AZ Republic’s biased lack of coverage of deadly Wisconsin massacre

November 23, 2021

The horrendous, intentional vehicular assault on participants and those who came to attend the annual Waukesha, Wisconsin Christmas parade on Saturday has received scant coverage, though  the deliberate attack sent 48 people to the hospital with serious injuries and killed five, including small children. Three sets of siblings were among the victims. The Arizona Republic — which admits it views everything…even its hiring practiceson the basis of race — chose not to write a word of the attack in its Sunday or Monday editions, likely because the assailant, Darrell Brooks, Jr., who has a lengthy rap sheet, does not fit its preferred criteria for an assailant. Brooks, 39, a career criminal with numerous arrests and incarcerations, is black. Had he been white, the accounts of the deadly van assault as he drove into the parade would have received full exposure.

Among the most thorough reports, which includes rap sheets and videos, can be read on the New American, which details Brooks’ longtime criminality dating back to 1999 and the repeated times he has been treated with contemptible leniency by the criminal justice system, including the Soros-supported district attorney, and even the judge. Brooks was on the streets on an inappropriately low bail for beating and then attacking the mother of his child with his car just two days before his deadly Christmas parade vehicular assault.

If it’s the truth you seek, read The New American coverage.

For additional insight into what drives the local newspaper, read:

July 3, 2019: Dying AZ Republic heralds newsroom diversity quotas

May 3, 2021: AZ newspaper bows at diversity altar, rejects diversity of thought

McCain, a key component in Steele dossier, still given cover

November 5, 2021

Vengeful, twice failed presidential candidate McCain was instrumental in discredited report intended to damage Trump’s 2016 campaign

The news is newly rife with updated reports about the Steele dossier promulgated by Christopher Steele, a British spy maliciously linking then-presidential candidate Donald Trump to Russian operatives.

The discredited so-called “dossier,” has the ring of an espionage novel worthy of a John le Carre thriller best seller list placement. Steele was on the payrolls of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to ferret out what were later revealed as non-existent connections between Trump and Russia.

FOX news begins its intrigue-laced report with these words:

“Federal agents arrested the primary sub-source who contributed to the unverified anti-Trump dossier Thursday as part of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigations regarding the origins of the probe into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Igor Danchenko’s arrest is linked to a federal grand jury indictment in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. Durham has charged Danchenko, a Russian citizen residing in Virginia, with five counts of making false statements to the FBI.”

Read the Nov. 3, 2021 indictment here.

Missing — always missing — especially in the pages of the leftist, McCain-worshiping local newspaper, is any reference to the key player in the attempt to bring down Donald Trump: John McCain. He’s the bitter man who obsessively envied and despised Trump. The 45th president, a businessman, with no political experience, achieved that which continued to elude resentful Republicrat McCain, who lost the presidency in both 2000 and 2008.

The discredited dossier was funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. McCain and Hillary were long-standing pals.

McCain admitted hand-carrying the vicious and contrived report intended to irreversibly damage Donald Trump, to then-FBI director, later fired, James Comey. When called out on his major role in attempting to topple Trump, McCain, exuding his malicious style bragged, “I discharged that obligation, and I would do it again. Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell.”

CINO* Biden flexes democrat pro-abortion muscle

September 3, 2021

Biden refers to abortion as a woman’s “personal health decision,” never mentioning it’s not a healthy decision for her pre-born child

In issuing this statement, Joe Biden wasted no time in reacting to Thursday’s U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 decision to uphold S.B. 8, a Texas law, signed by Gov. Greg Abbott in May. S.B. 8 bans abortion in that state after medical professionals can detect cardiac activity —usually around six weeks of pregnancy. Read the law here.

Biden has directed federal agencies to do what they can to “insulate women and providers” from the impact of the pro-life law, declaring his administration will launch a “whole-of-government effort to respond to this decision” and look at “what steps the federal government can take to ensure that women in Texas have access to safe and legal abortions as protected by Roe.”

Voting to uphold the Texas law were Justices Clarence Thomas who in 2019 publicly stated Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, and Samuel Alito. All three of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointees — Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett — voted with the majority to allow the Texas law to remain in effect. Dissenting was disappointing Chief Justice John Roberts who joined the court’s three leftist justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. As a Catholic and the father of two adopted children Roberts should be adamantly pro-life, since he and his wife would not have their family if their children’s Irish national birth mothers had aborted them.

