Will Gov. Ducey gift his former boss AZ Senate job?

Questions swirl around McCain’s senate seat as Arizonans go unrepresented

The bony fingers of speculation have splayed past the rumor mill stage. The word in political circles is that Gov. Doug Ducey is looking to cook his own career. The fire has been lit and the cauldron is bubbling.

He certainly did his political aspirations no favor when he acquiesced to the extortionist tactics of the threatening unionist teachers who abandoned more than 840,000 public school students for a week as they went on strike, marched, took over legislative chambers, danced and played musical instruments while demanding a whopping 20 percent pay hike. When he gave in to their outrageous whims, he then insulted the rest of us by saying he accomplished this feat without raising taxes. That’s a bet worth taking. Teachers have since filed a ballot initiative to permanently raise taxes “on the rich,” for even more money, proving negotiations with those employing extremist tactics is flawed policy.

Now Ducey’s adding insult to injury by doing nothing to quell the speculation that he’s giving serious consideration to appointing his onetime boss to fill the senate seat that has been held far too long by dodgy John McCain, 81, who runs as a Republican while colluding and voting with the most liberal Democrats. The fact that McCain counts Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin and a host of others going back to Ted Kennedy as his cronies, speaks not to negotiating but to conniving collusion with the extreme left since he was first elected 36 years ago.

But first, a key piece of history. When Doug Ducey initially arrived in Arizona in 1983 to attend ASU, he worked at Hensley & Co., the Anheuser-Busch distributorship owned by Cindy Lou Hensley McCain.

Conservative US does a fine job of describing the behind the scenes machinations to hoist Cindy McCain to the U.S. Senate.  And Doug Ducey? He’ll be repaying a favor to his former employer Cindy Hensley McCain.  Her husband, John, was instrumental in setting Ducey on his political path and they have remained close fiends.

Appointing Cindy Lou would ensure a continuance of what we’ve gotten for nearly 4 decades from her duplicitous husband. It’s past time for a change.

The governor’s automated phone number is (602) 542-4331. You don’t get a live person. Leave a message and let him know you want a change.  A real change. Another McCain is more of the same.

14 Responses to Will Gov. Ducey gift his former boss AZ Senate job?

  1. Frankly Speaking says:

    I agree that if Ducey appoints Cindy McCain to fill the remainder of her husband’s term, it will be the end of Ducey’s career. Many of us are less than thrilled with his antics as they related to the teacher’s pay increase. I hope Ken Bennett was able to get his petitions filled, so there is another GOP option.

    Somehow glossed over whenever Cindy McCain is mentioned, is the fact that she was an addict who stole prescription painkillers from her own charity the American Voluntary Medical Team. It was founded to bring emergency medical care to the impoverished in remote foreign villages. Cindy was investigated by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. Had she been anyone else other than an heiress married to a powerful Senator and without a willing media to buy her manufactured story put together by John McCain‘s trusted aide, things would have turned out very differently for her. This 1999 report is worth reading.

  2. Saguaro Sam says:

    On June 2, 2018, there will be a Republican candidates forum at the Briarwood Country Club, which is located at 20800 135th Avenue,
    Sun City West, AZ. 2 pm to 5 pm Q&A time is scheduled.

    I am told that Dr. Kelli Ward will be there, along with many R candidates who are running for county, State, and national office. Martha McSally will NOT be there. “scheduling conflict”

    Gov. Ducey has failed to respond to many communications sent to him by a woman who has worked tirelessly over the years for the AZGOP. She told me that, over the past several months, she has called; emailed; faxed, texted to the Gov and his staff.
    NO REPLY.Get the picture?

    Meanwhile, some very interesting info on Ms. Bud and her fam:





    Cindy McCain’s half-sister appeals to be acknowledged
    August 20, 2008 —
    When Cindy McCain talks about growing up, she usually refers to herself as an “only child” — a phrase that ignores the existence of her half-sisters.
    “It’s terribly painful,” Kathleen Hensely Portalski said. “It is as if she is the ‘real’ daughter. I am also a real daughter.”

    Portalski and McCain are both children of the late Jim Hensley, the Arizona businessman who founded one of the largest beer distributorships in the nation. Kathleen, 65, is the product of Hensley’s first marriage in the 1930s to Mary Jeanne Parks. Hensley divorced Parks for Marguerite (Smitty) Johnson, whom he met at a West Virginia hospital in World War II and married in 1945. Cindy was born nine years later.

    The half-sisters had little contact growing up and have not spoken since Hensley’s funeral in 2000. In his will, he left just $10,000 to his older daughter; Cindy inherited her father’s multimillion-dollar fortune.

