Truth takes a back seat in Biden’s classified documents garage storage saga

January 15, 2023

American truth seekers are fortunate to have access to Byron York, The Washington Examiner’s Chief Political Correspondent, who directs much needed light on the Biden “misplaced classified documents” fiasco in ”The big problem with the Joe Biden documents story.”

It is definitely a must read, if you’re tired of being treated like a mushroom: Covered with manure and kept in the dark.

Weekend reading guaranteed to make you smarter

January 14, 2023

Today we gift our readers with another gem from Victor Davis Hanson. Posted on Townhall, this column is titled, “What Caused the Political Hysteria?

In his abbreviated Townhall biography, Hanson is described as a “noted historian and social critic whose philosophies are rooted in classicism, an author, contributing editor and professor.” He’s all that and more. Whenever you want to explore the mind of a conservative genius, you need look no further than this compilation.

AZ’s election fraud exposed by The Gateway Pundit

January 11, 2023

Looking for truth? Skip the local newspaper

Deceitful collusion is exposed by The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson. His report is titled, “JUST IN: “Defamation Attorneys Are Being Consulted” – Former Arizona AG Election Unit Head Jennifer Wright Starts Defamation Claim After Fake News Smears Her, Claims She Was Fired.”

To whet your appetite for the truth, Conradson’s pull-no-punches report begins with these words:  “Former Assistant Attorney General and head of the Election Integrity Unit Jennifer Wright came under fire from the Fake News Media, likely due to her willingness to pursue election fraud investigations, after resigning from her position before radical leftist Kris Mayes took office.”

Be advised, the linked report’s accompanying photo of Arizona’s new Attorney General Kris Mayes, is best viewed on an empty stomach. Mayes appealed to open border proponent former governor Janet Napolitano, who gave Mayes her first political break as her press secretary, but more discriminating people are sure to be repulsed.

Open border advocate Napolitano was known for saying, “You show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder,” after which Barack Obama appointed her Secretary of Homeland Security. Mayes, now in a position of authority, is an integral part of that cabal.

Sex comes to the AZ legislature

January 4, 2023

Public schools are barely making the grade in imparting education to students in what is providing the left an easily controllable populace, short-changed on history and not even able to find China on a map. Cursive has been relegated to a relic and math is “too difficult” to bother with. We covered this educrat catastrophe recently in, ‘As Nat’l education report card reveals sinking test scores teacher’s unions support 4-day school week.’ Our children will be ill-equipped to be competitive in the international arena, but our boys can wear teal satin tights and girls will know the power of being known as Tom while at school.

Gaining prominence among educrats is the newly trendy “gender fluidity,” accompanying “preferred pronouns“ as teachers encourage Johnny to use feminine pronouns and Suzy is given the go-ahead to use male identifiers. Some classrooms have a closet filled with boys and girls clothing which the children are encouraged to wear in class as they take on a new sexual persona. This is all done without parent’s knowledge as the young students “role play.”

Fortunately Arizona’s state legislature has Sen. John Kavanagh, a Fountain Hills Republican, who has introduced SB 1001,bearing the reference title: “pronouns; biological sex; school policies.” It has just been introduced in the 2023 legislative session, so it will likely take a few days for the full text to appear.

Sen. John Kavanagh’s bio and answers to questions can be read in the pro-life, pro-family Center for Arizona Policy Arizona’s Voter’s Guide.

In the November 8, 2022 District 3 election, Sen. Kavanagh recently defeated his democrat challenger 61.0% to 39%.

NY Post shines editorial light on stifled Hunter Biden’s laptop deceit

December 20, 2022

The New York Post’s Editorial Board headlined its report, “Evidence shows FBI, Biden campaign and Twitter worked together to suppress Hunter story.”

Suppressing negative information regarding the Biden family is obligatory for most newspapers which fall into the hard-left arena as evidenced by their presidential election coverage. The NY Post, founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, strives for accuracy.

These are the editorial endorsements of national newspapers in 2016 when Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were running for U.S. president. The failing and irrelevant Arizona Republic claimed it received death threats after endorsing Hilary.

The 2020 newspaper endorsements were even more lopsided, despite the flourishing economy under President Donald Trump and the fact that feeble Joe Biden was unable to campaign, staying holed up in his Delaware home basement and reading brief prepared statements.

NY dems $300M scheme aids illegals avoid deportation

December 2, 2022

Today we are taking the unusual step of sending our readers directly to the New York Post, which demonstrates the lunacy that possesses eager to spend democrats. Not being a border state, New York has no idea of the realities of the illegal invasion, including the myriad costs associated with accommodating illegals in residences, schools, providing health and child care, food and other necessities, as well as supplying numerous resources to assist illegal arrivals. Their contributions to the crime rate also results in costly incarceration. The term “undocumented” is also misused. They have plenty of documents, stolen, forged and otherwise fraudulent. Now we find that the Biden administration is “Enabling Citizenship Test Fraud and Abuse.” This is all part of the planned expansion of the democrat voter base, permanently marginalizing Republicans.

