Aided by Republicrats Obama recrafts judiciary

February 16, 2016

AZ Sens. McCain, Kyl and now Flake continually vote to confirm liberals

With the unexpected death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia over the weekend, America now faces the possibility of the balance of the court being dramatically altered. Barack Obama, who nominated liberals Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the high court, obviously salivates at the opportunity to tilt the court irretrievably leftward.

Republicans now control the senate, where confirmation votes take place. But don’t let that fact give you a sense of security.

2011 saw Jon Kyl gin up support to install yet another liberal on the 9th Circuit — Federal Judge Mary Murguia, whose twin sister Janet is the President and CEO of the National Council of La Raza — “the Race” — a group whose two-sentence motto is chilling to everyone who values equal rights for all: “For the Race everything. Outside the Race, nothing.”  Murguia was nominated to the appellate bench by Obama.  Among the honored guests at the investiture ceremony were none other than Jon Kyl and then-Homeland Security chieftain Janet Napolitano, AZ’s leftist former governor who said with a straight face, “Our border has never been more secure.” Kyl and McCain both voted for Murguia’s confirmation.

In 2012, both of Arizona’s senators stepped front and center supporting the nomination of Andrew Hurwitz, a politically connected, pro-abortion Democrat and AZ Supreme Court Justice — aiding his ascent to the to the already radically left 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The daily newspaper was so enthralled, it editorially championed retiring Kyl as a “statesman.”

This endorsement-happy pair also voted in support of the confirmation of Obama’s hand-picked selectee for U.S. Attorney General — the scandal plagued Eric Holder, who ultimately resigned under fire. Twenty-one Republicans voted against Holder, but not these two enablers. They even voted in support of the nomination of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Numerous searches failed to verify the duo’s non-roll call vote on Napolitano, but given their proclivity for supporting leftwing appointees, the greater surprise would be if they didn’t approve her nomination. There is little doubt the unusual unrecorded vote was intended to provide cover.

While they thought you weren’t paying attention, Arizona’s slippery and lowest regarded U.S. Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake, were busying themselves on the banks of the Potomac with the confirmation of Obama’s liberal picks for federal judges.

On Jan. 11, the Arizona duo voted with the Democrats to confirm Columbian-born Luis Felipe Restrepo to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Obama is fast tracking the former ACLU prisoners’ rights lawyer up from a district court post to which he was confirmed in 2013.

Then on Jan. 19, Wilhelmina Marie Wright, was confirmed as U.S. District Judge for the District of Minnesota. McCain, soon to be 80 and running for his sixth six-year term, shrewdly backed off of that confirmation, though Jeff Flake abandoned Republicans to approve her nomination. The vote can be seen here. Wright’s confirmation brings the total of appellate judges appointed by Obama to 56.

In his Conservative Review commentary, Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz writes “Senate GOP Must Not Confirm Any More Obama Judges.”

“The notion that Republicans would vote to confirm more Obama judges defies logic on so many levels.  This is one of the few areas where they have no excuse or lack of power to actually use their control of the Senate for good purposes.  Moreover, by confirming more Obama judges, they will not only further exacerbate the growing judicial time bomb of anti-constitutional case-law, but will also prevent the next Republican president from filling those vacancies.” 

Ask yourself…if Democrats controlled the senate, would they vote to confirm conservative federal court nominees the way liberals get a pass from Republican senators? You know the answer.  It’s time to clean house…er…senate.

Democrats balked at Samuel A. Alito Jr., with only four endorsing him in a 58-to-42 vote in January 2006. Barack Obama, then an Illinois Senator joined 24 other Democrats to try to filibuster the nomination of now-Justice Samuel Alito — in a case of pure partisanship, posturing and brinksmanship — something Dems swear they don’t engage in.

Bill Nye, dedicated leftist, is no Science Guy

October 4, 2015

Incoherent pro-abortion ramblings appeal to media

We begin with the premise that Bill Nye is an odd duck. The comedy writer and entertainer who formerly toiled as a mechanical engineer before morphing into Bill Nye the bow-tie-wearing “Science Guy,” is a self-declared agnostic, a climate change advocate and an enthusiastic Obama supporter. He also holds a patent for never manufactured ballet shoes. With this whirlwind of activity surrounding him, he found time to get married, and remained a devoted husband, until be boogied 7 weeks after exchanging vows.

