Trickery on display as WH seeks to reconfigure SCOTUS

March 28, 2022

There is no denying the push is on to remove conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, 73, from the U.S. Supreme Court.  Democrats, undeniably energized by their successful push for the resignation of democrat Justice Stephen Breyer — allowing Biden to make a “historic” appointment of a radical black female to replace him.

Emboldened by their easy victory, there is now a smear campaign being waged against Justice Thomas’s wife, Ginni, which is sure to quickly proceed from the smoldering stage to requiring four alarm fire hoses.

Breyer, 83, a Bill Clinton appointee, acquiesced to the pressure in order for a younger, leftist justice with an agenda to have the ability to influence the court for decades and provide Biden with the notable appointee that they hope will resonate in the upcoming midterm elections.

As a black conservative, Justice Thomas is an anomaly, who rankles the left’s desire to pigeonhole people based on immutable characteristics, which take precedence over principles. 

Currently the longest serving justice, Thomas has been on the court since 1991, after being nominated by President George H. W. Bush to succeed Justice Thurgood Marshall. Justice Thomas, was recently hospitalized for “flu-like” symptoms.

To the left, the current overarching issue is to effect a way to provide Biden’s handlers with another vacancy, which would alter the political makeup of the court — after President Trump successfully nominated Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. They were all finally confirmed by the U.S. Senate following a despicable and ultimately unsuccessful campaign to defame Brett Kavanaugh.

Their latest trickery is to call into disrepute the integrity of Justice Thomas’ wife, Ginni, for her personal activities at the Jan. 6, capitol rally, which has been redefined as an “insurrection,” by the rabid media. Mrs. Thomas is an unabashed Trump supporter, which last we heard is not illegal.

Ginni Thomas’ attendance at the rally and emails exchanges with friend and former Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) are now being called into question, though she is a private citizen and he is no longer an elected official. It’s all part of a scheme to attempt to force Justice Thomas to retire.

We’re banking on courageous Justice Thomas to clearly advise them to stuff it. If you’ve read his autobiography, “My Grandfather’s Son: A Memoir,” you’ll know he has endured and overcome far worse than a swarm of vile democrats. Remember his confirmation hearings?

Judicial activist Ketanji Jackson evades questions in SCOTUS hearing

March 24, 2022

Leftist local newspaper shows its bias headlining, “Jackson seems headed for high court confirmation”

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first black woman nominated to the Supreme Court, has come under intense questioning by Republican senators during her confirmation hearing. She is accused of being too lenient as a trial judge as she imposed light sentences in child pornography cases. In some cases, Jackson actually apologized to the child predators for imposing even absurdly light sentences.

Prior to the vacancy existing and while pressure was being applied to Justice Stephen Breyer to resign in order to give Joe Biden the ability to make this “historic” appointment, Biden injudiciously announced his intent to nominate a black woman to the high court. Biden made a mockery of the judicial process, effectively telling anyone else, regardless of their qualifications; they’d be wasting their time based on immutable characteristics over which they have no control.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz, (R-TX); Marsha Blackburn (R-TN); Josh Hawley, (R-MO); and Lindsey Graham, (R-SC), led the charge on the Senate Judiciary Committee, pointing to evidence Jackson was soft on crime, while a judge on the U.S. District Court in D.C. In typical leftist fashion, during the judicial hearing Jackson was unable to define the term, “woman,” absurdly claiming she’s not a biologist.

The senators underscored seven cases in which her sentences were below guidelines from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which sets recommended sentences that judges must consider but are not obligated to impose. She also shortened recommended probation for these heinous child sexual abuse crimes that impose lifelong emotional scars. Jackson continually gave evasive answers to the questions posed to her for the lifetime Supreme Court appointment.

Since race appears to be the controlling factor, it’s worth remembering Republican President George H. W. Bush nominated brilliant black Republican Clarence Thomas to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court in 1991. He still serves with distinction (recent photo courtesy of the Supreme Court of the United States).

Republican Ronald Reagan broke precedence in 1981 by appointing Arizonan Sandra Day O’Connor as the first female justice.

Democrats who went ballistic over President Donald Trump’s three appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court — Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett — are now whining over the robust questioning of Jackson.

