Guns, ammo ordered confiscated by Gov. of Virgin Islands

September 7, 2017

Using Hurricane Irma as an contrivance for infringing on Second Amendment rights, Kenneth Mapp, Governor of the American Virgin Islands and also the territory’s Commander-in-Chief of its National Guard, has ordered the Guard’s Adjutant General, Col. Deborah Howell, to seize privately owned arms and ammunition. 

In this peculiar letter* filled with pomposity, verbosity, and frequent references to “me,“ Mapp cites numerous titles and codes as well as “Rules of Force” for this “emergency mission.”

Mapp wrote that the order was issued under authority of Virgin Islands Code, Title 23, Chapter 19,  and insisted it is necessary “to maintain the health, welfare, and safety of the people of the Virgin Islands.” The adjutant general is given the right to “take whatever actions she considers necessary to carry out the assigned missions.”

Mull that one over.

The governor issues big orders and until a “compromise” with the legislature causing him to vacate his $12,500 a month rental estate in 2015, he also lived big. No shrinking violet, Mapp maintains a  grand view of the scope of his authority. When the senate refused to confirm his 11 cabinet members, he simply redesignated and renominated each of them as acting commissioners.

Mapp might well think the hurricane already touched down when he faces the force of the NRA.  Chris Cox,  NRA-ILA executive director, makes it clear that the NRA is ready to use a lawsuit to stop Gov. Mapp’s order:

“People need the ability to protect themselves during times of natural disaster. This dangerous order violates the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens and puts their lives at risk,” Cox said.

“When 911 is non-existent and law enforcement personnel are overwhelmed with search-and-rescue missions and other emergency duties, law-abiding American citizens must be able to protect their families and loved ones. The NRA is prepared to pursue legal action to halt Gov. Mapp’s dangerous and unconstitutional order.”

Cox’ full statement can be read in NRA Condemns U.S. Virgin Island Firearm Confiscation Plan.

Background on the U.S. Virgin Islands can be found here.

* H/T Daily Caller

AZ Republic: Joe Arpaio pardon still Page One news

August 27, 2017

Devastating storm takes back seat to Trump/Arpaio hatred

 It’s time to put President Donald Trump’s pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in perspective.

Barack Obama pardoned 212 people and commuted the convictions of a further 1,715 people — among them are: persons who committed treason against the United State. On his way out of the White House, the travesty continued. Obama granted 78 commutations on Dec. 20. 2016

 On January 17, 2017, Obama commuted the sentence of 209 individuals 109 of whom faced life sentences. These included Chelsea (born Bradley) Manning convicted of espionage and Oscar Lopez Rivera sentenced to 70 years for seditious conspiracy and attempted escape — enabling them to be released from prison on May 17, 2017. Manning’s sentence initially ran through the year 2045. Two days later on January 19, 2017 his last full day in office, Obama commuted the prison sentences of 330 federal inmates; most of them black violent drug offenders.

The United States Department of Justice provides THIS LIST of pardons granted by Pres. Barack Obama. THIS LIST shows the commutations Obama granted.

The United States Department of Justice provides THIS LIST of pardons and commutations  granted by Pres. Bill Clinton.


August 25, 2017

Former Maricopa County Sheriff remains  a hero to many

President Donald Trump, fresh off a visit to Arizona on Tuesday evening, has announced that he has pardoned longtime Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  The former sheriff who was reelected to six four-year terms was found guilty of a misdemeanor criminal contempt conviction in federal court. The charges, which many viewed as the culmination of a witch hunt, stemmed from his office’s enforcement of the law relating to illegal immigration.

Sheriff Arpaio had been denied the jury trial he and his lawyers requested and the verdict was handed down by Federal District Judge Susan Bolton who served as judge and jury in the case.

A statement issued by the White House Friday night said, “Today, President Donald J. Trump granted a Presidential pardon to Joe Arpaio, former Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona.”

President Trump hinted that the  pardon was forthcoming at the Phoenix rally Tuesday night.

The President previously referred to Arpaio as a “a great American patriot” who has done “a lot in the fight against illegal immigration.”

At the Phoenix event the president asked the massive crowd of supporters: “Do the people in this room like Sheriff Joe?” His question was greeted by cheers and applause from the thousands of people who filled the Phoenix Convention Center to capacity. “You know what, I’ll make a prediction: I think he’s going to be just fine,” Trump said. “But I won’t do it tonight, because I don’t want to cause any controversy.”

