Walls should be closing in on Joe Biden, corrupt son Hunter

March 18, 2022

Remember how quickly the Hunter Biden investigation was tamped down and then buried as his father’s presidential campaign gained a foothold? Ukraine was a big story then, and not due to Vladimir Putin’s unconscionable invasion.

The news was rife with accounts revealing how Joe Biden’s son — lacking experience in energy, an inability to speak Ukrainian and nothing to recommend him other than access to his then-Obama VP dad — was hired as a board member by Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy firm, at a $50,000 monthly salary.

Hunter Biden, a known crack cocaine addict, was on the Burisma board from 2014 to 2019 after being kicked out of the Navy Reserve in 2013 due to his drug addiction and alcoholism.* At the time Burisma was engulfed in a corruption investigation and Hunter was useful as a go-between, introducing his Vice President father to a top executive at the Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before Joe Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company. Despite creating a clear conflict of interest, the Biden’s slid with no repercussions.  Although the New York Post, the nation’s oldest newspaper,** covered this major breaking news story, the Biden-supporting Arizona Republic didn’t find it worthy of coverage. Among numerous reports SRAZ posted, were these: October 15, 2020, “Biden caught in cash for influence scandal,” and December 19, 2020 “Hunter Biden admits he’s the focus of tax fraud investigation.”

The New York Post is on top of the coverage again as it provides this comprehensive report about the ongoing federal probe into Hunter Biden’s tax filings published by the New York Times on Wednesday night — finally confirming the existence of the first son’s infamous laptop. The Times requires a subscription.

* Covered extensively in the U.K.‘s Daily Mail

** Founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton

Who’s the president…Jen (Psaki) or Joe?

March 12, 2022

Each U.S. president has his own unique style communicating with the American people. POLITCO provides this fascinating photo anthology beginning with President Franklin Roosevelt, seated side-by-side with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on Dec. 23, 1941, after he asked Congress to declare war on Japan following the Dec. 7 stealth attack on our naval fleet resulting in thousands of deaths in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Following in order, are Presidents Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Donald Trump is omitted from the not updated compilation as is his successor, Joe Biden.

Presidential press conferences, begun in 1913 by newly inaugurated Woodrow Wilson, have been around for over a century. There’s never previously been such blatant confusion as to who is the leader — Joe Biden or Jen Psaki?

White House Press Secretary Psaki spends far more time with the mostly sycophantic press corps than the befuddled Oval Office occupant, Joe Biden. Her interaction with reporters in the wake of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked war on Ukraine has taken on an authoritarian posture, as Psaki, not Biden, used the following statements:

“As I just outlined…”

“I would also note…”

“There are a range of topics we discussed with other national leaders…”

“I wouldn’t make that assessment…”

“We do anticipate prices will go up…”

In response to a question from Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy: “Is there any red line for Putin?”

Psaki replied, “Like what?

Equivocating on our U.S. armed forces, Psaki stated, “Well, I would say, first, the U.S. military is one of the best militaries in the world.” Not the best, but “one of the best.”

“Are you detecting any sign of any imminent use of chemical weapons over there?”

In a rare moment of candor, Psaki replied: “I’m not going to get into any intelligence.”

To the pressing question as to who is the decision maker in these difficult times, Joe Biden or Jen Psaki? We expect her fallback response, “The president has been clear with the American people.”

Biden bows at radical “Demand Justice” SCOTUS diversity altar

February 26, 2022

DJ’s website is clear about its objectives: “We fight every day on issues that matter to the future of the federal courts – because every progressive issue depends on it.”

It’s likely you’ve never heard of Demand Justice (DJ). Most Americans haven’t. The leftist group, headed by Brian Fallon, is focused on the U.S. Supreme Court, which doesn’t meet its extreme standards. Topping the list is “transforming the court and expanding the number of high court justices to ensure a preponderance of diversified democrats.”  Be aware this does not include diversity of thought. In addition to guaranteeing those with a leftist agenda are elevated to the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal courts, Demand Justice considers as paramount qualifications immutable characteristics over which none of us have any control, such as our race and gender.

Mounting pressure from the left forced Justice Stephen Breyer, nominated by Bill Clinton, to announce his retirement providing Biden’s handlers the opportunity to nominate a former public defender, who just happens to fill the necessary race and gender requirements.

While Americans naively think judicial selection is aboveboard and trustworthy, the singled-focused group has been spending $millions on a lobbying campaign on behalf of Ketanji Brown Jackson, Joe Biden’s ultimate nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court. Demand Justice arrogantly sent him this progressive short list* from which to make his final selection.

