Martha Mc…McCain outed by Republic’s Montini

Martha McSally: Another deceptive McCain protégé

SRAZ has been referring to Martha McSally as Sally McCain since her entry into Arizona’s U.S. Senate race. It appears the Arizona Republic’s emaciated, far left columnist E. J. Montini has been reading our posts.

Don’t mistake his outing her as the latest version of John McCain’s Primary Election flipping and General Election flopping on border issues, indicates he’s seen the light and has gone conservative.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Montini, an unrepentant liberal, is hoping whatever he does will help boost radical extremist Kyrsten Sinema, newly revamped and posing as an “independent problem solver,” into Arizona’s open U.S. Senate seat.

Longtime readers will remember when now-lame duck Jeff Flake, followed his McMentor’s same deceptive path to office in 2011. Flake’s double talk threw Republic then-editorialist Doug MacEachern into such a tailspin he declared Flake to be a mere “politician” — no longer a “statesman.”

In 2010 campaign mode, McCain strolled the border with then-Pinal County Sheriff Babeu, who after hearing McCain’s feigned declaration of commitment tocomplete the danged fence, solemnly stated, “Senator, you’re one of us”—  leading many to wonder what the actual inference was.

In a recent Glamour magazine interview McCain’s Trump-hating daughter, Meghan, was quoted as saying of her seriously ill father, “I’m scared of America without him.”

Americans who believe border security is national security, have been equally frightened of her father’s decades long promotion of amnesty for illegal alien invaders. 

We were stunned by his involvement in the now discredited “dossier” intended to take down President Trump, which he hand-delivered to then-FBI Director James Comey, while acting in concert with Hillary Clinton‘s campaign.

It was shocking to see a sitting U.S. Senator posing with Syrian rebels who became the leaders of ISIS — referring to them as “freedom fighters.”  But without Joe Lieberman to point out the differences, Dad was clearly at a disadvantage. 

McCain and McSally are interchangeable.

Vote principled conservative Dr. Kelli Ward for U.S. Senate.  It’s time for a real change.

18 Responses to Martha Mc…McCain outed by Republic’s Montini

  1. Former GOP PC says:

    Your response to Meghan McCain’s fears for America without her father, is priceless. You nailed RepublicRAT McCain on topic after topic. He used our party to advance himself and his far left agenda. He has stood with the democrats on issue after issue and was never called out for his defections by the limp-wristed “leaders” of the AZ Republican Party. RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniels tried, in vane, to rein in Jeff Flake. State chairs Robert Graham and his successor/toady Jonathan Lines have shamefully remained silent.

    John McCain, working with a wealthy San Francisco Obama donor went after hard working conservatives within the Republican Party targeting elected (but unpaid) precinct committeemen for removal and replacing them with with his stooges who never lifted a finger to advance GOP candidates and never attended district meetings. He never cared about the party apparatus, since his money has always come from lobbyists. That’s the power of incumbency.

    My wife and I, elected and dedicated PCs for many years, were kicked to the curb by McCain recruits.

    Here’s clear evidence of his despicable actions:

    • State Delegate says:

      Former GOP PC,
      You stole my thunder. Everything you say is true. It was appalling that the state GOP did nothing in the wake of the wholesale unloading of conservative precinct committeemen. Many were replaced by Vietnamese who buy into McCain;s self constructed, heroic image. In my district not a single one of them ever attended a monthly district meeting or did anything to aid the candidates, which is a fundamental duty of committeemen. They did not “run” again, leaving vacancies, but recruited McCainiacs have filled them.

      It’s a damn shame that conservatives have had to wage campaigns to keep their unpaid posts that require dedicated effort on behalf of a party that disregards them. Printing postcards and mailing them to every household in the precincts is costly and tie consuming.

      BTW, Jon Kyl also engaged in this identical manipulation of the grassroots base when he was an AZ Senator. He sent out slick, glossy mailers just as McCain’s operatives did. Don’t know what goes on in the East Valley, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Jeff Flake engaged in the same purge of conservatives.

      • State Delegate says:

        Forgot to add that John McCain, colluding with Democrat Senators, also targeted Tea Party members for IRS scrutiny. Remember Lois Lerner’s testimony where she had to admit the truth?

    • Saguaro Sam says:

      Why do you think that Trump makes it a point to draw attention to him at the recent political rallies? Trump tells the crowd about the changes in Obamacare and how they almost got it totally repealed except for ‘one man’ who at the very last minute (then Trump does a thumb’s down motion, like McCain did on that infamous night). Trump has done this 3 times in the past week.
      He is messaging the son of Cain, who is deeply, heavily, totally involved in the steele dossier/FISA collusion.
      That’s exactly why Trump, at a political rally not long ago, mentioned, seemingly out of the blue, Montenegro. And that Montenegro might start a war. The leaders of that tiny country were perplexed, as was the MSM who have no impetus to question such a remark.

      It’s specifically because Trump knew exactly where he was (overseas) and why he left in a dam big hurry to go to London.
      London, which is covered, blanketed with CCTV cameras.