The statement issued by the White House enumerated Sheriff Arpaio’s lifelong commitment to the law:

“Arpaio’s life and career, which began at the age of 18 when he enlisted in the military after the outbreak of the Korean War, exemplify selfless public service. After serving in the Army, Arpaio became a police officer in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas, NV and later served as a Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), formerly the Bureau of Narcotics. After 25 years of admirable service, Arpaio went on to lead the DEA’s branch in Arizona.

“In 1992, the problems facing his community pulled Arpaio out of retirement to return to law enforcement. He ran and won a campaign to become Sheriff of Maricopa County. Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now eighty-five years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable service to our Nation, he is worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon.”

We couldn’t agree more!

Phx’s tyrannical Mayor Stanton sabotages 1st Amendment

August 17, 2017

Wants to silence President Trump, shut down Aug. 22 Phoenix Convention Center rally

Feeling energized after arbitrarily deciding that a Phoenix street name he found offensive needed to go, though the longtime residents who lived there steadfastly petitioned to retain it, Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton is back, bat in hand.  This time he’s taking on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the President of the United States. This big, bad lawyer should know better, but his ego has swelled to the point of enveloping his brain. 

Liberal Democrat Stanton has now announced that he’s “disappointed” that President Donald Trump plans to rally supporters in Phoenix next week. “’It is my hope that more sound judgment prevails and that he delays his visit,’ Stanton said. In fact, Stanton ludicrously links the visit and request for the president to “delay his plans” to visit Phoenix “as the nation is still healing from the tragic events in Charlottesville.”

Leaving no room for doubt as to his skewed ideology Stanton adds that if Trump is coming to Phoenix to announce a pardon for former Maricopa County sheriff Arpaio — now 85 years old and potentially facing a 6-month sentence for carrying out his duties — “then it will be clear that his true intent is to enflame emotions and further divide the nation,” ridiculously claiming  a “pardon would amount to an endorsement of racism.”  A federal judge ruled that Arpaio’s officers had racially profiled Hispanics, a charge Arpaio denied.

That’s the mantra of liberals, who have taken to heart Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s tactic ofnever allowing a serious crisis to go to waste.  He made the statement as chief of staff for Barack Obama.

Radical leftist CD 3 U.S. RepRaul Grijalva (read the linked Jerry Kammer exposé revealing his Saul Alinsky roots) will be leading a band of leftist protesters outside the Phoenix Convention Center. Grijalva once called for a boycott of Arizona, a job killer for his own constituents, many of whom work in the service industries.

Stanton is obviously laying the groundwork for grander ventures, having filed for the position of Secretary of State, often the gateway to the Arizona Governor‘s Office. At the beginning of the 2017-2018 reporting period, he was already sitting atop over a $ half million — $510,150.39, to be exact — though no current donors are listed. Equality Arizona, a local LGBTQ advocacy group, was the recipient of $1,000 for an event table.  Don’t be surprised if slippery Stanton ditches the SOS pursuit for an office with more heft.  He’s obviously covered all contingencies by naming his campaign “Stanton for Arizona.”

For a memory refresher, wander back to 2011 to see who Greg Stanton actually is.

Sheriff Arpaio guilty of contempt, foes want mug shot

August 1, 2017

Humiliation of Sheriff Joe Arpaio is ultimate goal as newspaper runs massive front page photo of sheriff,  emblazoned with the single, all caps word: “GUILTY”

Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been found guilty of criminal contempt for defying a federal judge’s 2013 order to end patrols targeting “immigrants,” more properly termed illegal aliens. Actual immigrants have followed the legal procedure to enter the United States and become citizens. The terms are not interchangeable.

The popular sheriff was elected to an unprecedented six four-year terms by Maricopa County voters grateful that he stepped up to do the job the federal authorities failed to do.

Arpaio’s defense team argued that Arpaio did not intend to defy the court order. He admitted to continuing patrols, but said his former attorney did not fully explain the intricacies of the  legal document. In 2016, after being relentlessly hammered by the amnesty/open border local newspaper, Arpaio was defeated by George Soros supported Democrat Paul Penzone, who refers to illegals as “guests.” Multi-billionaire Socialist Soros desires a borderless world,  and was described by Politico as attempting to overhaul the U.S. justice system.

An Army veteran, Arpaio was a Washington D.C and later a Las Vegas police officer before joining the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, where he served with distinction in numerous foreign counties over his 25-year career with the agency. Ultimately he headed the Arizona DEA office before winning election as sheriff in 1992.

U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, aware of his popularity, denied Arpaio’s request for a jury trial.

Arpaio’s lawyers said they would appeal the verdict, contending their client’s legal fate should have been decided by a jury, not a judge. They also contend Judge Bolton violated Arpaio’s rights by not reading the decision in court.

