Claims of sexual harassment reach fever pitch

November 12, 2017

McCain hypocrisy front and center

The newly virulent sexual harassment plague has hit the Arizona State Legislature and Yuma LD 13 Republican Rep. Don Shooter is the latest casualty. And we mean casualty. Mi-Ai Parrish, the publisher of the Arizona Republic, claims he insulted her. He’s dead man walking.

The symptoms are claims of leering eyes accompanied by a mouth capable of uttering perceived insults. As we have witnessed in Alabama with the obscene spectacle accompanying nearly 40-year-old claims now being leveled against former state Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore — currently poised to win the U.S. Senate seat — all hands are on deck to take him out.

Accusations of improprieties are all it takes for reputations to be ruined, jobs lost, and families destroyed. There is no recourse for the accused since the presumption of innocence until proven guilty doesn’t apply.

Politicians — hypocrite John McCain leads the pack —  line up to take whacks at the accused. Media outlets are unable to get their fill of the salacious tidbits, actual or manufactured. Headlines echo themselves day after day.

We don’t presume to know which reports are true and which are contrived.  But there is something disturbing about this scorched earth policy of calling for accused individuals to “resign now!” that has recently reached epidemic proportions. In criminal trials, the burden is on the prosecution to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. That is obviously not the case when establishment politicians want to deny an office to a known conservative.

This rush to judgment brings to mind notorious cases, such as the fallacious rape claims made by Tawana Brawley against 6 innocent men. The hapless Duke University Lacrosse players suffered the same fate until exonerated. Anita Hill, whose lawyer was left-wing politico Janet Napolitano accused Clarence Thomas of harassment in a failed effort to keep him off the U.S. Supreme Court.  Each of those cases had a racial component, giving them even greater victimization status since the accusers were all black females. The reputations of the accused in those cases were irreparably damaged even after  their innocence was proven.

And speaking of McCain, the showboating fraud is all over the news again, railing against Pres. Trump for what McCain characterizes as appearing to accept the word of Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin regarding last year’s election interference.

When Barack Obama was brazenly interfering with the Israeli presidential election and operatives were sent to insure the defeat of Pres. Benjamin Netanyahu, where was McCain?  The usually loquacious McCain was silent.

Phx Veterans Day Parade today, Sat. Nov.11, 11:00 (route included)

November 11, 2017

The Phoenix Veterans Day Parade, celebrating its 21st year, will be presented by “Honoring Arizona’s Veterans” today, Saturday, November 11th, 2017 at 11AM.

The parade route begins at Montebello and Central heading South. It then turns East on Camelback Road, and heads South on 7th Street, concluding at Indian School Road.

Today’s parade will feature 2500 participants with floats, bands and marching units. An estimated 45,000 spectators will be on hand along Parade route. Featured will be eight Veteran Grand Marshals, representing each era of military service from World War II to present day

“M*A*S*H” TV Star Loretta Swit will serve as Celebrity Grand Marshal.

More information is available here.

Magical McCain: Knows the past, foretells the future & Update

November 10, 2017

Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore too conservative for GOP establishment elites who try to take him down

Sex abuse has become the issue of the day. After initial complaints surfaced, emboldening others, allegations about media mogul Harvey Weinstein reached epic proportions. As per the latest script, he checked himself into rehab. We’d already seen this explosive scenario with Bill Cosby as women came forth with their stories. Then came the even more difficult exposés as young boys channeled into the entertainment industry began revealing the abuse by movie celebrities who preferred them to the glamorous females who surrounded them. provides a seemingly endless list of Hollywood celebs who have had allegations made against them.

Now it gets political. Roy Moore, a former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, recently won a hotly contested GOP senate primary runoff election in that state, to succeed Jeff Sessions who is now serving as U.S. Attorney General in the Trump administration.  Appointed Senator Luther Strange lost despite being backed with millions of dollars in support from a Senate PAC aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

“The attempt by the silk-stocking Washington elitists to control the vote of the people of Alabama has failed,” Moore declared on election night.

