Spoiler Kasich out of 2016 Prez race: Does anyone care?

May 4, 2016

The New York Times reports that John Kasich, who never let us forget he was the son of a mailman, has decided to suspend what he called a presidential campaign. Though he carried only his home state of Ohio, the man who put a face to the acronym RINO, was angling for a contested GOP convention — which would blow a hole the size of a battleship through the Republican Party, relegating it to permanent obscurity.

Good riddance John.

McCain’s former adviser also a Hillary supporter

May 4, 2016

During John McCain’s lackluster 2008 shuffle for the presidency — throughout which he spent more time defending Barack Obama than offering a viable alternative Republicans could rally behind — we opined that he probably cast his own ballot for Obama from the confines of wife Cindy’s luxurious penthouse.  

Now it’s being reported that Mark Salter, McCain’s longtime political adviser, is a Hillary Clinton enthusiast, saying, “I‘m with her.”  No surprise there.  His former boss McCain previously called Hillary “a rock star” he could support.

As we reported in July 2013,  McCain meets regularly with Barack Obama and his top advisers and has even expressed concern over helping the second term president in the legacy department. According to McCain, “The president of the United States, like all presidents in their second terms, looks at their legacy. And there are areas that we have worked on.”

Long known for forging alliances with the most liberal of Democrats, committed amnesty supporter McCain is more of a polarizing figure than ever, which was clearly evidenced by his near inability to carry his home state during his failed presidential bid. He managed a weak 8.9% margin of victory and lost four of Arizona’s fifteen counties to Obama. After over three decades in the senate, the gaffe-prone John McCain is actually running again —- for another 6-year senate term at age 80.

You won’t get this slipperiness from challenger Dr. Kelli Ward, a two-term former state senator with a conservative track record.  Her Issues page addresses the concerns of Arizona voters, as she says, “It’s time to shake up Washington.”  Send her a few bucks to help her get her message out. She’s married to a military man. John McCain doesn’t even have an accurate count on how many homes he and his beer heiress wife Cindy own — clearly not a problem most Arizona voters deal with.

Cruz out, Trump GOP nominee

May 3, 2016

The voters have spoken

This is the vote total from the Indiana Primary. 57 delegates are up for grabs.

Spoiler Kasich vows  to stay in “until Trump hits magic number”

On the Democrat side, Socialist Bernie Sanders is devastating radical leftist Hillary Clinton.

Hispanic activists: Park Ranger uniforms threaten illegals

May 3, 2016

Recent news accounts of a convicted burglar shot and wounded by the homeowner and now suing him to recover damages, left many of us shaking our heads in disbelief at the brassiness of criminals.  Ready yourself for another jolt.  This time it concerns foreign national illegals who are invading the United States — our homeland.

As the National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary, a coalition of minority activist organizations with pretentious sounding names, claiming to represent civil rights and conservation groups, are petitioning Barack Obama to once again skirt congress via executive action, in order to redesign the rangers’ uniforms and vehicles. The intent of such a preposterous move would be to present a less threatening appearance to the illegals. 

The activists want the Obama administration to order the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture to “to adopt guiding priorities for a more inclusive approach to conservation of our public lands, including a full reflection of the faces of our country, a respect for different cultures, histories and approaches, and a responsibility to actively engage all people.”

We couldn’t make this up.

CNS News reports the Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) talked about the need to change the cars and uniforms last week in a press conference that was recorded by the news agency. HAF president Maite Arce said the uniform issue is particularly relevant at parks located in Border States.

“It’s such a shame that something as simple as the uniform and its similarity to the border patrols uniform, in the coloring, could be very threatening to certain segments of the Latino population,” Arce said.

The absurd demands come ion the heels of a Center for Immigration Studies report affirming that ICE continued to release deportable criminal aliens from its custody at an alarming rate in 2015, according to figures the agency provided to members of Congress. The numbers were made available in advance of this April 28, U.S. House hearing.. In 2015, ICE freed 19,723 criminal aliens, who had a total of 64,197 convictions among them. These included 8,234 violent convictions and 208 homicide convictions.

The inmates are desperately trying to run the asylum.

Sen. Ted Cruz’ greatest blunders

May 2, 2016

For an acknowledged brilliant guy, with conservative values that rankle the GOP establishment, he’s woefully deficient in the strategy department

Talking about “New York values” right before the New York primary was not a smart move. The reverberation from that perceived slam, put this icing on his resounding defeat cake.

Conspiring with the self-centered John Kasich to put the skids on Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign — only to have the undisciplined and slippery spoiler Kasich bail on him. Kasich is hoping for a brokered convention, which has the very real potential to ensure the GOP future political irrelevance .

Ted Cruz’ selection  of Carly Fiorina “I have great admiration for Hillary Clinton” (video) as his Vice Presidential running mate. Fiorina also supports and lauds John McCain (video) as well as serving as an economic adviser to, and  high dollar bundler for his failed presidential campaign.

Refusing to answer”Meet The Press” interviewer Chuck Todd NINE TIMES Sunday as to whether he’d support Donald Trump if he‘s ultimately the GOP nominee.

Where are his advisers?

More AZ GOP establishment collusion? & Update

May 1, 2016

AZ’s March 12, 2016 Presidential Preference Election results gave Donald Trump 46% of the vote to Ted Cruz’ 28%. What was the funny business at that led to Cruz sweeping the delegates at the Presidential Preference Convention on Saturday?


Delegates. Delegates, who‘s got the delegates?

Here’s the breakdown of delegates. Good luck in figuring it out.