Video exposes reality of anti-Trump deep state

September 21, 2018

Boldly stating, “it’s impossible to fire federal employees,“ Stuart Karaffa, a State Department management and systems analyst, gloats about being part of “the resistance,” and using his position to facilitate his efforts. Previously he worked within the Department of Defense.

Longtime readers of SRAZ are familiar with James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas undercover investigative videos. He has exposed everything from election fraud to abortionists with M.D.s following their names negotiating the highest price for body parts of human babies they have killed. One, casually sipping wine over lunch, laughingly declares, she “wants a Lamborghini.”

This latest release focuses on the hidden face of the resistance inside the executive branch of our government. Wearing a suit and tie is where the pretense of respectability stops. Karaffa, a career “civil servant,” and others like him, are hard at work subverting our democracy. He is taped admitting he’s there to work not for American taxpaying citizens but the Democratic Socialists of America. This past year he was listed as the primary contact for the DSA’s Get-Out-The-Vote effort in Virginia, a violation of the Hatch Act, This radical goon’s swaggering braggadocio should be enough to show him that federal employees can, indeed — at the very least — be fired. 

Read the Project Veritas report,Deep State Unmasked: State Department on Hidden Cam, “Resist Everything,” “I Have Nothing to Lose.” The arrow in the lower left corner of the screen activates the video.

Brett Kavanaugh: 2018’s version of Clarence Thomas

September 17, 2018

NARAL, the acronym for National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, is a key leftist player in the attempt to keep Judge Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The group that equates the death of reborn human babies with “choice,” has issued a statement saying the claim of a woman, suddenly coming forth with assault charges against a-then-high-school-age Kavanaugh “must be believed.” Not only that, but she is ”incredibly brave to do so. and must be treated with the respect and dignity that all survivors deserve.”

His accuser is a professor who initially made the charges anonymously and is now reveling in the spotlight. In 1991 Justice Clarence Thomas, also a conservative judicial nominee, was put through the same offensive sexual harassment wringer by Anita Hill, a woman’s studies and law professor who continued to have a working relationship with him, long before hurling the charges.

Judge Kavanaugh, 56, whose credentials are impeccable, has been a Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit since 2006. Previously, he served for as Senior Associate Counsel and Associate Counsel to President George W. Bush. In the course of his career, he has been vetted six times with no allegations of misconduct surfacing. But those jobs weren’t on the nation’s highest court where liberals desire control.

In the wake of the “Me too” movement, allegations now carry the weight of fact. Men can be discredited without proof, losing their careers, reputations and sometimes, their families. But those are of little consequence when juxtaposed against the ever looming issue of the right to kill — babies. Nothing is so sacred as this go-to-the-mat matter.

Justice Clarence Thomas, the second black on the high court, who had the temerity to be a Republican, described his contemptible hearing in these words:

“This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It’s a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.”

Kavanaugh will be put through the same garish spectacle because the radical left can’t abide another Republican on the Supreme Court. They and their allies will oppose him with all of the vigor they can muster. 

Anita Hill had Janet Napolitano, a radical Arizonans know all too well, as her lead lawyer. Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser will have Senate Judiciary Committee members Kamala Harris, Lindsey Graham, Cory Booker and Jeff Flake working to take him down. Trump-hating showboater Flake, a lame duck soon to be out the senate door, has already called for delaying the vote until they hear from Kavanaugh’s previously silent accuser.

Judge Kavanaugh issued this statement today:

“This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes — to her or to anyone. Because this never happened, I had no idea who was making this accusation until she identified herself yesterday.” He stated he would speak to the Judiciary panel “in any way the committee deems appropriate” in order to “defend my integrity.”


Chelsea Clinton: Abortion empowers women

August 18, 2018

Ardent abortion supporter Chelsea Clinton is of the opinion that the killing of pre-born human babies is not only a right that must be upheld, but is also an asset to our nation’s economy.