In this Feb. 24, 2022 press release, Demand Justice announced it will begin a seven-figure ad campaign to support her confirmation, touting her qualifications as the first black woman and the first former public defender nominated to the court. This is an ad buy promoting Ketanji Brown Jackson.

If you’re wondering why Republican former House Speaker Paul Ryan endorsed democrat Jackson for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia when she was nominated by Barack Obama — urging his fellow GOP colleagues to confirm her — it’s because they’re related by marriage. Ketanji Brown Jackson’s husband is Patrick G. Jackson, the twin brother of Ryan’s brother-in-law William Jackson. William Jackson’s wife, Dana, is the sister of Ryan’s wife, Janna.

Demand Justice headlined, “Our Courts Are In Crisis,” with this opening blurb that explains its deceptive scheme: “With a 6-3 Republican supermajority, the Supreme Court is too biased in favor of special interests and Republican politicians. Our democracy is at risk from decisions that suppress the right to vote.

Voter suppression is the hoax perpetrated by democrats to give heft to their meritless claims.

*Seeing Red AZ does not use the word “progressive” as a political description. It is a form of deception preferred by the left, since it denotes forward thinking. Leftist thought is more accurately described as “regressive.”

Bang, bang…Kari Lake’s “lifetime NRA status” goes up in smoke

February 21, 2022

Fake Lake shoots political blanks

Membership in the National Rifle Association is a badge of honor for millions of patriotic Americans who respect the Second Amendment to our U.S. Constitution. Members are easily identifiable by the decal on their car window.  Not only is it a mark of pride in an over 150-year-old organization, memberships are a rite of passage within countless American families.

It’s no wonder Kari Lake, a former teleprompter news reader-turned governor candidate, lacking any relevant experience in state government, wants to add heft to her non-existent credentials by claiming lifetime membership in the NRA. She is unable to produce any evidence of membership prior to 2021.

What Kari Lake does have experience in is political party hopping. She has been a Republican, switching to a democrat, a registered Independent and now claims she is not only a Republican, but a staunch conservative. Lake used her first initial and married last named Halperin, when sending generous donations to the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and John Kerry — a fact she now discards as easily as she did a day-old script.

No doubt Lake would also like Republican voters to forget she was dedicated to assisting almost out-the-door Obama get his last minute leftist democrat nominee Merrick Garland on the U.S. Supreme Court as a replacement for conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. The widely respected conservative Scalia died unexpectedly, in his bed, while on a hunting trip. Fortunately President Donald Trump filled the SCOTUS vacancy with Neil Gorsuch.

Joe Biden’s handlers breathed new life into radical Merrick Garland by nominating him as Biden’s U.S. Attorney General, whose respect for life is so abysmal that he sued the state of Texas over its recently enacted abortion law.

This post, “Merrick Garland supporter Kari Lake goes mute as he mobilizes FBI against parents,” includes five additional links revealing Kari Lake has never exhibited any conservative leanings until her overactive ego preposterously convinced her she‘s equipped to handle the myriad duties of Arizona’s governor.

Here is fake Lake, then a democrat, promoting Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court, as she refers to him as, “someone you can’t have any qualms with…who has an impeccable resume.”

Army discharging vax refusers as Christine Wormuth morphs into Tony Fauci

February 6, 2022

Americans have been inundated with news reports of COVID tyrant Tony Fauci, but chances are you’ve never heard of Christine Wormuth. She’s a democrat party operative who graduated with degrees in fine art, political science and public policy. She does not have a medical degree. Though she’s never been an active member of the military, she caught the eye of Barack Obama who nominated her as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. She previously worked for the Clinton administration. Now she is Joe Biden’s Secretary of the Army. Her role as a party insider was given additional heft during her previous employment at DFI International, a corporate and government lobbying firm.

In her latest position as Secretary of the Army, Wormuth has issued this 8-page directive that Army vaccine refusers will be discharged immediately. The order includes active-duty soldiers, reserves serving on active duty and cadets at the Military Academy at West Point, its preparatory school and ROTC.

The Army has received 709 requests for permanent medical exemptions and approved only six. It also received nearly 3,000 requests for religious accommodations, approving not a single one.

Military troops who are separated over COVID-19 vaccine refusal will not be eligible for any involuntary separation pay and could be subject to reimbursement of any unearned or incentive pays.

Army commanders have relieved six unidentified “Regular Army leaders” — including two battalion commanders — over their vaccine refusal. Over 3,000 general officer written reprimands have been issued to soldiers for refusing the shots.