Maybe. Maybe not. They play hardball and don’t like to lose.

The establishment was none too happy with the election outcome. What better way to take down this strong Christian conservative, who was a Captain in Vietnam after graduating from West Point, and prior to attending law school, than to allege sexual misconduct? It’s the rage.

 The interestingly timed bombshell accusations come from Leigh Corfman, a three-time divorcee so deeply in debt she’s filed for bankruptcy protection on several occasions.  She now claims Moore engaged in “sexual misconduct” with her 38 years ago when she was 14 and Moore was 32. According to her account, there was no actual sexual contact. As a troubled teen from a broken home, she reportedly used drugs and attempted suicide.

But who does John McCain believe? McCain, the self-appointed judge and jury says, “The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they are proud of.”

Our bet is the starkly politically motivated accusations will energize Roy Moore’s supporters.

Surprise!! It turns out Debbie Gibson, one of Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore’s accusers is a dedicated Democrat activist who has worked for the DNC as a sign language interpreter for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. This disclosure was mysteriously missing from the Washington Post’s original report which was heavy with finger-pointing and light on substantiated facts. Gibson worked for Roy Moore’s Democrat opponent, Doug Jones, prior to the accusations becoming public.


US Rep. Andy Biggs recipient of insults — hurled by a jerk

November 9, 2017

Leftist columnist E.J. Montini can’t handle a principled stance 

Those who still read the Arizona Republic are all too aware of its descent into oblivion. Content is flimsy, engineered to appeal to the casual reader seeking entertainment and dining reviews who definitely doesn’t want to be taxed with major issues or the seniors who are the target of the multiple full page hearing aid ads or retirement community inducements. Local news is frequently written by ASU’s Cronkite journalism students who obviously need another semester or two under their belts. National events are filtered through the liberal lens of Associated Press. International issues appear in the USA Today insert. The Hillary-endorsing newspaper’s stock in trade has been its unswerving dedication to battering former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and President Trump.  The overarching policy is amnesty for illegals.

When an issue tugs at its leftwingism, out comes the multifaceted, in-tandem grinding machine including contrived reports, columnists, the cartoonist and the trusty fallback, the editorial page to inflict punishment on the offender.

Now there is a new target. U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs. Prior to being elected to congress in 2016, Biggs represented state Legislative District 22 — running unopposed —- and served as President of the Arizona Senate. Besides being a genuinely decent man, he’s bright. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies, he earned a Master’s degree in political Science, holds a Juris Doctorate, and was licensed to practice in three states before retiring from the practice of law to concentrate on politics. He and his wife have six children.

So what causes him to be the recipient of slings and arrows and held in enough contempt by a marginal, left-wing Republic columnist to be called a “toady” and a “loser“?

Biggs is a principled, conservative. He is also a first-term member of congress.  It’s clear the newspaper thinks it has a better shot at replacing him with a Democrat than more deeply entrenched AZ Congressman Trent Franks (R-CD8), leading to this opening salvo.

According to scrawny liberal columnist E..J. Montini, Biggs has crossed the line in joining with other Congressmen in calling on former FBI director Robert Mueller to acknowledge his obvious conflicts of interest and step down as special counsel in what has become known as the Russian probe.  As FBI director in 2010, Mueller bungled an investigation into Russian bribery and extortion resulting in a deal to purchase 0ne-fifth of the U.S. uranium resources, known as the Uranium One Deal. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was complicit in approving the nefarious deal. The Obama administration Justice Department sat on information for four years and silenced a whistle-blower who tried to alert Congress to the questionable activity.

Montini’s “loser” description is his attempt at sarcasm stemming from the fact that Biggs once won the Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes, but is a political loser for challenging the integrity of an Obama administration official.

D.R.E.A.M. Act morphs into dreamy amnesty, Part II

November 8, 2017

Illegal’s impossible to verify claims set stage for nightmare rather than dream

If you’re looking for support of amnesty or full-blown citizenship for illegal aliens who have invaded the United States, The Periódico de la República de Arizona (AZ Republic newspaper) never disappoints. The editorial board would feature this issue on a daily basis if other national and local priorities didn’t occasionally raise their pesky heads.

