Dr. Kelli Ward amasses endorsements in US Senate race

December 29, 2015

Conservative challenge to John McCain gaining momentum

Breitbart News, evidencing a depth of understanding of the plight of unrepresented Arizona Republicans, has done a masterful job — through a series of posts —- of introducing the nation to former state senator, Kelli Ward.  

Ward, a physician who recently resigned her legislative post to devote full time to the demanding U.S. Senate race, has been traveling the state connecting with voters. Wherever she travels, she is viewed as a welcome relief to John McCain, who works against the interests of the citizenry and blithely lies while doing so. McCain, who has been censured by the elected state committeemen of his own party, will be 80 by Election Day. He is running for a sixth six-year term.

Monday, Breitbart reported on the list of principled state legislators and political leaders who have come forward to endorse Dr. Kelli Ward’s candidacy. The news site notes that these endorsements come in addition to early December news that the Second Amendment defending group Gun Owners of America endorsed Ward over McCain.

The first major endorsement list of her campaign also includes nearly a third of the state senators who have chosen to back Ward over the establishment candidate McCain.

“Arizona needs strong and consistent leadership that can be counted on,” Ward says. “What we have right now is a track record of broken promises and a laundry list of failed policies that are hurting Arizona and its people —  this needs to end. I am happy to have the support of my colleagues as we work together to change the direction of Washington.”

An August poll showed Ward beating McCain by nine percent. Then In October she released impressive fundraising numbers, bringing in over half a million dollars for her first quarterly report. The money was raised from 2,100 individual donations. None of those contributors are lobbyists or D.C. interests — unlike McCain, who relies on those and other unsavory sources for funding.

Meet Dr. Kelli Ward. Tell your neighbors about her. Make sure you vote.


H/T Saguaro Sam

AZ CD 2 Rep. McSally’s shamefully low Liberty Score

December 28, 2015

Martha McSally garners ‘F’ rating from Conservative Review

Warning that Conservatives are going to vote, Conservative Review (CR) has made a list. They’re checking it twice. They’ve found out who’s been naughty, not nice.

CR names the 15 House Republicans with the worst Liberty Scores in 2015, adding, “if your representative is on this naughty list, consider making a New Year’s resolution to find new representation.”

One Arizonan comes in at Number Three.

Any idea who that might be?

We’ll give you a hint, a small clue should suffice.

It’s a last name link that’ll make you cringe twice.

It’s meaning is “son of” but this is a ‘daughter

And as we hope he goes, follow him, she ought’a.

These are some of the votes that earned Martha McSally the disgraceful 25% ‘F’ Liberty rating:

  • Voted for John Boehner 1/6/2015
  • Voted to Fund Obama’s Amnesty 3/3/2015
  • Voted for $500 Billion Healthcare Bill 3/26/2015
  • Voted to fast track TPP 6/18/2015
  • Voted to Fund Planned Parenthood 9/30/2015
  • Voted to raise debt ceiling by $1.5 Trillion 10/28/2015
  • Voted to expand federal involvement in education 12/3/2015
  • Voted for 1,300 page $305 Billion Highway Bailout Bill 12/3/2015

McSally’s 2016 statement of candidacy can be seen here.

The Tucson Sentinel has covered her mega campaign finance reporting errors. We’re concentrating on Martha McSally’s disastrous votes that expose her as a charlatan posing as a Republican.

Dems push HR 569: Death knell for 1st Amendment

December 27, 2015

Liberal lemmings leap at ending any and all discourse and education regarding the global threat posed by Islamic jihadists

The Gatestone Institute, an international policy council chaired by Ambassador John R. Bolton, and listing Phoenix physician M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D. as a member of its Board of Advisers, has this quote at the top of its web page.

“Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.”

—John Adams

In this Dec. 26 post, Jihad: “All the Fault of the West!” historian and journalist Lars Hedegaard who serves as President of the Danish Free Press Society, delivers some stunning news, beginning his analysis with these words:

As long as we in the West are not prepared to take Muslims at their word when they claim to be waging bloody jihad because it is their religious obligation, we have no chance of repelling the current onslaught on the West.

In the United States, a House of Representatives bill, H. Res. 569, has been sponsored that would censor one of the few countries left with freedom of speech. The bill, in accordance with the 10-year plan of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), would criminalize all criticism of Islam, worldwide.

