Victor Davis Hanson’s brilliant insights: Biden and 2024 election

July 17, 2022

You won’t want to miss, “Why the Left Will Cut Biden Loose.”

Life is a gift: A concept AZ US Dist. Judge Rayes doesn’t comprehend

July 13, 2022

Though you’ve likely never heard his name, Douglas Leroy Rayes, a U.S. district judge for the District of Arizona, can make decisions that have a profound impact on Arizona residents.

On Monday, he blocked a 2021 Arizona law recognizing the personhood of a fetus from the moment of fertilization, siding with the abortion industry which determined the measure “was too vague and exposed them to prosecution.”

The Center for Reproductive Rights, which asserts it “fights for the fundamental human rights of all people in the U.S. and across the globe,” neglects to include preborn human babies as it makes fundraising its mission, highlighting donors and “major gifts,” using death as a fundraising mechanism.

The Arizona Attorney General’s office recently prevailed in disallowing abortions based on the sex or race of the child. The office countered that the provision, which says state law must be interpreted to grant fertilized eggs, embryos and fetuses the same “rights, privileges and immunities available to other persons,” was not intended to create any new abortion-related crime.

U.S. District Judge Douglas Rayes, an Obama appointee, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2014 by a 77 to 19 vote — with 4 senators not voting. Republicrats John McCain and Jeff Flake both voted for this democrat, who replaced Republican Judge Frederick Martone, then assuming senior status.

During the hearing, Rayes expressed concern about a state policy that the provision’s effects be interpreted case by case in court, after abortionists voiced fears they could be prosecuted for child endangerment or other crimes.

In his ruling, Rayes, engaging in classic double-talk, wrote that his motion blocking the law was not just about abortion. “It is about giving people fair notice of what the law means so that they know in advance how to comply.”

The case is one of many disputes over state abortion laws after the U.S. Supreme Court sent the matter back to the individual states, sensibly removing it from under the auspices of the federal government.

Arizona passed the personhood law in April 2021. Abortion providers sued to block it last August, fallaciously arguing that it was unconstitutionally vague because it did not make clear what conduct, if any, it would prohibit. In March, Arizona passed a law banning most abortions after 15 weeks. That measure is set to take effect in September.

As Bidenflation continues to soar, Biden plunges lower

June 10, 2022

Trump melancholia reaches epidemic proportions

Problems are intensifying for increasingly feeble Joe Biden as he is losing leftwing support at an ever escalating rate. Democrat candidates realize they have no coattails to clutch, since he is pathetically unaware of what such items are. (brief video.)

Real Clear Politics aggregates numerous polls to arrive at a job approval rating, followed by an interactive graphic. 

Slo Joe remains upside down, with only 39.5 percent approving of the job he is doing, while a whopping 54.8 percent disapprove.  Not surprisingly, his job approval on the economy is even worse, with 60 percent disapproving. The 34 percent who approve must either be on the government payroll, his relatives or masochists who derive perverse pleasure from paying astronomical prices for food, housing and fuel.

On the issue of Immigration (read “illegal”): Biden has overseen the largest surge since tearing down the wall that President Trump was constructing as an integral part of his campaign promise. Biden is responsible for open border policies that have welcomed more than 1.5 million illegal aliens — enough to double the size of Dallas or San Diego — and significantly increase the democrat voter base. His dismal polling on this crucial topic stands at a shockingly significant 58 percent disapproval.

Trump melancholia is rightfully defined as widespread. There are likely more Americans suffering from it than were afflicted with COVID. Symptoms are itching teeth, teary eyes, restricted purchasing power, and a chronic longing to hear the truth.