The most recent foray comes packaged as a demand to congress. “Enough politics. Pass the Dream Act now.” The only item missing is a declarative exclamation point. Let’s begin with the soft word “Dream” contrived to induce warm sympathetic responses to what is now estimated to be about a million illegals claiming they were brought here as young children by their invader parents.  There is no way to accurately verify their claims. The Dream Act is toothless and requires incomprehensible naiveté on the part of those being asked to condone its provisions.

There is no need for SRAZ to reinvent the wheel where this Democrat Party expansion lunacy is concerned. For the best response, we’re reprising a previous post written after the Nov. 2016 presidential election, but prior to Donald Trump‘s inauguration. Please  reacquaint yourself with these truths:

Once upon a time — in 2001 — we first heard of something known as the D.R.E.A.M. Act. The acronym stood for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors. It was introduced as S.1291. The 2002 bill was drafted before the speech police ruled the words “illegal” and “alien” unacceptable, so they were used extensively throughout the bill.

The D.R.E.A.M. Act was a liberal dream come true, a warm and fuzzy piece of legislation lacking any means of verification while permanently swelling the ranks of the Democrat Party.

Those applying for the gift of U.S. citizenship need only affirm they were 16 years of age or younger when they initially entered the United States and are currently 35 years of age or younger. They have to declare that they have been persons of good moral character since initially being brought to the U.S. as children by their parents — illegally. Verifying how many came as babes in arms or ably propelled themselves over the border last year at age 34 is impossible to substantiate.

Along the way those hoping to access the overly generous provisions of the D.R.E.A.M. Act, simply became known by the sympathy provoking term, “Dreamers.” They are no longer “alien minors,” but merely those requiring compassion. There are consequences to this massive scale manipulation and the victims are not the illegals, but our own American citizen children.

The so-called “Dreamers” represent a dual assault on law-abiding, taxpaying American citizens and legal immigrants, since public universities grant illegals in-state tuition. American parents who send their children to out-of-state colleges have to pay higher tuition than illegals.

Most importantly, this scam results in illegals taking the limited number of spaces available for students at public universities, crowding out deserving American students and eventually competing with them in the job market.

Any illegal who claims they entered the U.S. before they were 16 years old and have lived here for at least five years can gain legal residence and ultimately citizenship merely by graduating high school, attending two years of college or entering the military. But even those requirements can be waived if they would cause “hardship.”

The biggest winners of this reckless lunacy will be the millions of illegals whose status is legitimized, and universities striving to enhance their numbers of Hispanic undergrads to 25 percent in order to qualify for a $1 billion fund set up by the Department of Education forHispanic Serving Institutions.” Over a dozen Arizona schools are on the notorious list.

President-elect Donald Trump has stated he will terminate DACA, (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), an executive action signed into law by Obama in 2012. It provides an exemption from deportation and a renewable two-year work permit. 

Let’s be clear. ‘Dreamers’ are dreaming of one thing: Stealth Amnesty. They are being aided and abetted by the Arizona Board of Regents and the Phoenix Union High School District, funded by citizen’s tax dollars while creating impediments to our own kids.

Race baiting Dem Ralph Northam elected VA Governor

November 7, 2017

We’ve all seen the despicable campaign ad depicting a driver in his pickup truck, flying a confederate flag, with a ‘Gillespie for Governor‘bumper sticker on the back. The truck sports a ‘Don’t tread on Me” license plate as it careens down a roadway, appearing to try to mow down minority children.

In a race that was neck-in-neck as the returns first came in, Ed Northam, an ally of Barack Obama, pulled ahead in the Northern Virginia outskirts of Washington, DC. after shamelessly linking Gillespie with white supremacists. The final unofficial results are Northam 53% to Gillespie’s 45%.