Biden’s U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland stated the Justice Department is “deeply concerned” about the law, and is “evaluating all options to protect the constitutional rights of women, including access to an abortion.”

This is the same Merrick Garland, newly minted “conservative” Kari Lake extolled as a fine candidate when Barack Obama wanted to appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court to replace actual conservative Justice Antonin Scalia who died unexpectedly. Lake, who gave substantial donations to both John Kerry and Barack Obama when she was still a democrat, is now dishonestly running for Arizona Governor on the Republican ticket. Watch her video to hear her praising pro-abortion democrat Merrick Garland.

* Catholic In Name Only

SCOTUS orders Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy reinstated

August 25, 2021

Court deals major blow to open borders Biden administration

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the Biden administration’s motion for a reprieve from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling, requiring it to reinstate President Trump’s policy known as “Remain in Mexico.”  Illegal aliens must stay in Mexico while they await a hearing in U.S. immigration court. The court’s three leftist justices — Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor — made clear they would have granted Biden’s handler’s request and ignored the district court’s order.

The high court’s decision means the Biden administration must enforce the policy “in good faith,” though the open border policy it oversees makes it difficult to trust they will comply with the decree without stringent oversight. Those surrogates with the agenda will be calling the shots, as Biden is known to mumble incoherently and wander off-stage.

Though the AP mischaracterizes the illegal invaders as “migrants,” and the lawsuits filed by the governors of Texas and Missouri, as “seeking to reinstate some of the hard-line anti-immigration policies of the Trump administration,” be aware that is blatant editorializing in what is supposed to be a news report. 

These are times unlike others. We are not only dealing with a deadly global epidemic. Thanks to Biden’s surrogates’ miscalculations, the reenergized Taliban Muslim extremists are now armed with our artillery and are preventing Americans and our Afghan allies from getting to the airport in Kabul. In these perilous times, we have a duty and an obligation to know who is entering our country.

The left is unable to be reliable stewards of our nation. Even as we searched for the press release containing the statement in which the Department of Homeland Security said it regrets that the high court declined to issue a stay, and that the department said it would continue to challenge the district court’s order, we found nothing. Not a single sentence relating to the issue. News about the flag-raising ceremony to fly the Progress Flag at the Department of State’s Harry S Truman Building, was given prominence. Former President Truman must be spinning in his grave. This is not his democrat party.

But never fear. The American Civil Liberties Union called on the Biden administration to present a fuller rationale for ending ‘Remain in Mexico’ that could withstand court scrutiny. They’ll listen to them with a keener ear than any citizen group.

Cuban-born Alejandro Mayorkas, the Biden administration’s Director of the Department of Homeland Security, has an open border agenda and suspended the program on Inauguration Day, fully revoking it in June.

The Supreme Court wisely ruled in the best interests of the United States.

Border wisdom from Trump-appointed federal judge

August 15, 2021

In a late Friday decision, Federal Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, handed the Biden administration a stunning defeat as he revived a Trump-era immigration policy that ordered illegal aliens attempting to breech our sovereign border remain in Mexico as they await U.S. court hearings.

Judge Kacsmaryk who sits on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, was appointed to the bench by President Donald Trump in 2019. He has directed the Biden administration to reinstate the program, saying the administration “failed to consider several critical factors” when ending the program. Kacsmaryk delayed his order for seven days to give the administration a chance to appeal.

Kacsmaryk noted Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas did not grasp the benefits of the program, which deterred illegal entrants from the border. Hundreds of thousands of illegals, many positive with COVID have been resettled across the United States by the Biden administration. The judge also stated Mayorkas failed to heed warnings from DHS officials who affirmed the program’s repeal would lead to a surge in illegals into the U.S and ignored the fiscal cost to states of repealing the policy. This shocking escalation (up 327.4% this fiscal year) reflects the most recent numbers released by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The lawsuit was brought in April by the Republican attorney generals of Texas and Missouri, who argued that ending the MPP (Migrant Protection Protocols)* led to a surge in illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt issued this triumphant statement, “Attorney General Schmitt Scores Massive Win in “Remain in Mexico” Lawsuit.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted “ANOTHER VICTORY!” including the document from the U.S. District Court.