    Portalski said she stood quietly by for decades while her father lavished attention on his second family. But the past few months — with Cindy McCain’s repeated references to being her father’s only child — finally became too much. “I was his family, too,” she said from Phoenix.

    Cindy McCain has another half-sister, Dixie Burd, by a previous relationship. Burd could not be reached for comment.
    The McCain campaign has been tight-lipped about the expanded family tree: “Mrs. McCain was raised as the only child of Jim and Marguerite Hensley, and there was no familiar relationship with any other sibling,” it said.

    Portalski said that all she wants is for the McCains to apologize and acknowledge her family.
    (Since you asked: Yes, they’re Democrats.) “He was my father, too. I don’t know why even now he cannot be a part of my life.”

    Archive offline if you are interested in referencing any of the material. As with so much about these people, things seem to disappear from the internet.
    Never been held accountable for anything.

  3. Arizona Conservative Guy says:

    Another fine post, SRAZ ! I would have called it “comprehensive,” but that sounds too much like the swag used by McCain, Kyl, Flake et al for their “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is nothing less than the gift of full blown amnesty and eventual citizenship for America’s invaders.

    I voted for Donald trump in large part because he promised to build a border wall. I hope to see it in my lifetime.

  4. Observer says:

    John, Cindy and daughter Meghan each declared they would not vote for Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, who carried Arizona and the bulk of the nation to victory in 2016. Who would Cindy represent? Surely not me or the others who voted for Pres. Trump.

  5. jojo says:

    McCain & Cindy followed in her fathers footsteps – democrat. Hensley knew “songbird” would never be elected on the D. ticket so they switched to R. SOS Do NOT vote for McSally just another McCain bought & paid for open borders #nevertrumper. Kelli Ward is the only one. You deplorables get up off your butts and make it happen.

    • Anthem Al says:

      I just head a poll on this senate race and McSally is said to
      be ahead. I was listening to KFYI 960AM. Didn’t hear who conducted the poll which is important.

      In any event, you’re right! We’ve got to get behind Kelli Ward. She’s got what it takes to represent us in DC. It’s been too long since any AZ Senator has. She needs donations to stay viable. McSally is McCain’s choice. We’ve got to be smarter than falling into that trap.

  6. Anthem Al says:

    If Gov. Ducey actually fulfills what the rumor mill is stating as accurate, he has no idea of what an angry response really is. He placated the rioting teachers with taxpayer dollars and still they are not satisfied. We will not be so easily cajoled.

    (BTW, our daughter and son-in-law took their three kids out of the neighborhood school they attended and home schooled them for the last weeks. They have already enrolled them in a highly rated Charter School for the coming year.)

    Cindy McCain is no more equipped to be a Untied States Senator than my wife’s conceited Siamese cat, Lulu. This appointment would be the ultimate affront to the Republicans Ducey needs if he runs again.

  7. Clementine says:

    Didn’t know about the longstanding Ducey – McCain connection. It’s inconceivable to me that Ducey would be that foolish. But then again…… I’m never surprised by the lack of judgment exhibited by egocentric politicians.

  8. Doc says:

    Called…left message…Great Post, SRAZ!

    • Seeing Red AZ says:

      Thanks, Doc. You’ve been a valued reader since our earliest days. June 23 will mark the beginning of SRAZ’s 13th year..

    • Observer says:

      What a shame that the Arizona Governors Office doesn’t even have a live person taking calls. Maybe Ducey can get Cindy Lou to pay the paltry salary of a ninth floor operator. Better yet, he can work his magical economics that paid for the teacher’s raises without raising taxes and pay for a receptionist.

  9. Kathy says:

    I sent Ducey an email the other day on this very topic. My question to him was how much is Soros paying him to appoint Cindy to replace songbird? Then listed the numerous lies by this NOT honorable man. To date no response from the Gov. And I am not expecting one – that’s how cowards play.

  10. Jake sez says:

    Heard on the radio this AM that Gov Ducey has stated that Senator McCain will be our senator unit 2020. He is not going to appoint Cindy McCain to take his place. He finally woke up to the clamor from the conservative mob about appointing a wife or friend as the new senator. Now, if McCain does pass away who will he appoint to fill out his term? Back to square one.

    • Braveheart says:

      It’s not “If,” it’s “when.”
      John McCain is in the final stages of terminal brain cancer and his family has already acknowledged he had planned his own funeral, excluding Pres. Trump, of course. He will not finish out 2018, let alone be there until 2020. Arizona has had no representation in the US Senate for a very long time.
      We deserve better.