Titled “American Nightmare,” the ad, released by the left-wing group Latino Victory Fund has been airing through Election Day on Spanish-language stations in key Democrat strongholds.

Obama’s former Attorney General Eric Holder’s group the National Democratic Redistricting Committee has pumped over a $1 million into the Virginia governor’s race to ensure Democrat’s redistricting efforts in advance of the 2020 Census.

Let’s hope Republicans are paying rock solid attention and are engaged in more worthwhile pursuits than fighting President Trump, as John McCain and Jeff Flake, Arizona’s pathetic excuses for U.S. Senators are doing.

Sen. Rand Paul’s condition more serious than first reported

November 7, 2017

The horrific church massacre in Texas grabbed the nation’s attention over the weekend, relegating the contemptible and vicious assault of Sen. Rand Paul to an auxiliary position. It is anything but minor.

To recap: The Kentucky Senator was wearing headphones and mowing his front lawn when his next-door neighbor, Rene Albert Boucher came onto his property and according to the state Troopers who responded to the scene, “intentionally assaulted” Sen. Paul.

The Republican senator, 54, suffered five rib fractures, including three displaced fractures and bruised lungs. Originally reported as “minor injuries,” the extent of his condition was clarified by his senior advisor, who released a statement saying, 

“Displaced rib fractures can lead to life threatening injuries such as far more serious, hemopneumothorax, pneumothorax, pneumonia, internal bleeding, laceration of internal organs and lung contusions. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying.”

Boucher, a Democrat, was arrested and charged with fourth-degree assault after he tackled Paul from behind. 

In Kentucky, fourth-degree assault is a Class A misdemeanor in which a person intentionally or wantonly causes physical injury to another person. It is punishable by up to 12 months in jail and a fine. Felony assault charges are dependent on the extent of a victim’s injuries. Boucher could face additional charges because assaulting a member of Congress is a federal crime.

Assailant Boucher, 59, a retired anesthesiologist and pain specialist and Sen. Paul, an ophthalmologist, have been neighbors in a gated community for 17 years.  

Evil strikes Sunday worshippers, left places blame 

November 6, 2017

Atheist killer’s former in-laws attended the church

According to reports, a 26-year-old coward named Devin Patrick Kelley entered First Baptist Church in the small town of Sutherland Springs, Texas as the congregation of 50 was at prayer.

Wearing full combat gear, this monster mowed down the worshippers, slaughtering at least 26 and wounding 20 others, including children and a pregnant woman.

A former Air Force airman, Kelley was court martialed, served a year in the brig and was dishonorably discharged for assaulting his wife and child in 2012.

As he tried to flee the scene, two heroic men pursued the murderous assailant, alerting authorities during the chase. When the killer tried to run from his crashed car, one of the men drew his legal firearm on Kelley, who died at the scene. It is unclear whether the man’s weapon took Kelley’s life.

Leftists are once again politicizing carnage, blaming Republicans and calling for “gun control,” while conspicuously disregarding the fact that it was armed courageous neighbors who tracked the murderer down as he attempted to escape.

In Dec. 2012, we posted Dem gun hypocrites, which exposes liberal double standards.

Will they next be calling for bans on pressure cookers and rented trucks from Home Depot?


Weekly Standard gives cover to Jeff Flake — literally & figuratively

November 5, 2017

In recent years, magazines have had a tough time, with many of them folding. News magazines are especially hard hit since the latest information is readily available in your pocket. Digital delivery has dramatically altered the dissemination of news. This fact is woefully evident in the October 30, 2017 issue of The Weekly Standard. Given the time consuming nature of writing, printing and mailing, the latest issue is filled with old news by the time it reaches the mailbox. We’re talking postal delivery, not email.

Case in point is the Weekly Standard cover story titled, “Is there room for Jeff Flake in Donald Trump’s GOP?”

Senior writer John McCormack is obviously a Flake fan, which means he’s likely an eastern liberal. If he had his finger more firmly on the pulse of Arizona conservatives, his article would have been less fawning and more factual. But then again, preceding the 2016 election, he authored a report, “How Trump can be stopped.” He was wrong then, and he’s wrong now. Donald Trump was victorious over 16 other GOP primary candidates, vanquished scandal-plagued Hillary Clinton, and now sits in the Oval Office.