A group in the U.S. House of Representatives has sponsored H. Res. 569, in condemnation of violence, bigotry and “hateful rhetoric” toward Muslims in the U.S.  It has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

This bill comes on the heels of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s post-San Bernardino outrageous statement to the Muslim American community that she will prosecute anyone guilty of anti-Muslim speech. Passage of this legislation will be the death knell for the First Amendment and the end of any and all discourse and education about the threat posed by the global jihad.

The treacherous House Resolution was sponsored by U.S. Rep. Donald S. Beyer, Jr., a Virginia Democrat. It was introduced Dec. 17, 2015. Read the complete text of the Resolution and the list of left-wing co-sponsors.

Arizona Democrat Reps. Raul Grijalva (CD 3) and Ruben Gallego (CD 7) have shamefully signed on to this repressive lunacy which, if passed, signals not only the restriction, but the utter and complete death of the First Amendment.

Heritage Foundation reminds us that the oath of office taken by all members of Congress at the beginning of each term of office obligates them to observe the limits of their authority and act in accordance with the powers delegated to them by the Constitution.

These Democrats obviously think they are above such mundane restrictions.

Splendid Christmas gift…. a day late

December 26, 2015

Today, Dec. 26, we gift you with Larry Elder’s column, “15 Questions for the Dem candidates.” The queries, never posed by the debate moderators, provide thought-provoking reading.

If you were masochistic enough to watch the recent dreary Democrat debate — purposely scheduled on a  pre-holiday Saturday night to exclude even the most ardent politicos with lives — you’d have noticed nothing near the caliber of these questions was asked. The reason is not rocket science. Even registered Democrats have trouble believing the less than trustworthy Hillary Clinton.

“A matter of faith”: Islamic Somalia bans Christmas

December 25, 2015

Remember Somalia? In 1992, American troops on a humanitarian mission known as ‘Restore Hope,’ began assisting in relief operations in the famine plagued African nation. Ultimately thirty American military personnel lost their lives and 153 were wounded. The vision that remains is the horrific spectacle of the mutilated bodies of dead U.S. soldiers being dragged through the streets by cheering Somali mobs — the very people Americans thought they had rescued from starvation.

Fast forward to Dec. 2015. The government of Somalia has issued an edict prohibiting Christmas and New Year’s celebrations in the Muslim country of approximately 10 million, saying the festivities “have nothing to do with Islam.”

“We warn against celebration of Christmas, which is only for Christians,” Sheikh Mohamed Kheyrow, director of Somalia’s ministry of religion, said on state radio. “This is a matter of faith. The Christmas holiday and its drum beatings have nothing to with Islam.”

Kheyrow said the ministry has sent letters to the police, national security intelligence and officials in the capital Mogadishu instructing them to “prevent Christmas celebrations.”

The announcement had echoes of Islamist militants al Shabaab, which controlled the capital Mogadishu until 2011. Among their edicts was to ban Christmas celebrations.

It is now being reported that Somalia, two thousand miles from Syria, is a new recruiting hotbed for ISIS terrorists.

2015: Joyous Christmas Wishes

December 25, 2015


With sincere best wishes for a Merry Christmas to all of our readers.

May the peace and goodwill of this season be with us all. We express our gratitude to our service personnel, many stationed far from their own families, who ensure our countless freedoms.

May God continue to bless America.

Seeing Red AZ

T’was the night before Christmas….

December 24, 2015


As is our tradition, we present this charming image of Clement Clarke Moore’s original handwritten poem, “A Visit From Saint Nicholas.” It was penned in 1822 as a gift to his children. Here is the fulleasier to read version.

Enjoy Christmas Eve.

WaPo pulls vile toon depicting Cruz’ daughters as monkeys

December 24, 2015


Ted_Cruz_daughters_dancing _monkeys

Desperation of liberal media

 A knuckle dragging cartoon appearing in the left-wing Washington Post, has been removed for its overt display of bad taste. It was replaced by this editor’s note from editorial page editor Fred Hiatt, saying that it had generally been the newspaper’s policy “to leave children out of it.”

“I failed to look at this cartoon before it was published,” he wrote. “I understand why Ann thought an exception to the policy was warranted in this case, but I do not agree.”

Ann Telnaes, the recipient of Planned Parenthood’s 2002 Maggie Award for Media Excellence, for her “editorial cartoons in support of reproductive rights,” depicted pro-life Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz in a Santa suit with an organ-grinder and his young daughters Catherine, 4, and Caroline, 7, as dancing monkeys on leashes. In defending her indefensible actions, she had referred to the Cruz children as “fair game.”

