Invasion USA: The tsunami of illegals

July 6, 2014

In a pre-election speech given on Oct. 30, 2008 Barack Obama promised he intended to fundamentally transform America. He is well on his way. Anyone who looked closely at the man and the influences that shaped who he would become, risked being called a racist, a nativist, a bigot and a redneck yahoo. He was the messiah everyone was waiting for.

The ruins of American foreign policy are not likely to catch the attention of a culture drunk on the entertainment of the trivial, the trifling and the unimportant. But everybody begins to notice when the chaos comes close, when those responsible for monitoring the border begin to tremble and sag under the weight of a tsunami of illegal immigration. The scary implications for the future of the exceptional nation begins to weigh on Congress.

This week, a Texas congressman who does not have the luxury of looking the other way because he sees trouble in every direction he looks, said what the nice people think must never be said. The tsunami will change everything.

“Either we’re going to enforce our laws and remain strong, economically or otherwise, or we ignore the rule of law and go to being a Third World country,” Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican, told Fox News. “You’ve got to follow the law. You cannot bring hundreds of thousands of people in this country without destroying the country. Then there’s no place that people can dream about coming.”

Read editor emeritus Wesley Pruden’s complete Washington Times article “An immigrant surge en route to a Third World USA“— This is the ‘fundamental transformation’ Obama promised

Knowledge is power. If you are concerned about the future of our great country, Pruden’s commentary, excerpted here, is definitely a worthy read.

Then make time for this updated version of immigration author and journalist Roy Beck’s powerful presentation of data compiled from the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau. The 1996 version of this immigration gumballs presentation has been one of the most viewed immigration policy presentations on the internet. Watch it and you’ll see why:


Eric Cantor’s greater purpose: Forces prioritizing constituents over illegals

July 5, 2014

Cantor’s “term limit” halts the amnesty con

David Brat’s stunning triumph over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is analyzed in this New York magazine article by Jonathan Chait.  It carries the catchy title, “Killer of Immigration Reform Identified As David Brat.”

Congressional shenanigans are laid bare as it is noted that a majority of Republicans were poised to give a private go-ahead to bring an amnesty bill to the floor. As trickery goes, this was blockbuster quality. Most of them would then righteously vote against such a measure, allowing Democrats to supply the votes necessary for passage —- thereby insulating themselves against any culpability from enraged constituents.

After last month’s upset in the Virginia congressional primary election, those “hope-yes-vote-no Republicans” are too fearful to proceed with such a ruse —- worried that conservative David Brat’s surprise victory may turn out to be more consequential than anybody thought at the time

An economics professor, new U.S. Rep. Brat is ideally positioned to address a key issue of his campaign: the nation’s massive deficit. But even more, his triumphal political coup over a leading establishment insider has caused the Washington elites to take notice of us. 

Yes, we are out here. We pay attention. We pay your salary. We are beyond angry at being conned on the invasion of our nation. We vote.

Remembering our many blessings, responsibilities this Independence Day

July 4, 2014

4th of July Washington

 ….and honoring those 56 brave men who had the vision and strength of character to challenge authority and affix their signatures to the Declaration of Independence.  

Before signing the Declaration of Independence, our Founders included this memorable line:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

Now, 238 years later, in the face of tyranny from an overreaching federal government intent on abolishing our Constitutional rights —- as well as inconceivably weakening our sovereign borders —- in fact, welcoming America’s invaders —- brave Americans are once again stepping up to defend this great nation. This moral responsibility belongs to each and every American citizen. Let your voices be heard.

May God continue to bless America.


Mark Brnovich: Just “Can’t Get No $atisTraction”

July 3, 2014

Dismal fundraising, questionable judgement,  indicate establishment recruit Brnovich not a contender

These days candidate Mark Brnovich reminds us of rocker Mick Jagger. Although he was recruited by establishment Republicrats to challenge conservative incumbent Attorney General Tom Horne, he appears to be drawing not much more than dust in the campaign donation department. Jagger sang about not getting no satisfaction’ and Brnovich is clearly not generating much in the way of the all-important fundraising traction.

Endorser Jon Kyl, a titan in the McCain brigade sent an urgent message to Tucson auto dealer Jim Click some time back, urging him to rally the car dealers to Brnovich’s aid. Zilch came of that. Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery,  who has become a close McCain ally, was instrumental in recruiting Brnovich, but hasn’t come to the table with the cash needed to run a viable campaign. Lobbyist Steve Twist, another in Brnovich’s McInner circle delivered 2K, but the newly released campaign finance reports show Brnovich has raised just $127,961, of which he has spent $40,475. In statewide races, that’s considered chump change. 

A quick scan through the state legislative filings show several candidates have raised more in their small home districts than Jan Brewer’s former gambling director has mustered for his statewide race.  One district candidate has raised nearly $152,500 more than this recruited Attorney General challenger!  Not a good sign.

Between his primary and general election filings, and despite a constant barrage from the left-wing local media, Attorney General Tom Horne has already amassed a healthy $417,254. But campaigns are costly and the Democrat general election challenger has a hefty war chest. Conservative Tom Horne won this office back for Republicans  after nearly a dozen years of Democrat control —- beating the current retread Democrat challenger in 2009.  Liberals desperately want to regain this key office and are hoping for the easy pickings offered by Brnovich.