Obama mourns dead children, teachers…and career criminal George Floyd

May 27, 2022

Barack Obama expresses regret over the nineteen innocent young victims and two teachers viciously slaughtered by the mass murderer who entered their second, third and fourth grade classrooms in Uvalde, Texas on May 24. But he doesn’t want them to divert attention away from the second anniversary of the “murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer.”  Floyd, repeatedly incarcerated, had recently been released from a Texas prison for breaking into the home of a pregnant woman, holding a rifle to her stomach as he demanded drugs which she didn’t possess — when he was apprehended in Minneapolis attempting to pass a counterfeit $20 bill in a convenience market and fought being rearrested.

Floyd’s full autopsy report showing his long term physical ill health and evidence that he had enough opioids in his system to lay an elephant low, can be viewed here.  Click on the pages to turn them.

Dutifully following his mentor Obama, Slo Joe Biden marked the anniversary of Floyd’s death by signing a restrictive and extraordinary lengthy executive order enacting numerous hand-tying “police reforms,” bearing the unwieldy title, ‘Executive Order on Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety.’ Floyd’s now wealthy family members were invited guests in attendance at the White House signing.

Democrats have a skewed perspective that honors criminal perpetrators and rewards their families, while giving victims and their survivors a box of tissues to dry their tears. And America’s dedicated law endorsement personnel? They are the recipients of restrictive reforms emanating from the inner sanctum of the White House and signed by the shaky hand of disoriented Joe Biden.

Bidenflation explained…but not by Biden

May 11, 2022

Today we take the unusual step of bringing our readers directly to another site.  The Washington Examiner has a must read editorial titled, “Biden fumbles for a new inflation excuse.It’s an enlightening perspective on the befuddled man who is currently in the Oval Office and has a skewed view of realty. All Americans should be concerned.

What is known as the Biden administration is, in reality, Barack Obama’s third term, with many of the key players holdovers from his team. Biden’s new spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre, slated to replace Jen Psaki, was Regional Political Director for the White House Office of Political Affairs and worked on both of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns. She was also an adviser to Obama’s then-VP Joe Biden.

The dems, who hold Republicans in contempt, are attempting to treat us like mushrooms…covering us with manure and keeping us in the dark. Though that is their intent, we’re too smart to buy into the deceit. Meanwhile, the stock market, which has been steadily nose-diving, dropped another 50 points so far this morning, making our investments and retirement unsustainable.

In the midst of the economic pain being felt across the nation, Biden’s bizarre priorities reportedly include considering executive orders and “other measures” to increase access and funding for abortion. That translates to our tax dollars being used to inflict death on pre-born human babies.

Biden’s latest disinformation mouthpiece ticks every leftist box

May 6, 2022

The U.K.‘s Daily Mail has the revealing coverage, including photos. Jen Psaki gets emotional, has to “hold back tears,” as she introduces her ultra politically correct Biden spokesperson replacement Karine Jean-Pierre, who has been Psaki‘s former deputy. Not only is she black, but she is married to another woman. Of paramount importance, like most of Biden’s administration, the latest Biden mouthpiece also worked in the Obama administration. Jean-Pierre was Regional Political Director for the White House Office of Political Affairs and worked on both of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns. She was also an adviser to Obama’s VP Joe Biden.

What better credentials could the latest Biden nursemaid have?

Ignored! Pathetic Joe Biden wanders aimlessly

April 6, 2022

Upstaged by Obama

The occasion warranting a White House visit from Barack Obama was the 12th anniversary of the federal overreach into America’s healthcare system known colloquially as Obamacare. It was passed by the dem controlled congress. Obama-puppet and his former VP, Joe Biden, is set to extend the unaffordable, nightmarish intrusion, which originally included a nationally imposed tax penalty for being uninsured.

When Obama was introduced, he said, “It’s good to be back in the White House. It’s been a while.”

He might not be kidding.

President Grover Cleveland, a democrat, was the only president to leave the White House and return for a second non-consecutive term (1885-1889 and 1893-1897).