Chelsea was the featured speaker at the New York ‘Rise Up For Roe’ pro-abortion event, scheduled for numerous cities — Phoenix is calendared for Sunday — and specifically produced to advocate against the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  Displaying her genetic ability to glibly manufacture “facts” to fit the liberal agenda, the mother of two and daughter of Hillary and Bill Clinton, came up with some slick economic sleight of hand.

She is quoted as saying:

“It is not a disconnected fact that American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy. The net, new entrance of women — that is not disconnected from the fact that Roe became the law of the land in January of 1973.

So, I think, whatever it is that people say they care about, I think that you can connect to this issue. Of course, I would hope that they would care about our equal rights and dignity to make our own choices, but, if that is not sufficiently persuasive, hopefully, some of these other arguments that you’ve expressed so beautifully, will be.”

Liberal senators desire payback for their inability to get Obama’s lame-duck Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland seated, despite assistance from Republicrat Obama toady Jeff Flake, who escorted the Democrat to meet with senators who vote on federal judicial nominations.

Reliable contraception is inexpensive and widely available. The reprehensible slaughter of pre-born babies (video of abortion counselors’ sales pitches) is neither empowerment, representative of a dignified choice, nor a boost to the nation’s economy —- regardless of how supporters of the abortion industry attempt to package it.

Lesko’s AZ CD8 victory? You can’t believe your lyin’ eyes

April 26, 2018

Dejected Arizona Republic skews the news….again

Dang! We thought Republican Debbie Lesko won the AZ Congressional District 8 Special Election Tuesday night. We watched as the votes were tallied, and saw the broad smile on former Arizona Senate President Pro-Tempore Debbie Lesko’s face as her hand was held aloft by former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer. We saw Lesko plant a smooch on her husband, and joyfully introduce her son and daughter.  We even thought we heard cheers and applause. Apparently it was all a wishful apparition.

According to the Arizona Republic newspaper, what we witnessed was a post mortem. Those cheers were wails, as mourning Republicans realized the victory wasn’t decisive enough.  Leftwing reporters Yvonne Wingett Sanchez and Ronald Hansen, called it “lackluster and tepid“ and termed what we thought was a victory, “a wake up call.”

The article doesn’t mention the fact that liberal Democrat challenger Hiral Tipirneni played fast and loose with the truth in campaign ads depicting her in scrubs with a stethoscope around her neck, at a patient’s bedside. In fact, she has not practiced medicine since 2007, after a serious medical malpractice charge was brought against her. In the intervening years she’s been a dedicated lobbyist for Obamacare.

To bolster its contention that Lesko’s win was less than a victory, the newspaper quoted a misguided Republican who voted for Tipirneni. It also quotes Arizona Democrat Party Chair Felecia Rotellini, who knows a thing or two about losing elections. “The same chaos and dysfunction that we’re seeing in the Republican GOP in D.C. is reflected in Arizona’s GOP, (and) the lack of leadership, the lack of a platform that speaks to Arizona,” adding “the voters have awakened.”

Rotellini ran twice for Arizona Attorney General and though trounced by the Republican candidates in 2010 and 2014, she stubbornly waited days to concede her losses.

The elephant in the newsroom is Lesko’s unwavering support of President Donald Trump, called “broadly unpopular,” by the Hillary Clinton endorsing newspaper — which ignores his list of accomplishments and the wide range of support he enjoys among his loyalists.

This morning’s editorial oddly consists of a dialogue between the unhinged members of the editorial board and their shameless editor. They are unable to fathom the voter rejection of their Second Amendment restrictionist and pro-abortion supporter, who opposes actual border security. Tipirneni used verbal contortions in an attempt to carefully conceal the facts of her liberalism that is far out of step with the district and the editorial board is reeling.  They regard CD 8 voters as being easily duped.

If you still get skewed information from the Arizona Republic, let us give you the good news: Conservative Debbie Lesko, an unapologetic Trump supporting,  pro-Second Amendment and pro-life candidate who also stressed national and border security, support of our military, tax reform and parental choice in education, won!