Yes, there’s a lot to read here, but don’t be tempted to overlook these articles. Bookmark this page and read them as time permits…but read them! America’s future depends on knowledgeable citizens:

FAIR — Federation for American Immigration Reform — has long been a reliable source on the realties of the costs of the invasion, from crimes committed to the societal burden inflicted on American taxpayers.

CIS — Center for Immigration Studies — writes, “There is no one more documented than an ‘undocumented’ alien.”

The Washington Examiner addresses the crisis in “Illegal immigration soars under Biden to third-highest in 97 years.” The problem has worsen in the year since this was written.

Biden’s open borders will cost taxpayers $100 billion — and counting,” by Mark Krikorian, is well worth your time.

Kari Lake files lawsuit against Maricopa County, elections officials

November 26, 2022

Unprecedented Election Day mayhem must be addressed

On Friday, Nov. 25, 2022, Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s campaign sued Maricopa County and its election officials, demanding they respond to her campaign’s public records requests regarding malfunctions on Election Day — before the county certifies its vote canvass on Monday. The Republic Brief (not to be contused with Frosty Taylor’s popular local Maricopa County Republican Briefs) carries the report, including a copy of the lawsuit filed by lawyer Abraham Hamadeh, alleging “gross incompetence and mismanagement of the General Election by certain election officials.”

Previously, on Nov. 22, 2022, reporter Kari Donovan wrote: “BREAKING: Kari Lake Delivers Message To Arizona and All Americans On “Botched And Broken November 8 Election.”

On Nov. 23, Kari Lake appeared on NEWSMAX:

Lessons to be learned from 2022 General Election

November 19, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson’s most recent column “Let the Blame Games Begin?” provides an intelligent review of the just concluded 2022 General Elections. Conservative Hanson raises cogent points in what could be described as a post mortem, though one we should learn from, as he enumerates each misstep.

Hanson poses, then answers the question, “Who or what was responsible for the Republican nationwide collapse in the midterms? After all, pundits, politicos, and pollsters all predicted a “red tsunami.”

Longtime readers of SRAZ are aware of the high esteem in which Prof. Hanson (bio) is held on this site. Do yourself a favor and read the linked, thought-provoking and instructive article.

Fmr. Pres. Trump announces 2024 reelection bid

November 16, 2022

Announcement ignored by worried leftwing media

Making his highly anticipated announcement from his family’s Florida Mar-a-Lago home, Donald Trump revealed Tuesday that he would again seek the Republican nomination for president in 2024.

“America’s comeback starts right now,” Trump told cheering supporters. “Unlike other presidents, I kept my promises.”

“The world was at peace, America was prospering, and our country was on track for an amazing future— because I made big promises to the American people and, unlike other Presidents, I kept my promises,” he said. “Under our leadership, we were a great and glorious nation, something you haven’t heard for quite a long period of time. We were a strong nation, and importantly we were a free nation. Now, we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation.”

Following two years of a Biden debacle, marked by record inflation and soaring prices, a wide-open border and escalating crime rates in American cities, frail octogenarian Joe Biden, who misspeaks and falls, while often appearing confused, and ignored, promises us more of the same.

Democrats fearing Trump’s political resurgence hoped their two contrived impeachments would keep him from returning to the political stage. But Donald Trump retains the power to energize his base who will eagerly work on his behalf. Americans have grown weary of paying astronomical prices for basics such as homes, rent, food and fuel and long for a return to businessman Trump’s stellar economy. Biden has spent his entire career — beginning in 1970 as a councilman in Delaware — the nation’s second smallest state, feeding at the government trough. As president, Biden has presided over an economic disaster.

Distorting the language: Left’s absurd new “denier” trickery

November 10, 2022

Arizona ballot tabulation is a disgrace as numbers go unprocessed

The ‘Election Denier’ Smear Is The Dumbest Rhetorical Device In Modern Politics,” appearing on The Federalist, it was written prior to the November 8, 2022 General Election, but it couldn’t be more pertinent. Senior editor David Harsanyi has done a stellar job explaining the absurdity of the latest word to be twisted, garbled and then mainstreamed by the left.

Last evening the far-left PBS News Hour kept its ability to stun, as two inane female mouthpieces gave the word “denier” a workout, tossing it back and forth as the hot potato their producers obviously desire it to be, denigrating wary conservatives. Outside of exposing contemptible Holocaust deniers, the word is an anomaly, rarely used. It has recently been revitalized to denigrate Americans who question the validity of the 2020 presidential election.

We were elated to see “denier” used in a positive manner in this earlier headline, “Elon Musk Brings Election Denier Mark Finchem Back to Twitter.” Finchem appropriately responded. Former state legislator Finchem, a conservative candidate for Arizona Secretary of State is awaiting a final vote count, as Arizona’s Tuesday General Elections have been rife with snafus.


As of 9:15 am this morning, Secretary of State Katie Hobbs admits on her own website that there are 619,012 uncounted ballots statewide. Why?