U.S. has moral obligation to its citizens to seal the border

Normalization, pathway to citizenship, bring out of the shadows are all code words for amnesty

Immigration is a word that is frequently and intentionally misused. The media and liberal politicians have become adept at using  it to describe the invasion of the United States by illegal aliens who have entered our country by stealth.

And those illegal aliens? Consider yourself forewarned. Even the precisely descriptive term “illegal immigrant,“ by edict of Associated Press, is considered verboten. AP says people are not illegal, only actions are. Foreign nationals are no longer aliens.

Concern about illegals in the U.S. has remained steady according to Gallup polling. Fifty-nine percent of Americans say they worry “a great deal” or “a fair amount” about illegal immigration. This level of concern is typical of what Gallup has measured over the past 17 years, apart from a window between 2006 and 2011 when roughly two-thirds of Americans expressed worry. 79 % of Republicans expressed concern as opposed to 48% of Democrats. What those disparities indicate is worthy of exploration.

This 2014 poll from The Polling Company shows overwhelming support among likely voters for significantly lower immigration levels, increased enforcement and an opposition to (then) Pres. Obama’s plan to move forward with an executive action that could grant amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal aliens. 75% of likely voters want to see more enforcement of immigration laws.

According to a newly released Pew Research Center poll, 65% of Mexicans hold negative views of the United States, though they keep flooding across our border — illegally. What’s the likelihood these mostly uneducated illegals will suddenly integrate into our country, or their protesting children staging school walkouts, demonstrations and making demands  — now claiming DACA status — will become proud, assimilated Americans by virtue of an illegal executive order?

This information provides a backdrop to the current discussions surrounding “normalizing” or ultimately gifting citizenship, (despite President Trump’s protestations to the contrary), to what has been described as “about 800,000” impossible to verify claims of those seeking DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status.

Breitbart News carries 9 lies about DACA Trump is buying into, It‘s chock full of top quality information.

Roy Beck, founder of Numbers USA, has an updated version of his instructive gumballs /immigration video:

8 Responses to U.S. has moral obligation to its citizens to seal the border

  1. Jake sez says:

    Just goes to show you the magnetic draw of government assistance.

    They may not like us but they will grace us with their presence as long as we pay them.

    • MacBeth says:

      Indeed!! They are willing to endure the hardship of our generosity and a much better existence, but mostly refuse to acclimate, preferring too speak Spanish and sue to make sure their kids receive anti-US Mexican studies programs, as we saw in the Tucson Unified School District, where the students burned the former state Superintendent of Public Education in effigy.

  2. Conservative Since Birth says:

    Democrats have made a mess of our immigration system.

    “This bill we sign today is not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not restructure the shape of our daily lives.”

    “So said President Lyndon Johnson at the signing of the Hart-Celler Immigration Bill thirty years ago next month, on Oct. 3, 1965. The legislation, which phased out the national origins quota system first instituted in 1921, created the foundation of today’s immigration law. And, contrary to the president’s assertions, it inaugurated a new era of mass immigration which has affected the lives of millions.” (Sept. 1, 1995 – Center for Immigration Studies)

    Now it’s so far gone, we’re arguing about letting illegal aliens stay in this country who were brought here by their illegal alien parents. We don’t have a secure border. We purposely give taxpayer-paid benefits to illegals. We kowtow to illegal aliens in our public schools. Obama shipped in by train “children” who weren’t invited and scattered them around the country. Who are they? Will they vote in our elections? Will they hate us anyway?

    It’s a pathetic situation we’re in. Republicans today share the blame. Jeb Bush says they come here for love. His brother had a weakness for illegals. He did nothing to secure our border or send them back. Just lip service. The whole subject is frustrating. Nothing meaningful will ever be done.

    • Frankly Speaking says:

      And as much as we conservatives revere Ronald Reagan, he created ongoing havoc by signing the Simpson-Mazzoli bill in 1986, saying it would be a onetime amnesty that would end this nightmare forever. He was conned, and we have been victimized ever since by a continual influx of illegals. Look what happened in the wake of Reagan’s actions. Formerly red California that twice elected him as governor and supported Republican presidential nominees is now solidly blue and run by a lunatic liberal named Jerry Brown, who never saw an illegal he didn’t welcome:

  3. Realist says:

    The key points for all Republicans to focus on are:

    A. We cannot be responsible for the impoverished of the world as Roy Beck so clearly illustrates with his gumballs presentation in the post.

    B. Republican presidents and member of congress need to remember that any actions to grant amnesty (Oops, there’s that pesky word again!!) serves a singular purpose, which is to increase the ranks of the Democrat Party. Hispanics are bonded to the left and will never be grateful to Republicans for caving into their demands. The Dems will increase in numbers while Republicans die a slow death of attrition. We will become the irrelevant party as we aided and abetted the takeover of Socialism, which is what the Democrats of today represent.

  4. Conservative Since Birth says:

    Sorry to change the very serious topic, but this might be of interest to some:

    Meghan McCain to Leave Fox News Channel | Variety

  5. Kimball says:

    Terrorism is front and center today as a firebomb exploded in a district train bound for London. At least 29 people were burned and others trampled as they tried to escape the fireball. I read this was the 5th terror attack in London this past year. France has suffered greatly with homegrown terrorists who have killed and maimed French citizens. Many of the Muslim terrorists are born in the countries to which their parents immigrated and never assimilated. Ditto Germany, where the same is true. But according to the politically correct women in charge, British Prime Minster Theresa May and Germany’s Angela Merkel, they can’t be called out for who they are, even though ISIS has celebrated the massacres and this firebombing.

    For all of his missteps, at least Pres. Trump calls them out for who they are. Cautiousness indicates weakness to these monsters. Good manners have no p;ace in warfare.

  6. Saguaro Sam says:

    No one will talk about the extraordinary measures that had to be taken in Texas and Florida (and to a lesser degree in surrounding affected states) to communicate and provide help for people who STILL do not know how to communicate in English (by their own choice) when the hurricanes were approaching and, then, during the onslaught of the storms.

    There are hundreds of thousands of storm victims who lived on the margin of society, despite all of the politicians’ best efforts to give them the moon and the stars while neglecting American citizens.

    In an emergency, it is not rational to think that a smart phone can send out and translate important information in order to save lives.

    I have often observed hospital patients being asked to sign a consent form for some invasive procedure. In some cases, as in signing patients up for a clinical trial, where the consent is so technical that there is no way to possibly explain it clearly in another language. It’s a legal nightmare.

    Is Ms. McCain and her derriere going to D.C.?
    ASS was scheduled for an MRI this past Monday and I haven’t heard anything about it.
    But Ms. McCain is leaving FOX.
    So the logical explanation would be. . . . .