AZ Republic’s front page: Blatant trickery:on display

June 29, 2017

Employing an over-sized front page graphic and all caps headline, the Arizona Republic reports on a “FIGHT OVER FAMILY PLANNING FUNDS.” The report bemoans the fact that Gov. Doug Ducey and the state legislature have united in an effort to defund Planned Parenthood Arizona.  The Arizona group receives $4.5 million in taxpayer dollars as its portion of federal “family planning” funds. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest provider of abortions.

Not a single PP facility is equipped with mammography equipment or staffed by radiologists to provide women with essential breast cancer screenings. Women are referred to radiological centers to receive those services, exactly as their family doctors or gynecologists would do. Despite ample evidence to the contrary, the newspaper bogusly refers to Planned Parenthood sites as “community clinics,” making them appear to be in league with family practice physicians where you take the kids for routine inoculations, ear infections and casts for broken bones. Dad doesn’t hop over to Planned Parenthood for relief from knee pain or prostate exams.

Planned Parenthood’s mission is not health care, but something far more odious.

Yet national Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funding, according to this 2015 General Accountability Office report. The report covers the fiscal years 2010 through 2012, so it’s reasonable to expect the 2017 funding exceeds that amount.

These were the roots of Margaret Sanger, the notorious eugenics proponent who started Planned Parenthood, with facilities strategically placed in low income immigrant or black neighborhoods in the early 1900’s. Her mission was to eradicate those she referred to as “human weeds.”

VP Pence calls Limbaugh’s show to defend budget deal

May 3, 2017

Rush Limbaugh to Vice President Mike Pence:

“If I’m the Democrats, $21 billion, 15 billion for defense that was not originally authorized, that’s a small price to pay for continuing to fund refugee resettlement, continuing to fund Planned Parenthood, continuing to fund sanctuary cities, continuing to fund the EPA, and not build the wall. The Democrats clearly think this is a big win, and they’re confident they can block Trump’s agenda after this spending bill for the rest of Trump’s term. There isn’t anything of the president’s agenda in this budget, and people are beginning to ask, when’s that gonna happen? If you’re gonna shut it down in September, why not now?”

“If this is what happens, Mr. Vice President, why vote Republican? What is the point of voting Republican if the Democrats are gonna continue to win practically 95% of their objectives, such as in this last budget deal?”

The transcript of the entire conversation which took place Tuesday. is here.

Limbaugh echoes other prominent conservative media personalities in questioning the budget, which is viewed as a giveaway to Democrats. Meanwhile, devious House Speaker Paul Ryan refers to this charade as a “Pro-GOP game changer.” In our view it’s only a “game changer” if the players are looking to throw the game to the opposition.

Jeff Flake impersonates a Republican as reelection nears

May 2, 2017

Monday’s mail held quite a surprise. There was a letter from someone passing himself off as Jeff Flake asking for money for an upcoming reelection campaign. Jeff Flake, you will recall, is Arizona’s slippery junior senator serving with John McCain, now attempting to persuade Arizona Republicans that he represents our interests.

The missive begins with these words, “President Obama and his team spent a lot of time over the past eight years using executive orders to grow the federal government — and now we are working around the clock to make it smaller.”

Bashing Obama, he omits the fact that he took great pride in being a member of Barack Obama’s basketball team and traveling to unusual locales with the Democrat president — including Kenya as the sole Republican, and accompanying him to Communist Cuba to normalize relations with repressive dictator Raul Castro.

Flake then advises that he “had the privilege to meet both privately with Judge Gorsuch and as a member of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary” attempting to take credit for President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointment. What Jeff Flake neglects to mention is his zealous, but failed advocacy for fast-tracking the confirmation of Obama’s lame duck Democrat nominee Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court to fill the seat of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

Jeff demonstrated his Flaky side when questioning President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch, turning serious business into a joke. (video) No one has ever accused the perpetually smirking Flake of being an intellectual, but this display of foolishness gave new meaning to the word embarrassing.

