AZ MC GOP turns out in force prior to midterms

Republican Maricopa County elected precinct committeemen assembled over 1,400 strong (in person and by proxy) Saturday for their mandatory meeting, presided over by chairman Chris Herring. In addition to voting on bylaws amendments, resolutions and electing five members-at-large, the gathering provided a showcase for candidates and elected officials to see and be seen. Nominating petitions and pens got a workout, with earnest handshaking in abundance. This is the foreplay to the 2018 election cycle, which is guaranteed to be unlike any other in memory.

Arizona is staring both of its U.S. Senate seats in the eyes, as Jeff Flake, seeing his bottom-dragging polling numbers in the wake of his repeated attacks on President Trump, has decided to take himself out of the race, rather than be unceremoniously kicked to the curb by the electorate he’s enflamed with his sneering insolence directed at the Republican president. John McCain is battling what has been described as an “aggressive” form of brain cancer, first revealed in July 2017. He’s been undergoing debilitating treatment and few expect him to return to Washington.

 U.S. Rep. Trent Franks (CD 8) on the heels of an abrupt retirement was no where in sight, but was the recipient of hearty applause as District 4 County Supervisor Clint Hickman reminded those in attendance that he deserved thanks for his years of service.  At last count, Arizona was closing in on two senate vacancies and one in the U.S. House prompting numerous candidates to announce.

 Taking to the podium were Gov. Doug Ducey, U.S. Reps. Andy Biggs (CD-5), Paul Gosar (CD-4) and David Schweikert (CD-6). County Attorney Bill Montgomery, County Assessor Paul Peterson, County School Superintendent, Steve Watson, and Chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Steve Chucri all gave speeches — strictly limited to 2 minutes. Clerk of the Superior Court, Michael Jeanes, surprised many with his announced intention to retire after two decades, effective Feb. 5.  Gov. Ducey will appoint his successor.

Schmoozing outside the auditorium, were Martha McMcSally, who bungled into the senate race with her bizarre Friday announcement telling the GOP to “grow a pair of ovaries.” Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, also newly announced in the senate race, was frequently surrounded by groupies and reporters.  Conservative Dr. Kelli Ward maintained a dominant presence, with abundant signs and volunteers circulating nominating petitions.

But the most telling segment, taking the pulse on the mood of the day was the speech by Member-at-Large candidate Joe Neglia, who tossed the routine, “I will work hard for you” speech in favor of asking the assembled committeemen if they were happy with Sen. Jeff Flake’s donation to the Democrat in the Alabama senate race, if they liked Flake pushing for the confirmation of an Obama nominated Democrat to the U.S. Supreme Court, and if they liked Jeff Flake routinely tearing down Pres. Trump.  His questions were met with loud replies of, “No!!” The same negative response followed his question concerning John McCain voting with the Democrats to retain Obamacare. Neglia followed that by questioning the silence on these treacherous acts from the state GOP chairman.

Joe Neglia won — both in winning a MAL seat and in capturing the frustration of political conservatives who loyally volunteer for the Republican Party.

15 Responses to AZ MC GOP turns out in force prior to midterms

  1. Arizona Conservative Guy says:

    This meeting ran more smoothly than previous ones where ballot tabulation and lengthy speeches made the meetings run late into the afternoon and many people left before the run-off elections concluded. Voting is now done on cell phones and computers made available to those without smart phones.

    The speech by Joe Neglia was outstanding!! He told it like it is, and everyone in the auditorium knew it.

  2. happyvalleypc says:

    Yes, Joe Neglia was elected as a Member-at-Large; no, he wasn’t the highest vote getter. Neglia was elected on the second or third round of voting. The highest vote getter, and the only one elected on the first round, was Monica Yelin who leads Latinas for Trump.

  3. State Committeeman says:

    The Arizona Republican Party hierarchy is not representative of the grassroots base, who are overwhelmingly conservative and turned out by the thousands to see candidate Donald Trump in 2016 and still populate his rallies now that he’s President of the United States.

    The disconnect is pathetic. McCain and Flake have been the darlings of the RINO Party. I stopped donating to the AZ GOP years ago. Now I only support conservative candidates, by giving them money. Why would I filter it through the party that doesn’t represent me?

    • Kathy says:

      Yet still no response from the McCain camp. Why?? Because McCain worked with Hillary whom he adores. Snakes inter-twined.

  4. VINOAZ says:

    Latinas for Trump has a really good ring to it. Some of those great grass root conservatives need to rise up to leadership and lead the party out of the abyss.

  5. Trevor says:

    Can someone tell Arpaio to drop out of the Senate race he is hurting Kelli Ward’s chances!

    • State Committeeman says:

      I hate to say it, but maybe that’s the point. Joe was a terrific sheriff, but he’s now showing himself to be the Clair Van Steenwyk (SPOILER) of this extremely important race. I’m very disappointed in his actions. At 85, he should know better. Egotism is a disease. We’re going to see such frationalized votes that Liberal, self disclosed bisexual atheist, Krysten Sinema will be the victor.
      Jimmmie Lee Deakin and Alex Meluskey played the same fetid role, helping to elect McCain. They are so self absorbed they are oblivious to the damage they cause the state of Arizona and ultimately the entire nation.

      • Trevor says:

        I can’t stress enough why we can’t elect Sinema to the Senate she could go back to her old communist ways back in the State Senate.

  6. Saguaro Sam says:


    For months, the lunatics and lefties called Trump “Hitler”.

    Then, Trump announced that he was moving the U.S embassy to Jerusalem.
    Not exactly something that Hitler would do.

    So, now, Flake (doing his very best to imitate McAss) is calling Trump “Stalin”.

    Countdown. It’s heating up re: the McAss/Fusion GPS connection.
    When will we learn that he’s been admitted to a hospital (to garner some sympathy)?

  7. PC and State Committeeman says:

    Well folks, esp those who post incessantly, IT’S time to stand up and be heard and run for Party offices. Joe is an outstanding constitutional patriot but he can’t do it alone. Hopefully he will have the aid of two of the newly elected MALs and possibly a third ie Yelin a young Latina who can be a vital member as long as she doen’t tow the county establishment line. There are many who post on all the sites who are nothing more than keyboard activists time to put your actions where your keyboards have been. IN USE!!!!!
    NOW is the time to consider taking back the Party and running for county and state in 2019. Or consider the city councils, state legislature. IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

  8. Parliamentary Procedure in Action says:

    Good article. Thankfully, it looked like the folks running the meeting were very sensitive to following the rules this time. BTW, the whole meeting got captured on tape here:

    Or you can skip to Joe Neglia’s speech mentioned above:

    • Frankly Speaking says:

      Great! A true conservative voice that holds the establishment’s feet to the fire….PUBLICLY!!!! I hope Joe Neglia stays on the issues and ultimately runs for public office. Would love to see him in the state legislature.