Showing his disconnect to basic political realities, Brnovich proudly displays the endorsement of Malcolm Barrett, who was ousted as Yavapai County Republican Chairman —- for being too liberal. He also proclaims the support of former state legislator Frank Antenori. We covered Antenori’s questionable antics here as Antenori joined with the unified Democrats, abandoning the Republican caucus, to defeat bills dealing with the continued invasion of our country by illegal aliens. 

Having these RINO endorsements should not come as a surprise. Brnovich has contributed to Democrats himself.  Here Brnovich is listed as a “Top Contributor” to Pete Rios, formerly one of the most liberal state legislators, now a Pinal County (District 1) Democrat Supervisor.

This post, “Brnovich’s campaign ads violate code of conduct,” clearly indicates he thinks adherence to ethics are for others.

Incumbent Attorney General Tom Horne has won the endorsement of “America’s Sheriff” Joe Arpaio. He recently received the strong endorsement of one of Arizona’s most conservative and respected legislators, Sen. Judy Burges.

Visit Tom Horne’s campaign website. Read his impressive achievements while in office.  Arizonans need this good man to continue his work on our behalf.

McCain condones sleazy tactics in Miss. Senate runoff

July 2, 2014

McCain approves fishy scheme of Republicrats encouraging Dems to upend GOP primaries

One week after traveling to Mississippi to aid fellow career politician Thad Cochran,76,  helping him overcome conservative challenger Chris McDaniel, Republicrat Sen. John McCain engaged in some Monday morning quarterbacking  regarding strengths he saw in Cochran’s approach to campaigning.  According to the McCain venerating daily.

McCain dismissed criticism over the smear campaign and race baiting tactics establishment Republicans used to encourage black Democrats to crossover and reregister as Republicans or Independents to vote for 6-termer  Cochran. In a squeaker of an election, Cochran beat McDaniel by 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent.

McCain was full of sarcasm as  he  zinged, “There are some people complaining that African-American voters voted. [But] I thought one of the major priorities of the Republican Party was to get all minority and ethnic voters out to vote for Republicans.” He described Cochran’s “get-out-the-vote campaign” as “excellent,” then talked about how he will face similar circumstances in Arizona and needs to work equally as hard if he runs again. “The key is you’d better pay attention, you’d better work hard, you’d better organize.” He added, “And you’d better understand that there’s a strong anti-Washington/anti-incumbency sentiment out there, which is justified and you’ve got your work cut out for you.” 

McDaniel accurately described  McCain, saying ” he is the perfect example of an establishment Republican. McCain voted to fund ObamaCare, and he won’t rest until he finds a way to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. His liberal stances might work in Arizona, but he does not line up with Mississippi.”

After being censured repeatedly by elected Republican leaders from around the state of Arizona, it no longer takes much to disabuse Arizona conservatives of the notion that John McCain actually represents them. We know better.

There is an ideological war within the ranks of the Republicans Party. It is exemplified by the  “moderate” GOP establishment’s ire at being unable to control the growing Constitutional conservative base.

In order to pull off the Cochran victory, his campaign recruited and relied on Democrats to win the runoff —- which was held under the state’s open primary format in which even those voters not registered as Republicans could cast ballots.

Rev. Stevie Fieldler, a black Democrat pastor who brought hundreds to the polls for a promise of payment, exposes an alleged massive voter fraud, including a vote-buying operation by the Cochran campaign. “They said they needed black votes,” said Fielder on the phone. Watch the Got News video here.

True The Vote, a leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the outcome of the bitter Mississippi GOP Senate primary, saying that investigators should take more time to determine whether election laws have been broken and whether illegal ballots were cast. Read the True the Vote lawsuit here.

Beyond despicable is the involvement of former RNC Chairman and two-term Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour in these deceptive tactics. Barbour is now making $millions at his influential D.C. lobbying firm. He and several of his family members were the driving force behind Thad Cochran’s unsavory re-election campaign.

It’s no surprise that these shady tactics meet with John McCain’s approval. They define him.

Common Core educrat thug drops F-Bomb in work email

July 1, 2014

AZ Dept. of Ed problems go even deeper than Huppenthal

The Arizona Daily Independent carries a commentary written by Tucson teacher Brad McQueen who has been an outspoken opponent of Common Core. In February, he wrote a widely distributed op-ed titled,  “SB 1310: Arizonans must reclaim sovereignty over our children’s education,” which did not endear him to the educrat establishment onboard with the federal overreach.

A deluge of ostracism, intimidation and raw insults have followed McQueen’s commitment to expose Common Core. The article follows the stream of emails between Angela Escobar Program Project Specialist at the AZ Dept of Education and other department employees during the workday. Escobar uses her office computer to email associates, referring to Brad McQueen as “What a f*cktard!”

These are the people responsible for the public education of Arizona schoolchildren.

Escobar apparently isn’t a quick learner. She hasn’t learned anything from her boss’ recent travails. Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal has been exposed as a multi-aliased poster on several Arizona blogs including SRAZ. Support for Huppenthal is dropping like  a rock as conservative challenger Diane Douglas star is rising.

Arizona educrats are having a difficult time using their computers wisely. The Arizona Daily Independent exposes the extremes to which they will go to suppress criticism of Common Core.