The current article could have been written last year, since it missed Jeff Flake’s showboating senate speech opting out of his reelection bid. He tried to configure his decision based on not being able to be “complicit” with President Trump, when in fact he was trailing family practice physician and former two term state senator Dr. Kelli Ward, a principled conservative, by hefty double digits in recent polls.

The author gives Flake undeserved kudos for “cutting pork,” which was Flake’s initial theme to get elected. How does this square with Flake’s ongoing amnesty for illegals bent? According to this Fox News report the estimated yearly financial burden to American citizens is $135 billion.

McCormack‘s screed is filled with errors. We’ll stick with the most glaringly twisted. In describing Flake’s initial senate run in 2012,  he plays fast and loose with the facts, using these well-chosen words:  “Five short years ago, Flake cruised to victory in his first GOP Senate primary with nearly 70 percent of the vote.” What McCormack fails to relate is that Flake won the General Election by a razor-thin 3 points over George W. Bush’s former U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona a registered Independent until he ran for retiring Jon Kyl’s open seat as a newly minted Democrat. Carmona’s background is compelling. Rising from a high school dropout raised on the tough streets of NYC’s Harlem, to a stint in the Army, where he earned his GED. He later became a police officer, a nurse and finally a surgeon and professor of medicine at the University of Arizona.  Along the way Carmona earned a Masters and PhD. He received the Purple Heart in recognition of  his combat actions in Vietnam.

And Jeff Flake? Aside from a career feeding at the public trough, he served a short time as director of the libertarian, not conservative, Goldwater Institute. Prior to his overly long political career — he reneged on his pledge to serve 3 two-year terms — Flake worked as a lobbyist and registered foreign agent for Rossing Uranium, one of the world’s largest suppliers of nuclear fuel,  operating mines in the African country of Namibia. Flake earned a substantial salary opening doors in D.C. and promoting the firm which had deep financial ties to Iran.

Though McCormack mentions others who are considering entering the senate race, he neglects to reveal they are all tied to John McCain, the self-declared “maverick” who arrogantly ran for a sixth, six-year senate term at age 81. Now suffering from what his Mayo doctors refer to as an aggressive form of brain cancer, he continues to sick his finger in President Trump’s eye. In so doing, he insults the rest of us who voted for the man who is working to keep his campaign promises, despite as much opposition from Republicrat contrarians as from the liberals who don’t want Trump to succeed.

Traitor Bergdahl given slap on the wrist for desertion

November 4, 2017

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl who voluntarily deserted his post in Afghanistan in 2009, has received what amounted to a slap on the wrist for his abominable actions.  Despite the fact that Bergdahl caused serious harm to the lives of his fellow soldiers who went searching for him, military judge, Army Col. Jeffery R. Nance, has only demoted him and given him a dishonorable discharge. Bergdahl could have faced life in prison. The death penalty hasn’t been imposed for desertion since the 1940’s.

Barack Obama, president at the time, arranged a prisoner swap in 2014, to gain the release of deserter Bergdahl from Taliban captivity, approving an exchange of five high ranking Taliban militants being held at Guantanamo Bay. Obama’s decision triggered an intense backlash from soldiers who view Bergdahl as a traitor for abandoning his post.

Who can forget Obama’s meeting with Bergdahl’s parents (video) in the White House Rose Garden, where the traitor’s father, sporting an Islamic beard, spoke an Arabic message to his son and was hugged by Obama?

According to the Articles of the Military Code of Justice (UCMJ) unauthorized absence from the military falls under three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ): Article 85, Desertion; Article 86, AWOL; and Article 87, Missing Movement. Of the three, desertion is the most serious offense.

 UCMJ is a federal law enacted by Congress that governs the military justice system. Its provisions are contained in United States Code, Title 10, Chapter 47.