The Army Times titles its comprehensive report, “Army begins discharges for COVID vaccine-refusing soldiers.”

American Military News headlines, “3,000+ US troops punished, 500+ kicked out for refusing COVID vaccines.”

Biden fails at all else, now tackles eradicating cancer

February 3, 2022

Medical authority Joe Biden pushes Dr. Tony Fauci aside

When we see the words, “Dr. Biden,” the fawning media has conferred the aura of a medical doctor to First Lady Jill and her education degree, used as a honorary title within the educational establishment. She has no medical credentials.

Turns out, there is another Dr. Biden in the White House. Joe Biden isn’t focusing on trying to halt dementia, since he has fallen victim to its ravages. Now we are told he plans to reactivate Barack Obama’s plan to eradicate cancer, which Obama previously put Biden in charge of tackling. This 2016 White House press statement shows it’s a reliable diversionary tactic.  It’s now being hauled out as the economy is collapsing, the administration is needlessly spending $trillions on the 2,456 page “Build Back Better” Act,* has allowed millions of illegal aliens to breach our border, untested during the pandemic that has closed schools and pressured citizens to get vaxxed or lose their jobs. We are also viewed as unreliable by our allies, who witnessed the debacle in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, ignoring intelligence recommendations, leaving  Americans behind and resulting in the needless deaths of 13 U.S. service personnel.

The prominently displayed, above-the-fold headline in today’s edition of the toadying, far-leftwing Arizona Republic describes Biden’s “Moonshot” plan to cut cancer deaths by at least 50% over the next 25 years. He declares it’s “doable” within the next 25 years.  Facing his 80th birthday this year, it’s a good bet he won’t be around to answer  for this grandiose declaration.

“We can do this. I promise you, we can do this. For all those we lost, for all those we miss. We can end cancer as we know it.” Biden‘s surrogates released this Fact Sheet: “President Biden Reignites Cancer Moonshot to End Cancer as We Know It,” on February 2, 2022, nearly a decade after Obama put Biden in charge of the same program.

* Exposed here by the Heritage Foundation

Proof conservative AZ US Senate candidate Jim Lamon has dems running scared

February 2, 2022

Leftist newspaper begins hammering GOP candidate Jim Lamon in effort to keep anti-Second Amendment dem Mark Kelly in office

Politically astute Arizonans are keenly aware the local newspaper is in the tank for democrats, which has contributed to its current pathetic state. It’s continued to plummet for decades, though with Gene and Nina Pulliam running the Arizona Republic and Phoenix Gazette, the now defunct afternoon edition, the news took a decidedly conservative turn, as did their newspapers in Indiana. According to this biography in the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame, the Pulliam’s eventually owned 50 newspapers. Today it’s impossible to imagine the newspaper that debuted in 1890 was originally bannered as the Arizona Republican.

Throughout his lifetime, Pulliam championed a free, independent press. “The basic foundations of the newspaper business are spiritual,” he is quoted as stating. “As newspaper people, we have got to preserve the freedom of the United States by always exercising our right to protect against those who could become bureaucratic despots.” His newspaper’s nameplates carried the motto, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.”

We provide this background to illustrate the deep plunge from the newspaper’s conservative and faith-based commitment to today’s undisguised leftist and vitriolic bent with constant venomous spews directed solely at Republicans.

Conservative GOP senate candidate and successful businessman, Jim Lamon is now in the newspaper’s crosshairs since he presents too well for the leftwing newspaper’s comfort, as he takes on George Soros and Barack Obama-supported, open border advocate, short-termer Mark Kelly, who is finishing out the remainder of John McCain‘s final term. Kelly has become wealthy not by creating a successful energy business that prioritizes employing American workers but by engaging in lucrative ventures with Communist China, recently showing its inclination to invade Taiwan and threatening Japan if it interferes with China‘s aggressive overtures.  Lamon has accomplished far more than being shot up in a rocket, which is now a fashionable deviation from the norm to those who have the ability to pay for the expensive ride. Read Jim Lamon’s impressive bio to clearly discern the difference. 

The radically leftist, Hillary-endorsing, Trump-despising newspaper has begun a double-dosing bile spew aimed at Jim Lamon, disparaging him in a two-page article, and in the same edition flinging incendiary word arsonist/columnist EJ Montini at Lamon.

The way the alarmed newspaper responds to a consistent conservative with a military background and heralded for his business acumen is to set the tiresome sniping machine in gear. Since few subscribers remain, it’s not difficult to ignore.

