doing so.

Wokeism is alive and well at Arizona State University, where president Michael Crow‘s base salary is $809,846. Crow received a $90,000 bonus for the 2021-2022 school year in addition to numerous other perks, including housing and vehicle use, and bonuses for achieving additional goals, according to this report in ASU‘s State Press. Crow’s wife, Dr. Sybil Francis, is also on the payroll as reported by the Phoenix New Times in 2017.

Pay attention. This epidemic rivals COVID, but there is no immunization.

Pres. Trump rose above hostile media, cultivating solid conservative base

February 18, 2023

“I’ll often sit down with hostile press,” Pres. Trump once stated, “just to see if it’s possible to get them to write the truth. It almost never works.”

As our longtime readers are aware, we occasionally take the opportunity presented by a weekend to post “Weekend Reading Guaranteed to Make You Smarter,“ frequently linking to the brilliance exemplified by a Victor Davis Hanson column.

Today we are taking our readers to Tom Fitton’s Judicial Watch and a column, titled, “Trump Victimized by Media.” Fact-filled, it is definitely worthy of your time.

It is followed by two other exemplary commentaries:
D.C. Schools Set to Push CRT; Anti-Americanism; Leftist Propaganda; and Texas Border Operation Catches 348,000 Illegals; 361 million Fentanyl Doses.

Protecting Parents’ Rights with the ‘Given Name Act’

February 15, 2023

Radical gender ideology hidden from parents as schools encourage students to experiment with “transgenderism”

The Heritage Foundation has a newly issued Fact Sheet that should be mandatory reading for every parent, guardian and engaged grandparent of a K-12 age student. Changing names and pronouns is the first step in the implementation of radical gender ideology, which eventually leads to life-altering drugs and irreversible medical procedures. Without substantiation from a well-respected organization such as Heritage, this topic would be impossible to fathom. Read the brief ‘Given Name Act.’

The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) shows reading and math test scores are significantly below the norm but manipulating pronouns takes center stage.

2024 pre-election analysis: blue states lose residents

February 13, 2023

Blue states face mass exoduses, red states need to brace for the harsh impact

Joe Concha, media and political columnist for The Hill, has recently written ‘The new red wave is already here.’  He writes, “Recent U.S. Census data underscore a grim reality for the biggest blue states: More people are leaving states such as California, New York and Illinois than moving to them.

The exodus is real: California lost nearly 350,000 residents in 2022, while New York lost about 300,000 and Illinois saw more than 140,000 go elsewhere, per Census numbers. Other states, including New Jersey (-64,231), Massachusetts (-57,292) and Pennsylvania (-39,957), also saw large numbers of residents say goodbye.”

Call it a roaring red wave of the 2020s. And this time, it’s actually materialized, unlike during the red wave that was predicted for the 2022 midterm elections.

Concha noted the three contributing factors to the flight are Taxes, Crime and Traffic. He supports his statistics with verifiable data from the annual U-Haul Growth Index and the Internal Revenue Service.

Jeff DeWit, Fmr. State Treasurer, elected AZ GOP chairman

January 29, 2023

Video courtesy of AZ State Rep. Austin Smith (LD 29)

In remembrance of Russell Pearce and the fate of the “Republic”

January 18, 2023

Although it is not our policy to post articles we did not write or something of this length, this is the worthy exception. Read it and you’ll understand.

A Celebration of the Life of Russell Pearce took place Monday, January 16 in the town he always called home…Mesa. Friends, family, and a crowd of admirers assembled to celebrate the life of this conservative stalwart and thoroughly decent man.

Former Congressman JD Hayworth was in attendance, and could not help but notice the difference between Monday’s service and the “send-off” provided by the daily newspaper. It prompted Hayworth to pen this column, reprinted below.

Russell Pearce and the fate of the “Republic”

You need not look very far to find the latest evidence reaffirming the well-earned nickname of The Arizona Republic.