Nye has won the praise of liberal media outlets since taking on the topic of abortion — an issue with which he exhibits limited understanding — though the lame-stream media delightedly fawn over him.

NewsBusters’ Katie Yoder exposes the Bible bashing, farcical scientific “expert”  in 10 Worst Media Headlines Applauding Bill Nye’s Abortion Video.

After reading her report, watch the absurd video, in which Nye claims pro-life views are “just a reflection of a deep scientific lack of understanding and you literally or apparently literally don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Sounding more like a teen than the scientist he alleges to be, Nye says:

“And so when it comes to women’s right with respect to their reproduction, I think you should leave it to women. This is really – you cannot help but notice — I’m not the first guy to observe this, you have a lot of men of European descent passing these extraordinary laws based on ignorance. Sorry you guys. I know it was written or your interpretation of a book written 5,000 years ago, 50 centuries ago, makes you think that when a man and a woman have sexual intercourse they always have a baby. That’s wrong and so to pass laws based on that belief is inconsistent with nature. I mean it’s hard not to get frustrated with this, everybody. But you can’t tell somebody what to do. I mean she has rights over this, especially if she doesn’t like the guy that got her pregnant. She doesn’t want anything to do with your genes, get over it, especially if she were raped and all this. So it’s very frustrating on the outside, on the other side. We have so many more important things to be dealing with. We have so many more problems to squander resources on this argument based on bad science, on just lack of understanding.”

“I really encourage you to look at the facts. So I just really encourage you to not tell women what to do and not pursue these laws that really are in nobody’s best interest. Just really be objective about this. We have other problems to solve everybody. Come on. Come on. Let’s work together.”

Hillary sticks to liberal PP lie during Iowa interview

September 25, 2015

Des Moines Register interview: Hillary doesn’t deviate from repeating Planned Parenthood lie

National Review knows the truth. Two months ago the publication carried this article by Michelle Malkin which set the record straight on the false claim, even repeated by candidate Barack Obama in 2012, that Planned Parenthood  provides mammograms to “millions” of women. That would be quite a trick given the fact that the nation’s leading abortion provider has neither the equipment nor trained personnel to administer breast cancer screening exams. . 

We don’t provide those services whatsoever,” a staffer at Planned Parenthood of Arizona confessed during this video exposé. 

Malkin notes: Even the liberal Washington Post doled out a three (out of four) Pinocchio rating for the White House’s mammogram lies. “The problem here is that Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms or even possess the necessary equipment to do so,” the paper’s resident fact-checker reported. 

Ladies, open your eyes and hearts. Watch the videos for yourselves. Get the facts. Unmask the lies. The cackling profiteers of Planned Parenthood don’t care about your breasts. They’re too busy putting price tags on the baby hearts, livers, lungs, and limbs swirling around in bloody pie plates, stacked in their “research” labs, subsidized with your tax dollars and sold to the highest bidders. For “preventative care,” of course.

Yet Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, during an interview with the Des Moines Register editorial board, defends the taxpayer funding of these abortion profiteers, saying, “I defend and continue to defend Planned Parenthood.”*

She continues by heaping lies upon lies: “500,000 you know, breast screening exams, a lot of other screening programs that are carried out,” Clinton claimed.

Hillary’s brazen dishonesty continued as she stated, “The Republicans have made it clear in recent years that they are not only opposed to abortion which they have been for quite some time, they’re increasingly opposed to family planning and contraception.”

Pro-life Susan B. Anthony List provides this Fact Sheet for an overview of  Planned Parenthood’s statistics. During fiscal year 2013-2014, Planned Parenthood received more than $528 million in taxpayer funding, or more than $1.4 million per day

The Center for Medical Progress, which released the Planned Parenthood exposés, is to be commended for bringing the macabre truths of this monstrous industry to light via these videos.

* H/T Eric Scheiner CNSNews senior video producer

Carly Fiorina: A spiteful McRINO, not a victim

September 20, 2015

Donald Trump’s comment on Carly Fiorina’s appearance garnered widespread negative coverage. As she played the victim role to the hilt, Fiorina gave an award-winning performance.

But in the brutal world of presidential campaigns, nothing remains hidden for long. This video shows hypocritical Carly Fiorina making snide remarks about Sen. Barbara Boxer’s “so yesterday” hair style (4:00) during their 2010 senate race. Fiorina also used the opportunity to take potshots at Sean Hannitty. “You know how he is,” she tells an off-screen associate.

