A glimpse into the convoluted thinking at the AZ Republic

U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake has oddly found himself on both sides of the “political fallout” in the Charleston “church slayings.” That‘s according to the erratic Arizona Republic newspaper’s Page One, above-the-fold article. Flake was one of myriad national office holders and candidates who once accepted campaign donations from a man now identified as the founder of a white rights organization —- since being mentioned in the rabid ramblings of the cold-blooded murderer who slaughtered nine people in a prayer service last week.

Those who read this blog know we hold Flake and his mentor John McCain in low esteem. In that regard, we are not alone. The duo has the worst polling numbers in the country. But it is outside the realm of reasonableness to taint Flake with allegations of racism for accepting the contribution. His office issued a statement saying he would donate the money to a fund set up to aid the church. There’s a lot to dislike about the flaky Flake, but making this link is a stretch too far.

What we do find peculiar is this bizarre aid and comfort provided Flake in the same newspaper.  The brief piece referring to Flake’s “humane immigration reform” [read: amnesty] is written by none other than Phil Boas, director of the editorial department, who presides over the nearly daily decimation of his own wife’s father, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Boas writes, “Flake has dedicated his career to pursuing humane immigration reform while challenging conservatives to update their views on the issue.” He also gives Flake bonus points for voting for the confirmation of the exceedingly problematic Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General.

When it comes to racism and Flake, it’s his son Tanner who is the offender. In 2013 teenage Tanner was the subject of our post “Generational Flakes.” The younger Flake was exposed for his online spew of vile racist, anti-Semitic, and homophobic slurs. BuzzFeed has more here. For his vulgar rants, there was no woodshed or even a pretense of one for the arrogant brat. Jeff Flake apologized for his son, teaching him that getting off easy is easy when your dad is a U. S. Senator.

That doesn’t make Jeff Flake a racist either. Just a self-absorbed flake who let an important teachable moment pass.




10 Responses to A glimpse into the convoluted thinking at the AZ Republic

  1. PV PC says:

    The Arizona Repugnant is dedicated to promoting acceptance of amnesty for illegals and normalizing homosexuality. SRAZ figured that out years ago.

    Every other issue is extraneous to the dying newspaper. Increasing Islamic threats to the civilized world are relegated to inside page placement.

  2. Maggie says:

    Phil Boas should be ashamed of himself. I didn’t know about the family relationship. In his world that is showing “journaiistic integrity.”

  3. Conservative Since Birth says:

    I don’t know where I got this info a couple of years ago..somewhere on the Internet..but saved it as it was shocking to me because of the Jeff Flake information. He was relatively new on the scene.
    Oligarchy – a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.

    America’s New Oligarchs

    In the 2012 election, 0.01 percent of the population—a mere 31,385 people—were responsible for 28 percent of all disclosed political contributions to federal candidates, party committees, congressional campaign committees’ PACs and super PACs, according to an analysis by the Sunlight Foundation. Not a single congressional candidate was elected without a contribution from one of these 31,385 individuals, whose minimum donation was $13,054 and median was $26,584—about half of what an average American household makes in an entire year.

    The top represented employers among the 0.01 percent were:
    1. Goldman Sachs: 85 donors
    2. Blackstone: 49
    3. Kirkland and Ellis: 40
    4. Morgan Stanley: 38
    5. Comcast: 37
    6. Akin Gump: 36
    7. Google: 33
    8. Harvard University: 33
    9. Microsoft: 31
    10. Podesta Group: 30

    The most represented cities were:
    1. New York: 2,259 donors
    2. Washington, D.C.: 814
    3. Houston: 664
    4. Chicago: 603
    5. Los Angeles: 598
    6. Dallas: 507
    7. San Francisco: 498
    8. Boston: 266
    9. Atlanta: 262
    10. Greenwich, Conn.: 240

    Who Benefits?
    The members of Congress who received the greatest portion of their funding from the 0.01 percent, in order, were:
    1. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
    2. Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas)
    3. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)
    4. Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.)
    5. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.)
    6. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) **********Why is he so highly sought after by the uber-rich?
    7. Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.)
    8. Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.)
    9. Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.)
    10. Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio)

    • State Delegate says:

      Good information. As to the question “why is Jeff Flake is so highly sought after by the uber-rich?” the answer is obvious. Most of them fit the cheap labor exploiting profile of members of the national and local Chambers of Commerce.

  4. Conservative Since Birth says:

    Sunlight Foundation blog:

    The Political 1% of the 1% in 2012 – Sunlight Foundation Blog

  5. Longtime GOP PC says:

    Both McCain and Flake need to be replaced. Flake is a first term senator and barely won over Dr. Richard Carmona, George W. Bush’s surgeon general. I sincerely regret not voting for Carmona. I wasted my vote on the Loosertarian. Flake and McCain were instrumental in forming the amnesty promoting Gang of 8 within hours after taking their oaths of office. This was AFTER they each campaigned on restricting the illegal invasion of our country. They are both despicable liars.

  6. Vince says:

    This is how the Arizona Republic describes Phil Boas–
    “Phil Boas is director of The Republic’s editorial department. Grew up in Phoenix. Married father of four and huge fan of all things Arizona, especially the people.”

    What they omit is that “the people” who find him leading their most vocal cheering section are illegal aliens! (Oops…that would be “undocumented migrants” in BoasSpeak).

    • East Valley Conservative says:

      Austin, the dog killer, is another creepy son of Jeff and Cheryl Flake. He and his partner in crime wife, Logan, are the ones suing. And remember, when they sue Sheriff Arpaio, they are actually suing the taxpayers of Maricopa County. These two greedy morons have more nerve than brains.

      • Doc says:

        ….why some people ought not be allowed to procreate…