A sentencing hearing has been scheduled for October 5. The 85-year-old sheriff faces up to six months in jail on the civil charge, which it is unlikely he will serve. The ultimate goal of the federal prosecutors is to humiliate the career lawman. The failing left-wing Arizona Republic newspaper will happily fold if able to run a large front page mug shot of the sheriff it loves to hate.

Elvia Diaz or Russell Pearce: Who’s the hate monger?

July 19, 2017

The leftwing, Hillary-endorsing Arizona Republic outdid itself with a hate-laden, incendiary screed passing itself off as an editorial.  Elvia Diaz, the heir apparent to long-in-the-tooth Linda Valdez, must have missed her dose of Prozac as she took to the keyboard in a venomous rant against Russell Pearce. The threatening headline reads, “You’ve got our attention, Russell Pearce, and we’re ready for you.”  Whether the readiness includes more than words is left to speculation.

Who is Russell Pearce? He’s the former Arizona Senate President who has dedicated his life to others. A brief overview includes serving as a Maricopa County Deputy Sheriff, promoted to Chief Deputy, Justice of the Peace and pro tem judge. He served in the military. Pearce has been the director of state agencies and is now Chief Deputy of the Maricopa County Treasure’s Office. He was also instrumental in the passage of Arizona’s SB1070. As you read his full and impressive bio, it becomes clear this is a man who stands head and shoulders above the crowd. 

What has Diaz so riled up is the fact that the respected investigative and  legal watchdog Judicial Watch and Pearce have joined forces requesting Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich sue the state Board of Regents for skirting a recent Arizona Court of Appeals decision denying illegal aliens in-state tuition rates.

In Diaz’ fantasy world, the illegals have morphed into venerated “immigrants” and “dreamers.”  And patriot Pearce?  He is worthy of a voluminous assault, exemplifying a new low in journalistic standards. Here are a few examples taken directly from the editorial with Diaz’ smiling photo smugly attached:

Russell Pearce is described in the opening sentence as the man “behind Arizona’s infamous, anti-immigrant law…we thought we sent to the depths of irrelevancy.”

Pearce, she construes, “Is attempting a comeback, with his divisive and corrosive rhetoric clearly intact.” Because he has worked and earned retirement in the state legislature, law enforcement, and the judicial system and he doesn‘t think Arizona’s taxpaying citizens should be forced to underwrite illegals by gifting them with  in-state tuition,  Diaz refers to him as a “disgraced, triple-dipping bigot.”

Diaz goes on, “It’s a mistake to dismiss Pearce as the lunatic, publicity-hungry politician some Arizonans love to loathe.” At least she conceded it’s only “some“ loathers. Most of us regard the man whose personal motto is “faith, family freedom — above all else,” with respect.

The diatribe ends with this sunny thought, “The stars have aligned in his favor. Donald Trump’s election to the White House makes it all too plain that people like Pearce remain in our midst.

We can’t become too distracted with Trump to ignore them. We must remain ready to fight their kind of intolerance.”

Long known to be in the grasp of death throes, the Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic) continues to insult its dwindling reader base.

In the skewed thinking of the radical left, it’s intolerant to want to secure our border and deny undeserved benefits to invaders. They are poised to fight for the hordes over our own citizens.

Networks’ disgraceful allegations against Christian legal group

July 15, 2017

ABC, NBC and CNN  dishonestly call Alliance Defending Freedom a “hate group”

The Valley of the Sun is fortunate to have Scottsdale-based Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) in our midst. ADF is the nation’s largest religious freedom legal advocacy organization, winning  seven cases before the U.S. Supreme Court in the past seven years.

Earlier this week, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions addressed the group on the topic of religious freedom.  ABC, NBC and CNN networks headlined the event describing ADF as an “anti-LGBT hate group,” using information gleaned from an actual hate group, the radical, violence inciting Southern Poverty Law Center  (SPLC)— which NBC deceptively referred to as a  “prominent civil rights watchdog.”

Count on the shameless Democrats to join the dishonest tirade. DNC spokesman Joel Kasnetz was quoted as declaring, “Sessions’ appearance at this event, as the top law enforcement official in the country, brings into question whether the attorney general intends to protect all Americans.”

Some Phoenix residents are familiar with the New Times, a giveaway, left-wing tabloid, featuring soft porn ads along with its sensationalized articles blatantly targeting conservative officials. Until recently, Stephen Lemons, whose rancorous column titled, ‘The Feathered Bastard,’ was a mainstay of the tabloid, was a local resident. His final column which we addressed in,A vile goodbye from a sour Stephen Lemons,” was written in April as he prepared to move to a new gig with the disreputable SPLC in Montgomery, Alabama, befitting his extremist bent.

