House GOP initiates action to remove do-nothing border czar Kamala Harris

March 25, 2023

The Daily Caller headlines its recent report by Chief National Correspondent Henry Rogers, EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Introduce Resolution To Remove Kamala Harris From Role As Border Czar.

Seeing Red AZ takes our readers directly to the report that contains vital information for those of us in the border state of Arizona, that has been a major portal facilitating the onslaught of illegal aliens…a crisis no longer limited to Mexican nationals — frequently repeat offenders with criminal histories given inappropriate light sentences — but those from nations worldwide who are illegally invading the USA.

Texas GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson, MD, reintroduced this resolution that should be read by all Americans. He notes that “over 4,500,000 have illegally crossed our southern border since January 2021.”

NumbersUSA reports “Border encounters exceed 150,000 for 24th consecutive month.”

Calling illegal invaders “migrants” is akin to referring to bank robbers as “borrowers.” An important clarification of the terminology reported on the well respected Heritage Foundation by Senior Legal Fellow Hans von Spakovsky is, “Sorry, but the Accurate Legal Term is ‘Illegal Alien,’ which refers to an Arizona case.

China-based TikTok infiltrating US via our youth. Is anyone paying attention?

March 24, 2023

TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew, a native of Singapore, appeared before congress Thursday, March 23, testifying that TikTok prioritizes user safety as he sought to avert a U.S. ban on the app by downplaying its ties to China. Representatives of both parties aggressively questioned Chew on topics including TikTok’s content moderation practices, its data security plans, and past spying on journalists, according to this informative AP report.

TikTok reputedly has over 150 million U.S. users. It is a major attraction to American teens, whose parents have little, if any, knowledge regarding its wide ranging content. Wake up, America!  Our political enemy is subtly influencing our youth!

The Business of Apps website reveals what too few Americans are aware of in its report, TikTok Revenue and Usage Statistics (2023).” If you read nothing else today, acquaint yourself with this vial and disturbing information. Knowledge is power. This site is used by national news organizations and sells much of its information, though there is still some crucial data that is available.

America can no longer afford to ignore this dangerous incursion.

AZ U.S. GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko grills dodging Chew, who received a Master’s Degree from Harvard Business School. He just previously admitted that TikTok tracks users’ individual keystrokes, then backtracked, telling Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) that he will “get back” to her about whether the Chinese app keeps records of users’ credit card information and passwords.

Soros-funded NY DA hopes to bring down Donald Trump

March 21, 2023

Trump indictment is a political witch hunt encompassing his supporters

All indications point to an indictment against former President Donald Trump being issued by his political adversaries. The date of parading the popular president to be fingerprinted and indicted appears to be less certain than was previously reported. This is political gamesmanship by the left intended to humiliate Donald Trump and demoralize his supporters. It will only enflame us.

Far left democrat Alvin Bragg, Jr., is the Soros-backed* soft on crime, including downgrading felony charges, New York District Attorney who is bringing the politically motivated charges.

Remember this: Bragg is bringing these unprecedented, (misdemeanor) charges, not only against Donald Trump, but against all of his supporters. We’re the ones who stood in long lines in Phoenix under the blistering sun to hear him prior to his election and crowded into other venues since to celebrate this president. Others across America braved snow and rain for a chance to support candidate Trump. He energizes Americans. Following his election, he strengthened the economy, put solid judges on the U.S. Supreme Court and federal benches, while keeping his campaign promises.

As democrats focus on demoralizing a popular former president, the Communist leaders of China and Russia have been meeting for the past three days. The far left media ignores this potentially disastrous collusion.

* H/T UK’s Daily Mail (news you won’t find in the failing, leftwing, Trump-hating local Arizona newspaper.)

What to expect if fmr. Pres. Trump’s arrest prediction is correct

March 19, 2023

Political prosecution is dem party’s mission

Though no charges have been filed, the left is salivating over reports that former President Donald Trump could be indicted early this coming week on contrived misdemeanor charges being brought against him in connection with an alleged hush money payment made to an unsavory adult film actress before the 2016 election. Fear is a powerful inducement for the left to continue to hound the popular president who, unlike feeble Joe Biden, can speak in complete sentences and has an enthusiastic and loyal following.

This debunked but regurgitated saga is being resuscitated due to the fact that Donald Trump officially launched a 2024 campaign for president, filing papers with the Federal Election Committee and establishing a campaign committee.

Drawing large, energized crowds wherever he speaks, Donald Trump is the Biden administration’s worst nightmare. Where else could a transgendered medical doctor, admiral and married father of two, who supports hormone blockers for children, declare himself a woman named Rachel (formerly known as Richard) and be given a cabinet level post in a serious administration? Biden brought this farce into his administration.

Trump holds significant leads for the Republican presidential nomination, supported by 43.9% of Republicans in compared with 28.0% for his nearest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has not yet announced his candidacy. Real Clear Politics aggregated polling has the most recent numbers.

If Donald Trump is arrested, expect protests across America and even higher poll numbers.

Despite efforts to forget, vacuous VP Kamala reminds us

March 18, 2023

H/T RNC Research

Trying to make sense of Mike Pence is a fool’s errand

March 14, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence wants nothing more than to remove the “vice” before his name. His aspirations for the top job of leading this nation have never been concealed. They are less so now as he openly lusts for the presidency and uses his undisguised animus of former President Donald Trump, for whom he served as VP, as his springboard. Pence’s most frequently hauled out and vociferous attack is blaming Trump for the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. It’s a scheme that plays well to the left, but has no potency with the Republican base he needs to gain traction. Portraying himself as a victim hasn’t worked to Pence’s advantage, either.

