Did Bill Montgomery violate state statute? Will he resign?

Montgomery should hold himself to the same standard he imposes on others

The daily reports that Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is taking flak for his recent boasts about legal questions he was researching on behalf of Doug Ducey, a political ally who is running for governor. Montgomery used his bi-weekly press conference to expound on the advice he has been providing Ducey. In response, Ducey issued this June 8, press release, acknowledging Montgomery was supplying him and his gubernatorial campaign with legal advice. This letter seeking legal advice was written to Montgomery the same day, on Ducey’s campaign letterhead.

Experts on both sides of the political aisle question the ethics of such political involvement since the statutory scope of Montgomery’s duties include but one client: Maricopa County.

Montgomery recently took the low ground, arrogantly demanding Arizona’s Attorney General Tom Horne abandon his reelection bid and resign the office to which he was elected. This haughty overreach came despite the decision by an independent administrative law judge clearing Horne of allegations of illegal coordination with an independent expenditure committee during his 2010 campaign. 

The fact that Montgomery not only has endorsed Horne’s challenger —- a kindred McCain ally —- but helped recruit him, marginalizes Montgomery’s credibility even further.  The challenger, who pompously campaigns on “restoring integrity” to the office, has his own problems in that regard.

Will Montgomery now hold himself to his own standard and step down? Should his recruit abandon his campaign?

Attorney General Tom Horne’s distinguished public service record is clearly conservative, and decidedly anti-amnesty. The hard fact is, those are the actual issues that render Horne unpalatable to the local leftwing media and the establishment elites.

The newspaper reports that the usually glib Montgomery refused to respond to requests for comment. Instead, his public information officer responded on his behalf  —- by e-mail —-  rather than engaging with the press and having to field embarrassing questions.

Going mute is uncharacteristic for the loquacious Montgomery. He’s likely pondering how he will respond to calls for him to step down.

12 Responses to Did Bill Montgomery violate state statute? Will he resign?

  1. Clair Van Steenwyk says:

    I don’t believe he’ll resign anytime soon and if he’s advising Sec. Ducey well I suppose you get what you’re paid for. McMontgomery you may recall endorsed Sen. McFlake as well and he’s also supporting others for statewide office this cycle, along with some cohorts of his and McCains, I do believe it’s time we look closely at who these people endorse and support and the history they have, I do believe we’ve had enough of the McCain machine running our state and need to be sure we end it this cycle and then remove the rest in 16 elections.
    God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk / CD 8 Candidate

  2. Arizona Conservative Guy says:

    Between “bi-weekly press conferences” (WHAT???) and telling a conservative attorney general to abandon his office (is Montgomery coveting that slot until McCain retires?) it appears that Montgomery has too much time on his hands.

    • Maggie says:

      Bi-weekly press conferences speak to the size of Montgomery’s inflated ego. What other office holder is so full of him or herself to contrive having the spotlight twice a week? Even the egotistical Pres. Barack Obama, doesn’t do this.

  3. American Dad says:

    Montgomery is featured as prominently on Ducey’s campaign website as Ducey himself. They each know where their political bread is McButtered and have shown themselves as McCain’s willing pawns. We just saw the results of the Virginia race where House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was booted out though he astronomically outspent his opponent Dave Brat. American citizens are angry with the amnesty pushers. They can call it whatever bogus name they contrive, but the end game is the same, giving our country over to her invaders..

    • Vince says:

      Indeed! The Cantor defeat by a virtual unknown conservative, proves the dynamics have dramatically changed. The Center for Responsive Politics shows Eric Cantor spent $168,637 at high end steak restaurants as of May 21, which exceeds the under $200,000 amount Brat pent on his entire campaign. With the power of incumbency, plus his leadership post Cantor  raised nearly $5.5 million!! Brat was outspent by more than 26-to-1, but in the end none of that mattered.

      What actually has Americans up in arms is the soft soaping of the invasion of our country by ambitious politicians. To characterize the invaders as being in need of “humane treatment’ is absurd. The most humane treatment they can be given is to send them home to their families. We have no obligation to allow illegal and illiterate invading hordes to stay in our country and cost our taxpaying citizens one thin dime. This anger will resonate and other arrogant RINOs should pay attention.

  4. Dennis O'Brien says:

    Attorney General Tom Horne will beat Mark McBronvich, regardless of what slick manipulations Bill McMontgomery engages in. Conservatives are sometimes fooled, but we wise up. Montgomery fooled me once, but won’t again. If McBronvich were to win the primary, we can say hello to Janet Napolitano’s liberal gal pal Felecia Rotellini as the ultimate general election winner.

    Why do you think the AZ Repulsive newspaper keeps hammering Horne? It’s not because they are keen on lobbyist and Brewer’s appointed former state gambling director Bronvich. The editorial board knows Rotellini will slice through him like a hot knife through butter. She’s their ultimate choice!

    • ZOO says:

      Dennis, if you monitor the Libtardian commenters on azcentral, you will see that they already have their plan in place: “vote for Brnovich in the primary, and Rotellini in the general.”

      • Dennis O'Brien says:

        I rarely read the rag and never look at the comments, but what you’re saying isn’t much of a surprise. That’s the liberal game plan. Bill McMontgomery is an ambitious egotist, playing into the left’s high stakes game and should be held responsible if we lose the AG’s race. I’m thoroughly disgusted with his antics.

        Encourage everyone you know to support Tom Horne. He’s the proven conservative in this race. Mark McBronvich is an integral part of the McCain cabal.

  5. Caspar says:

    You can take this to the bank: Montgomery is not going to remain in the county attorney’s post any longer than he needs to in order to have the DC position he actually covets. It all hinges on whether McCain runs again. There will be a free for all as the AZ 4 decide who moves forward. Watch for internecine battles as the clash of egos roils. Montgomery has a military history the others lack and that appeals to McCain. What Montgomery is undoubtedly seeking is the same grand treatment McCain and Kyl gave Jeff Flake, as they worked in tandem to place him in line for Kyl’s senate seat when he retired.

    McCain will be 78 in August and senate terms are six years long. In his 80‘s, he’ll be even more mentally compromised than he already is. He hasn’t the grace to willingly leave. It will either be in a drool stained bathrobe or a box.

    A lot of Republicans and most conservatives have come to despise McCain and his liberal bent. He was overwhelmingly censured by the GOP delegates to the state and Maricopa county conventions and by elected precinct committeemen throughout their districts around Arizona. McCain’s current term ends in 2016, a year that coincides with that of his trainee Montgomery. What a coincidence!

    You can bet their surrogates are having closed door conversations regarding potential scenarios and eventualities.

  6. goodyearconservative says:

    I knew Mark Brnovich was a liberal when he received an endorsement from Jon Kyl. I know Jon Kyl would never endorse anti amnesty candidates like J.D. Hayworth, Wil Cardon and AG Tom Horne.

    I bet as soon as Brnovich gets into the AG office he will look the other way when the illegals come to take over America.

    • American Patriot says:

      For a self described conservative, you make a strange assumption that Bornovich will be elected. Since you say you know he’s a liberal and that Horne is anti-amnesty, why would you conclude that Bornovich will win?

      Vote for the concervative Tom Horne and encourage others to do so and help ensure he wins. If Horne loses the primary to this McKyl and McMontgomery drafted McCain ally, we will get the leftist Democrat for Attorney General. Wise up out there in Goodyear.

  7. East Valley Conservative says:

    You want McMontgomery to “hold himself to standards?” Surely you jest. These days his “standard” consists of holding his finger to the McCain, McKyl and McFlake wind.