SCOTUS vacancy looms: Justice Breyer pressured to exit

January 27, 2022

Sen. Chuck Schumer, an ardent leftist, is already heaping Breyer with accolades preceding a final shove

Finally caving to extreme pressure before the midterm elections that could flip the confirming senate, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has announced his retirement at the end of the current term in June. The handwriting is on the wall. He has outlived his usefulness.

This lifetime appointment is a high stakes escapade for the democrat powerbrokers who are keenly aware that the chances of replacing Breyer, 83, with a far leftist, decades younger justice would be impeded if they lost control of the U.S. Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.

Biden is not seeking excellence, having already acknowledged that genitalia and ethnicity top his list of qualifications. He is specifically seeking a black female, which means the only white males who would apply would be doing so to give an air of legitimacy to the skewed process.

Overseeing the selection is Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain, the powerful man behind the curtain, who has long had a hand in other Supreme Court appointments. He was chief counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, worked for Bill Clinton as associate counsel, advising on his judicial nominations, including radical Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who stated she preferred the South African constitution to ours. Ginsburg also admitted the reason she fell asleep during then-Pres. Barack Obama’s State of the Nation speech was because she had too much too drink (brief video) which MSM newscasters found humorous. Klain also played a key role in advising Obama to fill high court vacancies with leftist Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Though you might not be familiar with Klain, he has outsized power, especially in the current administration where the president is clearly a mentally and physically impaired incompetent.

Given the state of governmental chaos, is it any wonder that 41% of voters still don’t believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fairly? This June 23, 2021 survey by Rasmussen Reports found that 55% of likely U.S. voters support forensic audits of election results to ensure there is no voter fraud.

Frustrated? Pissed? Dislike Joe? Psaki advises, “Go have a margarita”

January 22, 2022

We couldn’t make this up. It’s a prime example of dem think, a blotto retreat from reality.

Jen Psaki is Joe Biden’s White House press secretary, who came to her lofty perch via the Obama administration where she was deputy press secretary with a detour at CNN.

H/T Gateway Pundit

Trump comes to town, lets conservatives down

January 16, 2022

Republicrat Kari Lake endorsement is a monumental fail

Drawing an enormous crowd of energized supporters, as only he can do, former President Donald Trump held his first 2022 rally in Florence, Arizona, at the Canyon Moon Ranch festival grounds.

Although there is still speculation he will run for president again, a large percentage of his loyalists believe he remains most effective as an energizing force to keep Republican candidates on topic and point to his multiple successes that need to be replicated. During Trump’s administration, the economy soared and employment was at a record high. He was constructing the border wall he had promised as a candidate and appointed a record number of judges to the federal bench and three justices — Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett — to the U.S. Supreme Court, comprising a conservative majority.

As president, his style was unique but effective. America was once again elevated on the world stage. He engendered a loyal following that still exists as evidenced by the massive crowd he drew Saturday.The Heavy has photos, although its estimated crowd size is thousands lower than we saw. Since there was no coliseum-style seating, it was difficult to get photos without professional equipment.

Energy ran high throughout the event. The single, but “huge” disappointment was Trump’s endorsement of former TV anchor, teleprompter reading, Kari Lake in Arizona’s governor’s race. Now a Republican, the party switching, generous donor to John Kerry and Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns is a standout for her lack of ability to run the state of Arizona. Trump cannot possibly know each of the candidates he endorses, and in this case he obviously got disastrous advice.

Here is Kari Lake, who claims to be pro-life, endorsing pro-abortion Merrick Garland for the U.S. Supreme Court when Obama tried (and failed) to slip him in as a last minute nominee to replace conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, who mysteriously died while on a hunting trip. Garland was resurrected as the U.S. Attorney General by feeble Biden’s handlers. Among his first acts was suing the state of Texas over its newly implemented abortion law.

These are a few revealing posts about unqualified, teleprompter reader Kari Lake:

July 26, 2021: Conservative” AZ Gov candidate Kari Lake was an Obama democrat. Major new video added

Aug. 3, 2021: GOP hating newspaper promotes former dem Kari Lake as GOP governor. New video explains why

Sept. 23, 2021: Fake “conservative” Guv candidate Kari Lake’s moral compass is broken

Sept. 29, 2021: Pres. Trump gets bad advice in AZ Gov’s race

Oct. 3, 2021: Fake conservative Kari Lake fails trying to speak Republicanese

Oct. 27, 2021: Merrick Garland supporter Kari Lake goes mute as he mobilizes FBI against parents