Pence’s campaign is peripheral, lagging not only behind former President Donald Trump by 45 points, but significantly trailing Florida and Virginia governors Ron DeSantis and Glenn Youngkin, as this newly released Morning Consult update indicates.

Real Clear Politics aggregated polling shows Pence in single digits — right where he belongs.

Influence Watch introduces us to ERIC

March 12, 2023

President Reagan was a prophet

The acronym ERIC stands for Electronic Registration Information Center. Take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with this scheme which refers to itself as “a non-profit organization with the sole mission of assisting states to improve the accuracy of America’s voter rolls and increase access to voter registration for all eligible citizens.” ERIC claims it is governed and managed by states that choose to join. It was formed in 2012 with assistance from the far less than unbiased Pew Charitable Trusts.

That guarantee should put any concerns to rest.

Under the heading, “What Data Does Eric Collect From Member States,” is this reassuring tidbit: “Each member state receives reports that show voters who have moved within their state, voters who have moved out of state, voters who have died, duplicate registrations in the same state, and individuals who are potentially eligible to vote but are not yet registered. States may request a report identifying voters who appear to have voted twice within the state in the prior federal election, voted in more than one state in the prior federal election, or who voted on behalf of a deceased voter in the prior federal election.”

In addition to needlessly usurping the duties of individual elected secretaries of state and county reorders, timeliness is a crucial factor.

Republican President Ronald Reagan was renowned for saying, “The 9 most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” A visionary, he foresaw the current situation decades ago.

Two high profile shooters, two different outcomes

March 2, 2023

Sirhan Sirhan, now 78, was once again denied parole Wednesday, 55 years after he shot and killed presidential candidate Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and wounded five others in Los Angeles in 1969. Sirhan, a Palestinian from Jordan, acknowledged he was angry at Kennedy for his support of Israel.

The latest denial by a two-person board in San Diego came after Sirhan was found suitable for parole by a parole panel in 2021, a decision that was reversed by Gov. Gavin Newsom. In this L.A. Times op-ed published in January 2022, Newsom wrote that Sirhan remained a threat to the public.

Sirhan’s attorney, Angela Berry, said the most recent parole denial was influenced by Newsom’s stringent opposition to the release.

Then there was John Hinckley Jr., who in 1981 attempted to assassinate then-President Ronald Reagan to capture the attention of actress Jodie Foster. Reagan’s would-be assassin was recently granted unconditional release, 41 years after the shooting that rocked the nation. Hinckley, now 67, was found not guilty in the aftermath of the March 30, 1981, attack by a jury that declared him insane. He subsequently spent two sporadic decades in a mental hospital, often released to his mother’s care in her gated Williamsburg, Virginia community where he had access to a Toyota Camry while on extended release.

In 2003, U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman, nominated to the federal bench by Bill Clinton, began allowing Hinckley to live outside the hospital with restrictions, and by 2016, he was residing in Virginia at his elderly mother’s golf course estate full-time. She died in July 2021.

Friedman indicated last year that all of Hinckley’s restrictions would be lifted by June 15 if he continued to do well, and confirmed that opinion Wednesday. Judge Friedman, who is a lawyer, not a medical doctor, declared Hinckley “shows no signs of active mental illness.”

Reagan recovered from the shooting, but White House press secretary James Brady was left permanently disabled after being shot in the head. Following Brady’s death in 2014, a medical examiner ruled his death a homicide caused by the wounds inflicted by Hinckley. That message obviously never resonated with Judge Paul Friedman.

Irrational Ronna forgets she is RNC chair, not despotic thought police

February 28, 2023

Emboldened by being elected to an unprecedented fourth consecutive two-year term as Republican National Committee chair, Ronna Romney McDaniel has begun issuing edicts. She will have her hands full trying to enforce a loyalty pledge from 2024 presidential candidates to support the nominee in order for them to participate in debates.

Ronna McDaniel now requires a “pledge” Republican presidential candidates must sign in order to authenticate their candidacy and remain within Ronna’s parameters. She forgets she is the titular head of the party, and individual candidates, their strategists and coordinators determine the paths of their campaigns and political strategy. 

McDaniel presumes every Republican candidate will be all too happy to discard their values and sing the kumbaya anthem.

She’ll be wrong again.

Irrelevant Paul Ryan goes negative on Trump

February 27, 2023

Few Fox viewers are aware that slippery Paul Ryan was appointed to the Fox Corporation Board of Directors in March 2019 and serves as the chair of the Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. His paltry 2022 salary, by Fox standards, is listed here.

As RINOcrat Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate, Ryan, the former House speaker outed himself as lacking conservative principles. Fox refers to itself as “fair and balanced,” and is widely, if erroneously, regarded as “conservative,” as evidenced by determinedly mandating its conservative hosts and reporters refer to illegal aliens as “migrants.”  Todd Starnes revealed the network’s duplicity on his show in 2021. 

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued these most recent numbers pertaining to the invasion, including 2023 year-to-date. America is being invaded. Biden reacts by tearing down the wall President Trump was constructing.