AZ voter fraud news you’ll never find in the AZ Republic

March 11, 2022

It would be terrific to report Gateway Pundit’s (GP) Jordan Conradson has scooped the local newspaper on covering a case of Arizona voter fraud, known as ballot harvesting. But the popular national site didn’t actually “scoop” the newspaper. Using that term would imply GP actually beat the failing disseminator of disinformation to the punch. Count on the fact that the omission is due to the decision to entirely avoid the topic which the leftist editors, columnists, and few remaining reporters claim never occurs.

Any evidence of voter fraud substantiates what Maricopa County’s 2020 presidential ballot recount was based upon, making it intolerable to the Trump-despising, Hillary-endorsing, Biden-supporting daily.

On July 1, 2021 Townhall carried, A Win for Election Integrity: Supreme Court Hands Democrats a Big Loss.” It celebrates the 6-3 SCOTUS opinion, Brnovich, Attorney General of Arizona, Et Al v. Democratic National Committee, Et Al., which upholds two Arizona voting provisions: a ban on “ballot harvesting,” and a policy that throws out an entire ballot if it was cast in the wrong precinct. Challengers falsely argued that both provisions discriminate against minority voters. The three dissenting votes were cast by democrat Justices Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor.

On March 13, 2012 SRAZ posted this instructive Project Veritas video showing the ease with which ballot harvesting fraud can be perpetrated.

Biden bows at radical “Demand Justice” SCOTUS diversity altar

February 26, 2022

DJ’s website is clear about its objectives: “We fight every day on issues that matter to the future of the federal courts – because every progressive issue depends on it.”

It’s likely you’ve never heard of Demand Justice (DJ). Most Americans haven’t. The leftist group, headed by Brian Fallon, is focused on the U.S. Supreme Court, which doesn’t meet its extreme standards. Topping the list is “transforming the court and expanding the number of high court justices to ensure a preponderance of diversified democrats.”  Be aware this does not include diversity of thought. In addition to guaranteeing those with a leftist agenda are elevated to the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal courts, Demand Justice considers as paramount qualifications immutable characteristics over which none of us have any control, such as our race and gender.

Mounting pressure from the left forced Justice Stephen Breyer, nominated by Bill Clinton, to announce his retirement providing Biden’s handlers the opportunity to nominate a former public defender, who just happens to fill the necessary race and gender requirements.

While Americans naively think judicial selection is aboveboard and trustworthy, the singled-focused group has been spending $millions on a lobbying campaign on behalf of Ketanji Brown Jackson, Joe Biden’s ultimate nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court. Demand Justice arrogantly sent him this progressive short list* from which to make his final selection.

In this Feb. 24, 2022 press release, Demand Justice announced it will begin a seven-figure ad campaign to support her confirmation, touting her qualifications as the first black woman and the first former public defender nominated to the court. This is an ad buy promoting Ketanji Brown Jackson.

If you’re wondering why Republican former House Speaker Paul Ryan endorsed democrat Jackson for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia when she was nominated by Barack Obama — urging his fellow GOP colleagues to confirm her — it’s because they’re related by marriage. Ketanji Brown Jackson’s husband is Patrick G. Jackson, the twin brother of Ryan’s brother-in-law William Jackson. William Jackson’s wife, Dana, is the sister of Ryan’s wife, Janna.

Demand Justice headlined, “Our Courts Are In Crisis,” with this opening blurb that explains its deceptive scheme: “With a 6-3 Republican supermajority, the Supreme Court is too biased in favor of special interests and Republican politicians. Our democracy is at risk from decisions that suppress the right to vote.

Voter suppression is the hoax perpetrated by democrats to give heft to their meritless claims.

*Seeing Red AZ does not use the word “progressive” as a political description. It is a form of deception preferred by the left, since it denotes forward thinking. Leftist thought is more accurately described as “regressive.”

SCOTUS vacancy looms: Justice Breyer pressured to exit

January 27, 2022

Sen. Chuck Schumer, an ardent leftist, is already heaping Breyer with accolades preceding a final shove

Finally caving to extreme pressure before the midterm elections that could flip the confirming senate, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has announced his retirement at the end of the current term in June. The handwriting is on the wall. He has outlived his usefulness.

This lifetime appointment is a high stakes escapade for the democrat powerbrokers who are keenly aware that the chances of replacing Breyer, 83, with a far leftist, decades younger justice would be impeded if they lost control of the U.S. Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.

Biden is not seeking excellence, having already acknowledged that genitalia and ethnicity top his list of qualifications. He is specifically seeking a black female, which means the only white males who would apply would be doing so to give an air of legitimacy to the skewed process.