Flake also broke with Senate Republicans, voting with the Democrats to confirm lawyer William H. Orrick III, a high dollar Obama campaign bundler, to the U.S. District Court. Last week, Orrick blocked President Trump’s executive order to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities refusing to cooperate with immigration enforcement. Orrick was not unknown to Jeff Flake. He worked at the Department of Justice when the agency filed a lawsuit against the state of Arizona and was involved in coordinating the Obama administration’s argument against SB 1070.

Judge Orrick issued a temporary restraining order against the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group that released undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials and abortionists haggling over lunch for dollar amounts in the sale of aborted human body parts.

Jeff Flake is a dedicated amnesty proponent, who worked with McCain to orchestrate the Gang of Eight amnesty scheme with two other RINOs and four of the furthest left Democrats in the U.S. Senate. This betrayal came immediately after he was safely ensconced in the senate, having won by 3 slim percentage points. Count on the fact that this duplicitous bill will be revived if Flake is returned to the senate. Don’t be conned by the tricky rhetoric that “our immigration system is broken.” The only thing broken is the will to enforce it — a nightmare scenario in these perilous times. When Flake says, “We must quickly and thoughtfully secure our borders,” read between the lines. To Flake “thoughtfully” is amnesty, without using the career killing word. And America does not have borders.  We have a single border surrounding our entire (contiguous) country.

In the solicitation letter Jeff Flake portrays himself as a supporter of President Trump, another colossal lie. Jeff Flake’s refusal to endorse Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was followed by his repeated declaration that he would not vote for Trump. In fact, he haughtily declared Trump “can’t and shouldn’t win.  Not voting for Trump put Flake firmly in Hillary Clinton’s column.

Flake has long demonstrated he has no core. Prior to his political career, Flake worked as a lobbyist and registered foreign agent for Rossing Uranium — one of the world’s largest suppliers of nuclear fuel — which operates a mine in the African country of Namibia where Flake did his LDS mission. Flake earned a substantial salary opening doors in D.C. and promoting the firm which had deep financial ties to Iran. When it benefited him as a candidate, Flake deftly switched his position on Iran.

Flake nearly threw the left-leaning Arizona Republic into apoplexy, causing it to editorially declare Flake to be a mere “politician” — no longer a “statesman,” when he exhibited a campaign related change of heart on legalizing millions of illegal aliens. It was just a short-term move in order to secure votes. Those on the editorial board need not have wasted a moment’s concern.  He reverted to his former position immediately after the votes were counted.

When your solicitation letter arrives, consider using the enclosed postage paid envelope to send it back to him — empty — replicating the promises he’s made.

Dr. Kelli Ward is a bright conservative possessing core convictions.  Check out her website. Send her a donation.  She doesn’t have the D.C. lobbyist crowd who fund Jeff Flake. She needs us. These are six-year terms. How much more of the McStatus quo can we take?

Reich claims conservatives organized Berkeley riots

February 4, 2017

If you’ve ever doubted that liberals will do or say anything to conceal who and what they are, including blaming their outrageous behavior and criminal acts on conservatives, watch this video featuring Robert Reich, who was the secretary of labor during Bill Clinton’s administration, worked on Barack Obama’s transition team, and is now employed as a UC Berkeley professor teaching public policy.

Wednesday night, masked Berkeley students doing a good job of emulating fascists, set fires, destroyed property, hurled Molotov cocktails and engaged in bloody attacks on those they deemed Trump supporters, to prevent Breitbart author Milo Yiannopoulos, an invited guest, from speaking on campus. Though there was over $100,000 worth of property damage, no arrests were made. The speech was cancelled.

Reich, rife with conspiracy theories, appeared on CNN with Tonight’s Don Lemon offering his bizarre version of the chaos that took place on the university campus. He claimed that conservatives masterminded the recent violent mayhem at Berkeley to make liberals appear opposed to free speech.

Like any good liberal Reich supports unfettered abortion of innocent preborn human babies, but opposes the death penalty for those who commit heinous crimes.

On CNN Robert Reich declared the anti-Trump riots on campus were actually a right-wing plot to delegitimize liberals.