Kristen Waggoner was interviewed by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Friday evening. She does an excellent job of describing the skewed news reporting of Attorney General Sessions’ speech, the mission of ADF and its many successes in the courts. She is ADF’s senior vice president of US legal advocacy and general counsel, with an impressive bio.

The Federalist provides this copy of Attorney General Sessions inspirational speech. You’ll be glad you took a few minutes to read it.

Ex AZ AG Horne vindicated: “Overzealous prosecutor” mum

July 7, 2017

It took seven long years — during which Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne was relentlessly hammered in the press and ultimately lost his reelection bid — to finally have his name cleared.

The convoluted case has garnered press far outside of Arizona. The Telegraph, a Macon, Georgia based newspaper, carries one of the better reports, written by AP reporter Bob Christie.

The decision by Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre concluded there was not sufficient evidence to uphold a decision made in 2013 by Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk. At the time, Polk concluded Horne and a former associate broke campaign laws during the 2010 election cycle.

McIntyre’s decision likely puts to rest a long-running case -– in Horne’s attorney’s words, an “oppressive cloud” ––. that effectively ended the Republican Attorney General’s re-election bid. This decision follows one issued by the Arizona Supreme Court in May, which found Horne was denied due process in the manner in which the allegations were handled, denying him a fair trial.  Justice Clint Bolick, writing for the court, said Horne’s due process rights were violated because Polk assisted in the civil prosecution and made the final decision against Horne.

This vindication of the conservative Horne, who had previously served as Arizona’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, ends the possibility that he would be required to repay $400,000 to donors and up to $1.2 million in fines.

The best summation of this ongoing legal nightmare is this quote from Horn’s attorney Dennis Wilenchik, as he refers to Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk:

Noting that he was pleased that Horne has “finally been cleared, and that this oppressive cloud that has been hanging over him since before the last election has gone away. This case was brought by an overzealous prosecutor who chose to act as ‘judge, jury and executioner’ and to overrule a judge.”

The local newspaper, which led the charge against Horne, provides the link to the Final Decision and Order.

Administrative Law Judge Tammy L. Eigenheer issued the order April 14, 2014. At that time she concluded Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk had failed to establish by a preponderance of evidence that the October 27, 2010 email from then-Attorney General Tom Horne to his then-aide Kathleen Winn “constituted improper coordination in violation of Title 16 Chapter 6 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. No evidence was presented to show that the email has a material effect on BLA’s (Business Leaders for Arizona) expenditures.”

Horne, who has an outstanding legal background successfully arguing cases on behalf of the state of Arizona before the U. S. Supreme Court, is currently an attorney in private practice.

SCOTUS: Missouri  engaged in religious discrimination

June 26, 2017

Trinity Lutheran wins!

Alliance Defending Freedom, a Scottsdale-based legal organization that stands in defense of religious liberty defended this case before the US Supreme Court. ADF Lawyer David Cortman argued the case.

Excerpted from the ADF site:

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 7-2 that it is unconstitutional for the state to treat churches and other religious organizations worse than everyone else simply because they are religious.

This is great news! And it sets an important precedent to protect religious freedom. The government should never treat people of faith like second-class citizens.

Yet, that’s how the State of Missouri treated Trinity Lutheran Church when it disqualified them from receiving a non-profit playground reimbursement grant. In order to provide a safer environment for the children who attend its preschool and play on its playground, Trinity Lutheran applied for the grant, which was open to all nonprofits. And they were an ideal candidate, having been ranked fifth by the State out of 44 applicants, based on the criteria.

The State awarded 14 grants that year, but Trinity Lutheran was not among them.

Why? Because Trinity Lutheran preschool is operated by a church. Besides the fact that this was blatant religious discrimination, a majority of the children at the preschool are not members at Trinity Lutheran. On top of that, Trinity Lutheran leaves the playground open outside of school hours for children in the community to use.

Is their safety less important because they are playing on a “religious” playground? Of course not.

The Supreme Court recognized this in its decision today.  Associate Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were the two dissenting votes. Sotomayor wrote the dissenting opinion, which follows the linked decision.

US Supreme Court allows travel ban — for now

June 26, 2017

President Donald Trump and the American people received a temporary victory today as the U.S. Supreme Court upheld part of his executive order restricting travel from six terror sponsoring counties: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

Fox News carries the compete report.