AZ Conservatives launch “Never McCain” campaign

Check back for additional briefings. They will be posted on this page.

Rob Haney, twice elected Maricopa County Republican chairman, takes to the mic as spokesman for the “ Never McCain” campaign. Inspired to action by Jeff Flake and other “Never Trumpers,” Haney is committed to doing a series of informative briefings, laying bare the deceitful record of John McCain. The “Never Trumpers” would prefer Democrat Hillary Clinton in the White House to Republican Donald Trump — whom they despise — even with the knowledge that a third Obama term, led by Clinton would, in all likelihood, finalize the loss of America as founded.

On the other hand, a successful “Never McCain” campaign, removing a Republican who acts as a Democrat, will serve to remind Republicans that the support of the grassroots requires that they oppose, rather than collude with, liberals.

Conservative Rob Haney won the Maricopa County chairmanship overwhelmingly 1,281 to 575 despite massive efforts by McCain operatives to defeat him. Maricopa County is the most populous county in the state of Arizona, and the fourth-most populous county in the United States, with 2,375,787 registered voters. The fourteen other Arizona counties combined have a total potential voting base of 1,438,075.

Conservative team efforts will concentrate on removing John McCain, betrayer of Republican Platform principles in the U.S. Senate.

There will be a series of briefings during the remainder of the campaign. We will post them here.  Bookmark this “Never McCain Campaign” post. The latest briefings will appear in order.

Second Briefing: McCain NOT Pro-Life

Third Briefing: McCain Not Pro-Life II

Fourth Briefing: McCain’s voting record:

Fifth briefing:: Senate and Unity Concerns

Sixth briefing: Betrayal

Seventh briefing: Betrayal 2

Eighth briefing: Patton’s Prayer

Ninth briefing: McCain’s Poor Leadership

Briefing Number 10: McCain 2nd Amendment:

20 Responses to AZ Conservatives launch “Never McCain” campaign

  1. Suzanne Cavalier says:

    I have been committed to this for years. But I am more than happy Rob Haney is spearheading a real group. Ron Haney is one of the only people I will listen to on electing a real conservative.

    • Arizona Conservative Guy says:

      Rob Haney is a man of deep commitment to conservative values and is not afraid to voice them, even if it means taking on the so-called Republican leadership. I congratulate him for this effort.

  2. Clair Van Steenwyk says:

    I told Haney in 10 I wouldn’t vote for McCain and 12 same for Flake, I won’t vote for McCain in 16 as I’ve told many at Forums this yr. while running against him I wouldn’t vote for him if he won in 16 as I don’t Vote for any Jackasses in Elephant Suits and don’t, so contact Haney and ask him who to write in and do so in the 2016 General. McCain & Flake among other so called GOP Office holders will be of no help to Trump, and the Bushes, Romney etc. are trying to stop Trump. Make an informed choice not an emotional one. I believe he’ll probably win in spite of this, however may just send a message to Flake and others in AZ GOP Elected Office.
    God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

    • Dean Yoder says:

      Van, That’s why it’s important to vote for Kirkpatrick. We need to get McCain OUT. This year will be our best shot. Kirkpatrick will be an easy out compared to McCain. And this might just scare Flake enough to start acting like a Republican for a change.

  3. Longtime GOP PC says:

    This video was a great idea! We Arizonans are dealing with very serious problem. For McCain to be running for another six year term at age 80 tells just how much power means to him. Besides being a vile man, I believe he’s exhibiting signs of dementia. This is just a single, but widely covered example.

  4. CultureShocked says:

    As a registered R I find the Never Trumpers as a negative in my concept of political persuasion, it seems to me that the appellation appeals to more of a personal rebuke rather than a political/legislative repudiation. So using that slogan as a call to action to unseat McCain gives me pause. My preference would probably be in the line of: “Just say NO to John McCain”.
    That small concern taken for what it is worth is only to be considered as un-asked for advice for the much needed, and greatly appreciated effort by people who can make a difference in the McCain debacle. I applaud Mr. Haney’s courageous undertaking of the important first step.
    I anxiously await what I consider what must follow: and that would be the ballot box method of how best to deliver the message of revulsion to McCain’s Rhino tendencies and set the stage for the defeat of Flake.
    Kudos, thanks and good fortune to Mr Haney.