After watching the “victim” as a catty aggressor, read “The Conservative Case Against Carly Fiorina,” by John Hawkins. You’ll find an establishment-backed moderate with long ties to John McCain. Her newly burnished conservative label is merely campaign re-branding.

RedState’s Erick Erickson unmasked Carly Fiorina in 2010.

“From her praise of Jesse Jackson, to her playing the race and gender cards against Chuck DeVore, to her support for the Wall Street bailouts, to her qualified support for the Obama stimulus, to her past support for taxation of sales on the Internet, to her waffling on immigration, to her support for Sonia Sotomayor, to her Master’s thesis advocating greater federal control of local education, to her past support for weakening California’s Proposition 13, to her statement to the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board that Roe v. Wade is “a decided issue,” Carly Fiorina’s oft-repeated claim to be a “lifelong conservative” was only plausible in the universe of NRSC staffers who recruited her in the first place. She endorsed Federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research for “extra” embryos. She endorsed the California DREAM Act, which grants in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. She refused to endorse California’s Proposition 23, which suspends the job-killing AB 32 climate-change law….”

The closest Carly comes to conservatism is when she inadvertently opens a dictionary to the page where the word is listed.

AZ US Rep. Gosar shuns Pope Francis’ speech to congress

September 19, 2015

Pope abandons moral authority in favor of  emphasis on leftist policies. He disdains capitalism and embraces the radical environmentalism and false science of climate change, rather than focusing on the persecution and slaughter of Christians and religious minorities by ISIS and other Islamic terrorist organizations, and intentional genocide of unborn children by Planned Parenthood

U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar, a Republican representing Arizona’s 4th Congressional District will not be joining in either Obama’s grand red carpet roll out for or the address to congress by Pope Francis. Gosar, who defines himself as a proud Catholic, was educated at Jesuit schools, where he obtained both his undergraduate and DDS degree.

In this commentary, Congressman Gosar explains why he is boycotting Pope Francis’ congressional address. The following is excerpted from his cogent message:

“Many believed, like I did, that this was an opportunity for the Pope to be one of the world’s great religious advocates and address the current intolerance of religious freedom. An opportunity to urgently challenge governments to properly address the persecution and execution of Christians and religious minorities; to address the heinous and senseless murders committed by ISIS and other terrorist organizations. An opportunity to address the enslavement, belittlement, rape and desecration of Christian women and children; to address the condoned, subsidized, intentionally planned genocide of unborn children by Planned Parenthood and society; and finally, an opportunity for His Holiness to refocus our priorities on right from wrong. 

Media reports indicate His Holiness instead intends to focus the brunt of his speech on climate change–a climate that has been changing since first created in Genesis. More troubling is the fact that this climate change talk has adopted all of the socialist talking points, wrapped false science and ideology into “climate justice” and is being presented to guilt people into leftist policies. If the Pope stuck to standard Christian theology, I would be the first in line. If the Pope spoke out with moral authority against violent Islam, I would be there cheering him on. If the Pope urged the Western nations to rescue persecuted Christians in the Middle East, I would back him wholeheartedly. But when the Pope chooses to act and talk like a leftist politician, then he can expect to be treated like one.”

Francis’ 5-day U.S. schedule — following a stopover in Communist Cuba — is available here.

We share Rep. Gosar’s frustrations regarding Pope Francis as noted with these words from a previous post:

“His provocative mastery of Marxist, anti-capitalist buzzwords is disturbing, with redistribution of wealth one of his frequent themes. Yet he does not deny himself the latest technology as he travels the globe like a jetsetter, frequently tweets and even takes selfies. Last year his tweet, “inequality is the root of social evil,” set off a heated debate in which he was  criticized for increasingly driving a wedge between conservatives and the Catholic Church. Francis previously blasted ‘trickle-down’ economics, a basic tenet of President Reagan’s economic policy as a “crude and naive” theory.”