* This was the explanation issued January 24, 2019 by then-Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen during the Trump administration: “We have implemented an unprecedented action that will address the urgent humanitarian and security crisis at the Southern border. This humanitarian approach will help to end the exploitation of our generous immigration laws. The Migrant Protection Protocols represent a methodical commonsense approach, exercising long-standing statutory authority to help address the crisis at our Southern border.”

The current administration, which has not addressed the border crisis, has no such policy, although VP Kamala Harris — averse to visiting the border — is supposedly the border czarina.

AZ TV-3 puts wokeness on display with “products of conception”

August 13, 2021

Although Phoenix’ TV 3 News goes by the warm identifier, “Arizona’s Family,” it appears to have forgotten what the term “family” signifies.

A recent news report carried this bizarre headline: “Police find products of conception in Mesa park.”

“Products of conception”? No doubt they are referring to a life that was snuffed out. A pre-born human baby. The report noted that “officers responded to Ranch West Park for a report of an unknown presence in a bag in the park. When officers arrived on the scene, they found tissues that developed from a pregnancy.”

Tissues that developed from a pregnancy?  See them here in the first weeks. A baby’s heartbeat can be detected as early as 16 days after conception, before a mother even realizes she is pregnant.

The casual disregard for the sanctity of human life was launched by the notorious Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court 7-2 decision, which inexplicably found the previously unheard of “right to privacy” in the U.S. Constitution. Prior to his appointment to the court, Justice William Rehnquist practiced law in Phoenix. He was later appointed Chief Justice by Pres. Ronald Reagan and confirmed by this 65-33 vote). On Jan. 22, 1973, Justice Rehnquist wrote the dissenting opinion in the ruling legalizing abortion. He was joined by Justice Byron White. The rest of the nine men supported pre-birth infanticide.

The language of  “Wokespeak” is defined here by Prof. Victor Davis Hanson, Ph.D, who makes us all smarter…though few of us will ever attain the pinnacle upon which he stands. It should be required reading for the folks at the local news station who so facilely manipulate the English language.

Pervert dem megadonor Ed Buck guilty of 9 felonies

July 30, 2021

Conviction of far-left darling of the hypocritical Arizona Republic unworthy of mention on its pages

Earlier this week, a Los Angeles federal jury, deliberating only four hours following a two-week trial, convicted wealthy democrat donor Ed Buck on charges that he injected indigent gay men with methamphetamine in exchange for sex, leading to two deaths and other overdoses, in the mattress-lined living room what was described as his Hollywood “house of horrors.” Court documents portray Buck as a “violent, dangerous sexual predator, who uses the bait of drugs, money, and shelter to lure men struggling with addiction and homelessness into his home, where he manipulates them into participating in his sexual fetishes.”

Buck, 66, was found guilty of nine felony counts including providing and injecting the drugs that led to the overdose deaths of Gemmel Moore, 26, and Timothy Dean, 55. A sentencing date has not yet been announced.

Arizonans will remember Buck (a name he altered from Buckmelter), as detailed in this 2019 post titled. “Deviant Dem megadonor Ed Buck finally arrested after 3rd man overdoses & Update.” Buck’s nefarious anti-Republican career took root in Phoenix, where he received ongoing praise and celebratory status in the local newspaper for being the driving force to take down newly elected Gov. Evan Mecham prior to his January 5, 1987 inauguration to his contrived impeachment conviction on April 4, 1988. The far left Arizona Republic cheered on Buck’s efforts against the former state senator, decorated World War II fighter pilot and POW, and a successful businessman. Evan Mecham was a devoted husband, father of seven, and active in his church, but he was a political conservative making him deserving of the wrath of the radical local newspaper, which daily vomited its multi-pronged, anti-conservative, vicious spew on him.

Governor Mecham was Donald Trump decades before President Donald Trump appeared on the political horizon.

Ed Buck lavished campaign donations on prominent state and federal (be sure to read the entire lists). Democrat candidates — Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Adam Schiff, were among the recipients of Buck’s generosity. Congressman Schiff, who represented the district where Buck lived was known to visit his home.

Buck has given more than $500,000 to a wide array of democrat groups and candidates, including Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (who Biden just nominated as the U.S. Ambassador to India), Gov. Gavin Newsom (currently facing a recall election) and L.A. County District Attorney Jackie Lacey — obviously attempting to curry favor with powerful office holders who could influence his fate. His scheme worked. While in office, Lacey twice refused to prosecute Buck.