Telnaes’ award is named in honor of Margaret Sanger, the racist, eugenicist and founder of the nation’s largest abortion chain.

Sen. Ted Cruz, who is surging in the recent polls, is the liberal media’s worst nightmare.

Denouncing the tasteless attack Cruz wrote in an email sent late Tuesday, “My daughters are not “FAIR GAME.” I’m sickened … I knew I’d be facing attacks from day one of my campaign, but I never expected anything like this.”

The unwarranted attack is in response to this spoof ad which aired in Iowa on the night of the recent Democrat debate, playing during Saturday Night Live.

Guess who needs a pay raise?

December 23, 2015

These appointed members* of the Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers would like Arizona taxpayers to pony up a $15,000 raise for those whose salaries have stagnated. That’s not an amount to be divided. That’s eachYearly.

No, these benevolent commissioners are not talking about Arizona’s underpaid state legislators who earn $24,000 a year and haven’t had a raise in nearly 20 years. The last time the voters saw fit to give a modest pay increase to the people they entrust to write our laws was 1998.

The commission’s generosity, by way of their hands in our pockets and in a unanimous vote, is aimed at Arizona’s judiciary and is constructed to conveniently skirt voter approval. The recommendation has been sent to Gov. Ducey’s office for inclusion in his Jan. 15, 2016 budget proposal.

Don’t waste sympathy on the judges and justices whose last pay increase was in 2008. The daily reports that Arizona Supreme Court justices currently earn $155,000 a year. The chief justice makes $160,000 yearly. Court of Appeals judges currently make $150,000, and statewide Superior Court judges $145,000.

The judicial pay hike proposal carries an estimated price tag of $1.4 million. The cash strapped state would pick up half the cost of the increase for 14 counties, while Maricopa County taxpayers would be required to cover the full amount for its judges.

Though the judiciary claim to be outside of the political process, they are on the ballot for retention, and are included in the Elected Officials’ Retirement Plan. Their compensation, retirement and benefits package is enviable.

Judges are not unwittingly plucked from the legal community and forced to serve in these posts.  They apply for the positions, preparing lengthy applications and going through an interview process before an appointment commission and — if they’re lucky — with the governor, who makes the final selection.

Check out the Survey of Judicial Salaries compiled by the National Center for State Courts. There are two charts included. Rest assured none of the children of judges are eating gruel or going shoe-less.

 * John Bouma, Dennis Mitchem, Karen S. Johnson, Joe Kanefield, Brian Kaufman.

Cruz & Rubio: illegal immigration history differs

December 22, 2015

Facts are stubborn things

Byron York, writing for the Washington Examiner sets the record straight on Sens. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and their positions regarding the invasion — otherwise known as illegal immigration.

The Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform bill passed the Senate after a series of votes in June 2013. Democrats, who controlled the Senate at the time, unanimously supported the bill, while most Republicans opposed it. The four Republicans on the gang — Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Jeff Flake — of course voted for it, and also agreed with Democrats on a plan to kill almost all GOP amendments.

York cites and details a series of key amendments intended to put teeth in the bill: the Grassley amendment, the Thune amendment and the Vitter amendment. Sen. Jeff Sessions offered up 17 amendments. In each case Ted Cruz supported the constraining amendments while Marco Rubio voted against them. Just days ago, Sessions said, “Every step of the way, Ted Cruz was on my side.”

Earlier, Republicans offered dozens of amendments to the Gang of Eight bill when it was making its way through the Senate Judiciary Committee. Under a pre-arranged plan, the gang, including Rubio, agreed to kill any amendments they felt would threaten their legislation.

“The eight met in private before each committee hearing, hashing out which amendments they would support and which oppose as a united coalition,” the Washington Post reported in May 2013. “Senate aides said amendments were rejected if either side felt they would shatter the deal.” The Post article is unambiguously titled,  “Conservatives stymied in attempts to alter immigration reform law.”

The Post reported, “GOP members of the group opposed several tough border-control amendments from Sen. Ted Cruz.”

Unions representing 12,000 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers publicly opposed the Senate Gang of Eight scheme. National ICE Council president Chris Crane, an outspoken ally of bill opponents like Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions circulated a letter to Congress at the time, arguing that the bill as written “fails to meet the needs of the law enforcement community” and would harm its public safety and national security objectives.”

Marco Rubio can run but he can’t hide — from the facts.