Seeing Red AZ has previously addressed Pope Francis’ far-left agenda:

May 16, 2015:  Pope Francis embraces leftist doctrines

June 17, 2015: Pope Francis: “Global Political Authority” needed to tackle climate change

Aug. 24, 2015: Dems to enlist Pope on illegals, voter base expansion


Thousands unite to protest Planned Parenthood

August 23, 2015

Nationwide protests against Planned Parenthood were held Saturday in the wake of the release of vile videos showing PP executives coolly haggling over prices in the calculated harvesting and sale of pre-born baby body parts. Pro-Life activists demonstrated at a reported 320 clinics across the country.

In Phoenix hundreds of protestors heard Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery, U.S. Reps. Trent Franks and David Schweikert as well as AZ GOP Chairman Robert Graham speak out against the gruesome practices that are funded by tax dollars funneled to the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood by the federal government. Protests took place in several other Valley cities, including Chandler, Tempe and Glendale.

“We call on Congress to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood,” declared Montgomery.

CNS News, citing numbers from Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report, reports PP’s net revenue increased 5% to a total of $1.21 Billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013. About 45% of that revenue —- $540.6 million —- was provided by taxpayer-funded government ‘health services” grants. Breitbart News’ “Planned Parenthood Annual Report: All About Abortions and Profits,” contains updated 2014 information. 

Although Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, it cloaks itself as a women’s health care organization.

Seeing Red AZ posted “Planned Parenthood’s gruesome realities in mid-July, revealing the death industry’s deeply embedded roots in Arizona.

The Center for Medical Progress, which released the Planned Parenthood exposés, is to be commended for bringing the macabre truths of this monstrous industry to light via these videos.

It’s past time for the taxpayer-funded money spigot to be turned off.

Jeff Flake’s progressively close Democrat ties

August 9, 2015


Gilbert Watch blog* has posted a fact-filled report titled, “Jeff Flake: The Only Republican to Vote for the Judge Who Blocked Release of Fetal Body Sales Videos.”

Flake, like his mentors, John McCain and Jon Kyl, has toiled at burnishing a Republican veneer, even as he gives an award-winning impersonation of a liberal Democrat.   

Just days ago, Seeing Red AZ ran a post titled, “A question for Jeff Flake,” in which we exposed not only his amnesty commitment and the abhorrent actions of his ‘fellow traveler’ liberal Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez, but Flake’s increasing associations with Congressional Democrats — recently as the sole Republican accompanying Barack Obama and nearly two dozen Democrats on a trip to Kenya.

Despite his unquestioned dedication to amnesty, he nearly fooled the like-thinkers at Arizona Republic with a brief pre-election turnaround. But he’s been quoted as saying, “that’s the beauty of a six-year term.” Flake counts on the electorate having a short memory. 

Jeff Flake’s untrustworthiness rivals Hillary Clinton’s. It’s not a surprise he’s ranked the most unpopular Senator in the nation.

*Kudos to the reliably conservative Gilbert Watch blog

“Straight talking” McCain’s pro-life double talk

August 1, 2015

AZ GOP Chairman Robert Graham should call out McCain’s hypocrisy

Most of us have seen at least portions of the videos produced by Center for Medical Progress clearly showing Planned Parenthood’s high level executives casually discussing the barbaric harvesting and selling of pre-born baby body parts, including brains, hearts, lungs and livers — sometimes intact bodies — resulting from abortions performed in their facilities. Haggling over specific prices, Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, Dr. Mary Gatter, brazenly stated, “I want a Lamborghini.”

Any reasonable person watching the undercover videos would be repulsed by the jovial and casual manner in which these unlawful negotiations were conducted — often over lunch.

In the latest reportable year, Planned Parenthood received subsidies of nearly $530 million — over half a billion dollars — in taxpayer funding, which many in Congress would like to see halted. A Senate bill aimed at defunding the abortion provider would redirect those millions of dollars to community health care centers and hospitals that actually provide women’s health care  services.

Pending legislation places the issue squarely in the political realm which is no doubt why AZ GOP Chairman Robert Graham called on Arizona Democrats to donate to charity the Planned Parenthood contributions they’ve received to promote the abortion industry’s issues.

Senate Bill 1881 was introduced just days ago, July 28, 2015. It’s aim is to prohibit federal funding to Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Jeff Flake’s name is missing from the list of U.S. Senators who signed on to Sen. Joni Ernst’s bill, but candidate John McCain is onboard.