Biden’s open border madness extends to Russian illegals

April 5, 2022

Catch and Release policy imperils Americans

Today we take the unusual step of making a congressional letter to an inept Biden administration official our post. Arizona’s CD-5 Congressman Andy Biggs sent this letter signed by him and 19 of his House colleagues to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, posing six pertinent questions about Russian nationals illegally entering the United States and being released into the interior of our country by DHS. It was sent just days ago on April 1, 2022, but don’t mistake this for an April Fool’s Day prank. The topic is deadly serious. Arizona is fortunate to have this America First patriot representing us and asking the serious questions that the radical, open border leftists incomprehensibly want to conceal.

Alejandro Mayorkas, a retread from the Clinton and Obama administrations, was endorsed for his current position by none other than former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, who resigned to join the Obama administration as head of Homeland [IN]Security. She was noted for her comment, “You show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder at the border. That’s the way the border works.”

Mayorkas, an illegal alien himself, is described as fleeing to America from Marxist Castro’s Cuba with his parents and sister as a child. Their story begins to fray when it turns out that the desperate illegals left Florida for California, where they moved to posh Beverly Hills. It’s a odd take on the tear-jerking rags to riches theme we frequently hear. Mayorkas then went to Berkeley for a socialist indoctrination, making a full circle turnaround, ultimately receiving a law degree from Loyola University.

Bigg’s letter is definitely worth your time.

Biden views black women as interchangeable

April 4, 2022

This would be enough to boot anyone else out of office or bounced from the campaign trail

Long before Joe Biden was president he was known as the gaffe king for the repeated blunders he made. Numerous simple to locate videos affirm his clumsy, inappropriate, bizarre and just plain foolish comments made long before the dementia stare gripped him. At a pre-election campaign stop, he was so confused he introduced his wife as his sister, which could qualify as the ultimate faux pas. As president, Biden has exhibited a peculiar propensity to oddly sniff the hair and fondle the faces of little girls.

But it turns out only Joe can outdo Joe. Over the weekend, Joe referred to Michelle Obama as “the former Vice President,” obviously confusing her with actual Vice President Kamala Harris.

For a man who falsely claimed he attended historically black Delaware State University, the appearance of confusing two accomplished black women as interchangeable is more than a minor error. The Hillary-endorsing, far-left, failing Arizona Republic didn’t find this worthy of mention, though it would have guaranteed Page One headlines if those same words were spoken by President Donald Trump.

CNS News titled its revealing exposé, Flashback: ‘Biden Admits Plagiarizing in Law School,’ ‘Academic Claims Inaccurate. It’s chock full of verifiable information the leftist media has purposely ignored.

Bidenflation timeline collides with midterm elections

April 1, 2022

After campaigning from a basement bunker, reading prepared notes in his Delaware home, Joe Biden took the oath of office January 20, 2021. The man who was unable to remember the words (brief video) to the single sentence Declaration of Independence that grade school children easily recite, was now the U.S. President. That man who famously said, “We choose truth over facts” is now in the White House.

His first actions on assuming office were signing record numbers of staff-prepared, leather-bound, legally binding executive orders. The NY Post provided much needed insight as Biden’s handlers sought to overturn President Trump’s ‘America First’ policies, among them halting construction on the Keystone XL oil pipeline, killing thousands of good paying American jobs and making us reliant on foreign oil. Obama, the man pulling the strings on marionette Biden, opposed to the project.

We urge you to read The Impact of Biden Blocking the Keystone Pipeline,” posted on AMAC, which puts the disastrous decision in perspective.  Now Americans are dealing with astronomically priced gas that is not only negatively impacting Americans, but is a major concern to the democrats who cheered his actions.

Supply chain problems have caused food shortages which are predicted to worsen. Americans who were thriving during Trump’s presidency are now unable to afford housing and fuel as costs have escalated on every level. As the midterm elections near, democrats see the bleak future they have created for themselves, and are scrambling to reconstruct a viable platform to present to their base.

Their problem is battling facts, which is a concept Biden has admitted he is unable to envision.