Overseeing the selection is Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain, the powerful man behind the curtain, who has long had a hand in other Supreme Court appointments. He was chief counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, worked for Bill Clinton as associate counsel, advising on his judicial nominations, including radical Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who stated she preferred the South African constitution to ours. Ginsburg also admitted the reason she fell asleep during then-Pres. Barack Obama’s State of the Nation speech was because she had too much too drink (brief video) which MSM newscasters found humorous. Klain also played a key role in advising Obama to fill high court vacancies with leftist Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Though you might not be familiar with Klain, he has outsized power, especially in the current administration where the president is clearly a mentally and physically impaired incompetent.

Given the state of governmental chaos, is it any wonder that 41% of voters still don’t believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fairly? This June 23, 2021 survey by Rasmussen Reports found that 55% of likely U.S. voters support forensic audits of election results to ensure there is no voter fraud.

SCOTUS to hear race-based college admissions cases

January 26, 2022

Within two months of his inauguration, Joe Biden’s handlers began hastily reversing the Trump administration‘s policies negating the disproportionate use of race in college admissions. While the Trump administration sought a narrowly tailored use of race or even color-blind admission standards, Biden advanced the practice of using race as a principal factor in selecting students, all for achieving the insultingly illogical goals of racial equity and diversity. High grades and achievement took a back seat to race-based factors, although melanin, the primary determinant of skin pigment, is something over which none of us have any control.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case challenging the practice of affirmative action, which factors race into college admissions. Lawsuits assert that Harvard University,* a private institution, and the University of North Carolina,* a state college, discriminate against Asian American applicants, who frequently achieve higher scores than their student counterparts.

In the Harvard case, petitioners argue that the private university’s policy unfairly disadvantages Asian-American applicants in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. In the North Carolina case, petitioners allege that the policy of the public university violates the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Biden’s handlers indicated that his administration will aggressively promote affirmative action with his nomination of Kristen Clarke to lead the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, which oversees the department’s position on cases related to affirmative action.

Clarke was previously president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, an organization that actively defends colleges’ use of race as a key admission factor. She is a staunch advocate of using admissions processes to achieve a student body that is more racially diverse than its applicant pool.

Don’t hold your breathe waiting for a decision on this important matter. The court is not expected to hear the consolidated cases until next term, meaning a decision is not likely until later this year or early next year, according to the informative Ballotpedia.

MC Justices of the Peace: Diversity prioritized

January 10, 2022

Although some JP’s have law degrees, others just have a pulse

In a report on Maricopa County’s 26 Justice Courts, the local newspaper has, predictably, tossed credentials aside in order to highlight what it considers most important. Headlined “Maricopa County Justice Courts lead way on representation,” the focus is not on anything even slightly resembling legal knowledge or background. The newspaper’s spotlight shines brightly on “diversity.” Don’t be lulled into thinking this includes diverse ways of addressing the cases that appear before the courts, but rather on the immutable characteristics of the justices of the peace, themselves — genetic factors over which they have no control, but it plays so well into the focus of the failing newspaper.

Ethnicity and gender are always front-and-center issues for the seriously ailing newspaper. Impartially reporting news is backburnered to advancing its leftist messages. This crucial point is all the more evident in the three page article about the JP Courts, which focuses on the purple hair and youth of one JP, who claims her race and appearance puts defendants at ease. She was 24 when she first ran for her job. Another standout is referred to as a Navajo “Two-spirit,” an “indigenous gender-identity that embraces both masculine and feminine spirits.” A former state legislator who ran a gay bar carrying his last name is also featured.

Though justice court judges can oversee civil cases up to $10,000, DUI charges and misdemeanor cases, their qualifications are minimal. In layman’s terms all that’s required is a pulse. According to the applicant must be at least 18 years of age, a registered voter in Arizona, reside in the justice court precinct and understand the English language. They are paid a percentage of the salary of a Superior Court judge, along with benefits. JP’s base salaries, excluding weddings for which they are also paid, are over $100,000. Benefits are in addition to the base pay. The types of cases they handle are outlined on

Unraveling US AG Merrick Garland’s threatening Jan. 5, 2022 speech

January 6, 2022

There’s no mystery, the ultimate goal is to indict former Pres. Donald Trump

On Wednesday, Joe Biden’s far leftist U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland used his perch to mark the one year anniversary of January 6, announcing, “We will do whatever it takes and no matter how long it takes,” to bring the American citizens he described as “perpetrators,“ to justice.