  5. William Heuisler says:

    We Republicans – and all believers in our system – apparently have a serious problem. Evidence indicates our elections are being stolen through “ballot harvesting”. McCain supposedly won the Republican Primary (according to all Media) just one hour after the polls closed.
    So what?
    1) That fast-call (before all the out-county votes could have been counted) must have been overwhelmingly for McCain to negate the possibility of uncounted out-county votes for Ward changing results.
    2) Meluskey was reported to have received over 23,000 votes.

    This is admittedly circumstantial evidence, but…

    Please, please someone tell me how (in a 35% election) the Media could have enough early mail-in vote counts to overwhelm potential poll-votes that quickly. Please tell me how 23,000 AZ mail-in voters identified and voted for a “non-candidate” few people even know.
    In my opinion, the only possibility is ballot-harvesting by paid interns. These interns have admitted Identifying and counseling voters and collecting and delivering thousands of mailed-in ballots.
    Am I wrong? Tell me how. Or tell me how we can prevent elections being “stolen” by well-meaning dupes in the future.

  6. East Valley Conservative says:

    John McCain is and has been a disaster. Now he’s a old, angry one.
    He has never been a Republican (except for using that tag as a sham cloak to win elections in red Arizona) and is certainly not a conservative. He has spent decades courting and aligning with the left. It was a colossal mistake for state legislative RINO powerhouse Burt Barr to recruit him to run for the Congressional District One seat in 1982 when the honest and well respected House Minority Leader John Rhodes was retiring. We’ve been stuck with this grand scale liar ever since. As a lifelong Republican, I will state here that I have no intention of voting for John McCain in the upcoming General Election. None. Nada. Zero.

  7. Doc says:

    I would never “Push” my opinion on anybody. However, anybody voting for that arrogant, rude, deceitful, liar is a FOOL, & get’s what they’ve got comin’ to ’em!


    …oh. And 1 more thing…mcStain can Kiss My ENTIRE @$$…

    • Dean Yoder says:

      Doc, I wish you would reconsider and vote Kirkpatrick. This is going to be a very tight race. If you write in Ward, you are handing McCain another victory and your vote will be entirely symbolic and LOST. Vote Kirkpatrick and you might even scare Flake into acting like a Republican again for a change.

      • jakesez says:

        Flake may act like a republican for awhile like McCain acts like a republican during the re-election campaign. As soon as the elections are over both McCain and Flake will go back to being what they always are, deceitful.

  8. Saguaro Sam says:

    Will there even be an election?

    With the Obama administration giving the green light to Charlotte rioters, now we learn that BLM and another group have announced that they will, this Saturday, tear down the statue of Andrew Jackson which stands in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

    Apparently, Mayor Mitch Landrieu had previously called for many statues which have any connection with the Civil War to be removed; however, the reprobates are going to take matters into their own hands.

    And the Congressional Black Caucus held a press conference to call for a “national crackdown” on police departments.

    Loretta Lynch will be showing up in Charlotte and New Orleans in her cheerleading outfit. Complete with pom-poms. She will wait, though, to hear from Obama before she shakes them.

  9. azgary says:

    This is GREAT.

    sent the article and links to Drudge, the gatewaypundit, conservative treehouse and

    Hopefully it gets some national play

    next up #NeverFlake???

  10. azgary says:

    Mr. Haney,

    Great Job, but could you please enable the youtube video for play at places other than youtube.

    • jojo says:

      I heard Robert Graham say we need McCain because he’s head of the armed services committee and that’s so important. The way I see it is….He will do nothing but thwart President TRUMP and argue with him at every turn. I asked why McCain doesn’t enthusiastically endorse TRUMP……….excuses made. I’m voting for D this time around. I want him to lose. No difference between him & Ann. Might as well have an open socialist in office as an angry old liar.

    • Rob Haney says:

      It is now enabled-

  11. SilenceDogood says:

    People say, “If you don’t vote for McCain, Ann Kirkpatrick will win.” I say, “What’s the difference?”

    Write in: Kelli Ward!

  12. State Delegate says:

    Rob Haney,
    Thanks for all of the time and effort you are putting into these video briefings. I appreciate your commitment to enlightening Arizona voters. These messages are very important.