The DCCC reportedly received at least $5,000 from Buck. AZ Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s PAC, Getting Stuff Done, (GSD-PAC) was a recipient of Buck’s generosity, separate from his donations to her campaign, which she ultimately returned.

Those on the long list of leftists who willingly accepted Buck’s generosity remain mute, as does the duplicitous Arizona Republic, which couldn’t praise him enough when he led the impeachment against conservative Republican Gov. Evan Mecham. Now Buck’s conviction is unworthy of mention.

One thing Slo-Joe has is a lot of experience

July 25, 2021

He remembers working on the Judiciary Committee “150 years ago.”


SCOTUS upholds Arizona’s voting laws

July 2, 2021

As the U.S. Supreme Court protects ballot integrity, the reliably leftwing local newspaper intentionally mischaracterizes the ruling as “voting restrictions disproportionately affecting minority voters”

The U.S. Supreme Court (photos and professional bios) on Thursday upheld Arizona’s rational election integrity laws. In a 6-3 ruling, the justices defended states’ abilities to administer elections and pass laws to protect the results.

This is excerpted from the Arizona Attorney General’s press release:

“The Democratic National Committee (DNC) challenged Arizona’s regulation of ballot-harvesting and limitation on out-of-precinct voting in 2016. The DNC erroneously claimed the measures violated the Voting Rights Act (VRA) and that the ballot-harvesting law was enacted with discriminatory intent.  The U.S. District Court of Arizona rejected the DNC’s challenges after a full trial, but a majority of judges on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed those findings to invalidate Arizona’s laws.

Today, the justices strongly refuted the DNC’s claims stating, “…neither Arizona’s out-of-precinct rule nor its ballot-collection law violates §2 of the VRA.” SCOTUS further concluded: “Under our form of government, legislators have a duty to exercise their judgment and to represent their constituents. It is insulting to suggest that they are mere dupes or tools.

The case, Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee has broad implications for the rest of the country. If the SCOTUS had accepted the logic of the DNC, every voter integrity law in the country would be in jeopardy if it created any disparity between minority and non-minority voters.

Approximately twenty states have some regulation of ballot harvesting. Ballot harvesting occurs when third-parties or political operatives go door-to-door and collect voters’ ballots. There are exceptions in Arizona’s law for family, caregivers, mail carriers, and election officials.

Additionally, the majority of states require ballots to be cast in the correct precinct. Requiring voters to vote in their assigned precinct furthers important state interests in administering the election free from fraud and ensuring voters get a ballot with the correct local races.”

Justice Elena Kagan wrote the dissent.

Georgia follows Maricopa County’s ballot audit as MC Attorney bows to supervisors

May 22, 2021

Those who rely on the leftward skewed local news for information, are likely to believe supporters of the recount of the 2020 General Election ballots cast in Maricopa County were anomalous, manic Trump supporters with too much time on their hands. 

Now we find out we are not alone. “Republican Daily headlines its report, “Georgia Judge Calls For Emergency Audit After Suspicious Discrepancies Found.” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution flunks the media bias test as it deceptively concealed detrimental pertinent information on democrat senatorial candidate Raphael Warnock challenging incumbent Georgia Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler in the run-off race, as seen here. Warnock won, tipping the U.S. Senate balance.

On Friday, Henry County, Georgia Chief Judge Brian J. Amero called for the motion to unseal ballots after suspicious irregularities were found.

During a hearing, lawyers “described large discrepancies (21%) between the number of ballot batches reported by the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who certified the election, and the number of ballot batches actually provided by court-ordered access in the previous April hearing in the case,” according to CD Media.

The most recent absurdity is this hostile and accusatory 4-page Litigation Hold and Preservative Notice’ letter* sent to Senate President Karen Fann, threatening legal action against the AZ Senate audit team. It was issued by waffling Republicrat Maricopa County Attorney Allister Adel on behalf of her “clients” Maricopa County, the AZ Board of Supervisors, and Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer. The maneuver appears to be an attempt to facilitate tarnishing the reputation of the audit to the citizens of Maricopa County, whose intelligence she vastly underestimates.

When former Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery was appointed to the Arizona Supreme Court by Gov. Doug Ducey in Sept. 2019, he was replaced by Allister Adel by the same Board of Supervisors she is now giving special treatment.

*H/T CD Media