“The Justice Department remains committed to holding all January 6 perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law, whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy. We will follow the facts wherever they lead. ”The actions we have taken thus far will not be our last,” Garland warned.

His words were carefully chosen. The ultimate goal is to find a way to indict former President Donald Trump and even members of his family.

The statement, “Those involved, whether they were present that day or not,”  must be held accountable, and there is no higher priority for us at the Department of Justice,” was not casually selected by his team of lawyers and speechwriters.

Prominent democrats have warned that if Garland does not charge former President Donald Trump, he could go down in infamy as one of the worst attorney generals in this nation’s history. To guard against that, leftist Garland even invokes the name of conservative Supreme Justice Antonin Scalia.

Garland used the televised speech to announce the arrest numbers for the department’s largest investigation in its history. “As of Wednesday,” he said, “725 individuals have been arrested and charged in connection with the riot. Of those 725, DOJ prosecutors charged 325 with felonies. In addition, the department is still searching for 250 individuals who allegedly assaulted police officers on January 6.”

Garland’s full speech can be read here. He ominously concluded, “I look forward to seeing more of you in person, soon, and to our continued work together.”

Remembering the wisdom of Judge Bork as we greet 2022

January 1, 2022

As 2003 was coming to an end, Judge Robert Bork, a distinguished conservative scholar and a former judge on the Federal Appeals Court for the D.C. Circuit, wrote, “Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline.” The instant best-seller provided a prophetic view of a failing culture, a nation in such serious moral trouble that its very foundation is crumbling — a nation that metaphorically slouches not towards the ancient religious city Bethlehem but towards decadent Gomorrah.

Three and a-half decades ago, with clarity and foresight, Judge Bork referred to the crisis we now face, based in the rise of political leftism, that intentionally obliterates the definitions of “equality and equity.” The terms are clarified in “The Inequality of ‘Equity,“ by Ben Shapiro, which we urge you to read.

“Slouching Towards Gomorrah” provided a devastatingly insightful exposé of a country in crisis at the end of the millennium, when the rise of modern liberalism, which stresses the dual forces of radical egalitarianism (the equality of outcomes rather than opportunities) and advances radical individualism (the drastic reduction of limits to personal gratification). Advancement of these notions, particularly via indoctrinating educrats on college campuses has undermined our culture, our intellect, and our morality with special attention to matters of sex and censorship, race relations, and the relentless attempts to erode American moral values on the altar of leftism.

“Equity” and “Equality” may seem to be the same, but they have very different political and ethical meanings. Equity — equality of result — is impossible without unfairly taking from some and giving to others, facilitated by removing earned accreditation from those who have earned merit without their consent. Judge Bork foresaw this disturbing socialist trend years ago, and for that he was sacrificed at the altar of political correctness, after President Ronald Reagan nominated him for the U.S. Supreme Court. On October 23, 1987, the senate, stunningly led by none other than Sen. Joe Biden, rejected Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court by a vote of 58-42.

Judge Bork, who died in 2012 was a unique, articulate figure in the annals of the U.S. Judiciary, undeservedly becoming a punching bag for the radical left and having his name morph into a slag term in the Merriam-Webster and Oxford English Dictionaries. The verb “bork” is now identified as a means to “defame or methodically vilify, and use the mass media with the aim of preventing an appointment to public office; to obstruct or thwart (a person) in this way.”

We wish all the best in the New Year to our readers.

Your friends at Seeing Red AZ.

Confused Biden plummets in polls, fails in court, continues to lie

December 5, 2021

Populist Press’ lead article is titled, “What’s Wrong With Biden?” It’s a question raised with increasing frequently and with good reason. Not only is his voice raspy and weakening, his gait is stilted and his memory is flawed, as evidenced by making preposterous claims, coupled with intentionally lying. Biden’s Real Clear Politics aggregated polling numbers are…in the most genial manner of expression…in the toilet.

Team Tucker Carlson reports the Sixth Circuit Court has recently denied the Biden administration’s motion to transfer the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine-or-test requirement lawsuit to a more amenable court. The court also rejects the White House’s move to dissolve a stay on the mandate, delivering a blow to Biden’s handlers’ efforts to press ahead with implementation.

Today we invite our readers to take a few minutes to acquaint yourselves with Ryan Kelly‘s, “Joe Biden’s made-up stories and manner raise serious questions about his mental health.” The embedded links add heft to the report. Be sure to check them out.