This presents the ideal opportunity for Robert Graham to ask Straight-talking John McCain to explain his vote in favor of embryonic stem cell research. In 2012, McCain advised Republicans to leave the issue (of abortion) alone” and declared, “I think we have to have a bigger tent, there’s no doubt about it.” Instead he cited the urgency of passing “immigration reform.”

In this 1999 clip McCain advocates returning to the days before the pro-life plank was included in the Republican Platform — blandly referring to abortion as an “unpleasant procedure.”

Now as he runs for yet another 6-year term, McCain who will be 80 by Election Day, says: “As a lifetime pro-life supporter, I have fought for decades to defend the rights of all human life, especially those who cannot defend themselves.”

 John McCain has an odd way of showing that deep commitment.

Aborted organs harvested, sold: PP exec wants Lamborghini

July 22, 2015

Last week we posted “Planned Parenthood’s gruesome realities,” which included a video exposing Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services and Obama administration advisor. She was seen enjoying her lunch and sipping wine while callously discussing the harvesting and sale of second trimester aborted baby body parts. Nucatola brazenly admits to using partial-birth abortions to get “intact parts” which increases the amount per human baby organ —- coolly describing the barbaric process she engages in to procure specific organs for buyers. 

Then just when you thought you’d seen it all, it gets worse. The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has now released a second video. This one shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Medical Directors’ Council President, Dr. Mary Gatter, also casually sipping her beverage, flippantly haggling over payments for “intact fetal specimens” and offering to use a “less crunchy technique” to ensure intact body parts — brains, hearts, lungs and livers  — which are more marketable.

By the conclusion of the meeting, Gatter, a Harvard-educated medical doctor, suggests $100 per “specimen” is not enough and concludes, “Let me just figure out what others are getting, and if this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine, if it’s still low, then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini.”

Gatter appears to be aware this violates laws governing tissue collection, but disregards them: “To me, that’s kind of a specious little argument,” she says.

Federal law requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection. (42 U.S. Code § 289g-2)

In 2014, Mary Gatter was honored with a “Women Mean Business” award by Democrat California State Sen. Carol Liu at a swank luncheon at the Pasadena Hilton. The honorees were chosen for having exceptional abilities that have contributed to the economic vitality, diversity, and — ironically — “the quality of life” of the 25th state Senate District.

The latest CMP report can be read here.

Planned Parenthood’s gruesome realities

July 16, 2015

Planned Parenthood’s roots deeply embedded in Arizona

Many of us have seen the macabre video showing Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services enjoying her lunch and sipping wine while nonchalantly discussing the harvesting of aborted baby body “parts.”  Hearts, lungs and livers, also called “specimens” command a good price. “Lower extremities” are in demand, as well, she says.

In the video, released by The Center for Medical Progress, Nucatola is seen at a business lunch with actors posing as buyers from a human biologics company. Nucatola callously describes the process she engages in to procure intact body parts for buyers. 

To carry on this grisly legacy, she is involved in the training of new abortionists at Planned Parenthood and also performs abortions herself at a Los Angeles area clinic up until 24 weeks —- on 6-month pre-born human babies.

A separate clip shows Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards praising Nucatola’s work to facilitate connections for fetal tissue collection. “Oh good,” Richards says when told about Nucatola’s support for fetal tissue collection at Planned Parenthood, “Great. She’s amazing.”

LifeNews reports that Richards, who took time off from her post to campaign for Barack Obama’s reelection, makes over $500,000 a year. A onetime deputy chief of staff to Nancy Pelosi, Richards is the daughter of former Texas governor Ann Richards. In 1996, Cecile Richards founded the Texas Freedom Network, an organization specifically formed to oppose the “Christian Right.” 

There are also even more  noteworthy Arizona connections to Planned Parenthood. Gloria Feldt, the former CEO and president of the nation’s largest abortion mechanism, interviewed by Connie Chung in the video, began her career in the death industry heading the Central and Northern Arizona office. She and her husband, Alex Barbanell, live part-time in Scottsdale. And you might be surprised to know who started Planned Parenthood in our state. None other than Peggy Goldwater, Barry’s wife of 51 years. It was also a cause near and dear to Barry’s heart. The group’s most prestigious award is named in honor of the not-so-conservative, conservative icon’s wife.

Read the complete report regarding the Deborah Nucatola video at The Center for Medical Progress. Their work is crucial in exposing these grotesque abuses. CMP is a non-profit organization. They gladly accept donations.