A reading of the Jan. 5 article on the death of former State Senator Russell Pearce brings to mind the single word that serves both as an accurate description of that sickly publication’s open borders bias…as well as its oft-employed sobriquet: Repugnant.

The trio of creative writers tasked with putting Pearce’s passing “in perspective” certainly didn’t disappoint their editorial overlords; they deliberately mischaracterized the intent of his carefully crafted, ultimately passed, and signed-into-law Senate Bill 1070.

Actually, headline writers began the barrage by calling the legislation “controversial.” That word serves as the “tell sign” when a publication disapproves of the subject of its coverage. Reporters Andrew Oxford, Mary Jo Pitzl, and Daniel Gonzalez weren’t far behind; by the article’s third paragraph, they included predictable leftist doggerel, peddled as fact: “Arizona’s ‘show me your papers’ law,” they wrote.

Had the trio of scribes been interested in objectivity instead of smearing the departed, a simple bit of research into SB 1070 and its fate in the courts would have been highlighted.

The “Fair and Legal Employment Act,” as Pearce named the legislation, drafted in consultation with then-Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who now serves as that state’s Attorney General, was formulated with the intent of defining Arizona’s right to identify and detain illegal immigrants, based on existing federal law.

As Senator Pearce said in 2010, in response to the inevitable court challenges from the Obama Administration and other advocates for open borders, “SB 1070 makes no new immigration law. It simply enforces the laws already on the books…I refuse to apologize for standing up for America and the rule of law.”

In fact, no less a liberal tribunal than the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit made clear in 1983 that nothing in federal law precludes a city from enforcing the criminal provisions of immigration law, and SB 1070, its supporters maintained, simply advanced that same practice for the entire state of Arizona.

But the intervening 27 years brought forth an activism intent on defining “open borders” as noble, and any effort to enforce existing immigration law as wrongheaded, or on “the wrong side of history,” to use the favorite buzz-phrase of the left.

Such a dubious cause sought to wrap itself in legitimacy, and exploit the growing realization that many jurists on the federal bench were more than willing to usurp legislative authority if such a drastic action were in tune with their own political goals. Instead of “equal justice under law,” our nation has witnessed the advent of “unequal application of the law, based upon political preference.”

Eventually, the U.S. Supreme Court considered the constitutionality of SB 1070, and the high court, while finding some portions of the legislation in conflict with federal law, upheld the provision that the left and its media lackeys still mischaracterize.

Far from radical, the “Supremes” found that seeking documentation for a person’s immigration status was entirely reasonable. The ruling stated that if law enforcement officers have stopped a subject for a legitimate reason, those officers must “reasonably attempt” to determine that subject’s immigration status when there is a “reasonable suspicion” that the person may be in the country illegally.

But reasonableness means nothing to the rabid, and the reporting of the “Repugnant” focuses on pleasing a particular point of view typified by those whose hatred of Russell Pearce has not abated…even after his earthly departure.

How else to describe the featured comments of one “community activist,” who compared Pearce to a terrorist? Said this “activist,” whose name is omitted from this column since she is undeserving of any additional notoriety: “I’m sad for all the terror that he caused our community, [and] all the people who were deported because of his political grandstanding.”

For good measure, the “Repugnant” reporters felt the need to include one more example of this self-appointed “humanitarian’s” inhumanity: her desire to see the deceased lampooned for laughs. “She would love to see one last political cartoon showing Pearce standing at the gates of Heaven, and being asked to ‘show his papers.’”

What does The Arizona Republic have to show for its desired editorial goal of open borders and its eager embrace of amnesty for illegal aliens? Fewer readers, for one thing. A budget awash in red ink, for another.

Russell Pearce met the fate that awaits us all. Now he belongs to history.

The smug and self-assured, so eager to bid him farewell will soon find the publication for which they toil facing its own demise. Maybe then, the staff of The Arizona Republic will realize that they are on “the wrong side of history.”