  2. Saguaro Sam says:

    To SRAZ and those who visit this site:

    RE AZ Governor’s Office

    This story appeared on yesterday:

    You need to be aware of who is funding this local radical.

    A guy named Steyer, a shady multi-billionaire who made his $$ in
    oil and coal. (China, China, China)
    Steyer Hates Trump and has been actively trolling him, of late.
    Has vowed to spend a billion dollars to turn the USA blue (meaning socialist). Spends most of his time in California and good buddy to Obama.

    I will link info on Steyer in the “Reply” area.

    Cannot stress enough the DIRE situation AZ would find itself in
    should this radical become our governor.
    (and you know that the AZTwinSens are chomping at the bit to sell US out)

    Please pass this info on to those who love our Country.

    • terry dudas says:

      I read that Breitbart article yesterday, and it gave me goose pimples. I am very alarmed for AZ, and for this country. David Garcia is a wicked man.

  3. Saguaro Sam says:

    Here’s just a tidbit of info on the hateful Steyer

    Please pass this on.

  4. durabo says:

    No McCain need apply, whether a Cindy, Meghan or Sally. Arizona cannot suffer the embarrassment of still ANOTHER RINOlshevik representing the state in the US Senate.

  5. Jig says:

    Arizona will and will deserve to be the laughing stock of the Red states if we end up with 2 lesbians as US Senators….forget about that one is a communist as well. What a terrible web we weave!

    • Realist says:

      California has LegoLand. Arizona could be known as LesboLand. Let’s not forget Janet Napolitano, when factoring in these shims.

      • Jig says:

        I think the Republican nominee should then make the voters of Arizona aware that Sinema was the sex partner of choice for Big Sis Napolitano!

  6. Michael Schmitz says:

    If you liked MeCain
    Who is a shame
    You’ll love McSilly
    But Ward is the real dealy

  7. Jig says:

    Is there any word on McCain’s condition and more thoughts on what Ducey will do afterward?

    • Realist says:

      McCain’s office stopped providing updates on his condition months ago. His Mayo Clinic doctors are silent. Meghan and Cindy send out messages that he’s responding well to physical therapy. They must think we’re all fools. Brain cancer is not arthritis. Physical therapy doesn’t compute in this case.

      They want us to believe that he is busying himself sending out press releases and attending to his Twitter account, as if we didn’t realize that his staff has no other duties to perform to earn their salaries and he is seriously ill.

      Meanwhile, John McCain has reportedly been planning his own funeral, including not allowing President Trump to attend. That must be a relief to the president.

      McDucey can kiss his future political aspirations goodbye if he appoints a McCain to the senate. McCain will cling to that office as long as his gnarly fingers can still grasp. He and Ruth Bader Ginsburg think they are irreplaceable. It’s a belief long held by liberals. I read the same thing about Franklin Roosevelt. The country not only survived,but actually prospered, after he was gone.

  8. mike bertocchi says:

    Many of us believe that the entrance of Joe Arpaio into the senate race was more a blocking action by the McCain establishment against Kelli Ward than a desire to see Joe as a senator. These people, the McCain people, will be with us until we pull them out of power by the roots.

    • State Committeeman says:

      Are you kidding? McCain and his establishment cronies despise Joe Arpaio. They are amnesty supporters. Joe believes in secure borders. They hate Trump. Joe Arpaio is a Trump supporter.

      No one who knows the relationship between the McCain cabal and Joe Arpaio would ever hold such a skewed view.

      I agree that Arpaio is a good man, but at age 86, he’s had his day in the sun. Kelli Ward gets my vote — not because of McCain, but despite him. Arpaio has NEVER been aligned with McCain.

    • Sam Fox says:

      I received a ‘support me Sam’ message from Sherriff Joe. This is my response–

      “PLEASE! Sherriff Joe—Don’t take votes away from Kelli Ward! Please do the right thing for AZ & the USA! Drop out & endorse & support Dr. Ward. Such a grand sacrifice on your part will be well received in Arizona & by conservatives in the rest of the nation. Perhaps another run when RINO-CINO McCain’s spot is vacated would be a good choice.

      If you get RINO-CINO McSally nominated by siphoning votes from DR. Ward…then

      YOU Sir, will have caused a fake conservative to replace a real conservative because, with respect, you cannot win at this point. If you get McSally nominated, Mr. Trump will have another Dimm or RINO-CINO (McSally) obstructionist to contend with. If that happens because your pride is greater than your patriotism, that stubbornness will definitely NOT be smiled upon in Arizona or national conservative circles, though you WILL be a hero to the left. And pretty much finished on the right.

      As you say Sir, Mr. Trump doesn’t owe you anything. But you owe him! You can repay Mr. Trump by ensuring as much as you can that he gets a Senator, Dr. Ward, that has his back as much as you say you would.

      With all due respect, & many thanks for your prior work in regard to illegal immigration,
      Concerned voter in Rimrock, ”


  9. jake sez says:

    Arpaio’s son-in-law may want to keep the donations coming in so is keeping the race going. Just a thought.