“I was there for part of last night, and I know what I saw and those people were not Berkeley students,” Reich claimed. “Those people were outside agitators. I have never seen them before.”

That could be due to the fact that at 4’10” in height, he’s eye level with their knees.

“There’s rumors that they actually were right-wingers. They were a part of a kind of group that was organized and ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced the police to cancel the event,” Reich insisted. “So Donald Trump, when he says Berkeley doesn’t respect free speech rights, that’s a complete distortion of the truth.”

“You think it’s a strategy by [Milo Yiannopoulos] or right-wingers?” host Don Lemon incredulously asked

“I wouldn’t bet against it,” Reich responded. “I saw these people. They all looked very -– almost paramilitary. They were not from the campus. I don’t want to say factually, but I’ve heard there was some relationship here between these people and the right-wing movement that is affiliated with Breitbart News.”


John McCain’s deception exposed by Nat’l Pro-Life Alliance

August 16, 2016

Many conservatives found a letter from National Pro-Life Alliance in their mailboxes Monday. It specifically calls out AZ Sen. John McCain for repeatedly blocking pro-life initiatives. The letter, signed by Jenni Harris, the group’s executive director, cuts right to the chase. She explains that the Life at Conception Act which would legislatively bypass Roe v. Wade by using the Supreme Court’s own language against itself, now has a record 164 co-sponsors in both the U.S. House and Senate — including four of the five Republican Congressmen from Arizona. Harris says, “As I write this letter, John McCain is not among them, despite multiple meetings and calls to his staff.”

The letter further states, “In fact, Sen. McCain is the only candidate in the Senate Republican Primary who has not answered the Republican candidate survey.”

McCain’s deception on life issues is nothing new. May 15, 2016 Seeing Red AZ posted “Dr. Kelli Ward vs. McCain on life issues,” which includes a illuminating video displaying McCain’s bizarre view of the pro-life movement, in which he refers to the ending of a perfect and healthy pre-born human life as an “unpleasant….procedure,” though he made it clear he didn’t want to restrict them. 

Dr. Kelli Ward, a conservative former two-term state senator, military wife,  mother of three and a family practice physician — who is adamantly pro-life — is challenging the decades-long incumbent McCain — running for another 6-year term at age 80. Ward rightly questions the National Right to Life endorsement given to McCain despite his appalling record.

In July 2010 Seeing Red AZ posted, “McCain refuses to answer pro-life questionnaire.” In 2007, John McCain called for returning to the pre-Reagan Republican Party Platform which did not include the pro-life plank.  

Hillary Clinton, referred to by John McCain as a ‘rock star he could support,“ and portrayed in the liberal media as a doting grandmother, isn’t ashamed to say that she supports aborting a baby even on its due date. During an appearance on ‘The View,” Hillary did not flinch from her support of the U.S. Supreme Court’s imposed policy of abortion-on-demand for the full nine months of pregnancy enshrined in Roe v. Wade. She was asked: “At what point does someone have constitutional rights, and are you saying that a child, on its due date, just hours before delivery, still has no constitutional rights?” Hillary’s swift reply? “Under our law that is the case. .I support Roe v. Wade.’ (Video)

By his words, actions and associations, John McCain continues to lie by declaring himself pro-life. The facts tell a different story.

Once again McCain expects to lure us all aboard his Forked Tongue Express. Vote for Dr. Kelli Ward and we can put this embarrassing chapter of Arizona history behind us.

Dr. Kelli Ward vs. McCain on life issues

May 15, 2016

Abortion is not an “unpleasant procedure,” for the baby, Sen. McCain. It’s death.

Nate Madden, writing for Conservative Review exposes John McCain’s squishy position on the fundamental matter of life in his commentary, “McCain Challenger Hits Back at Pro-Life Group for Endorsing Incumbent.”

Dr. Kelli Ward, a conservative former two-term state senator, mother and physician — who is adamantly pro-life — is challenging the decades-long incumbent McCain, running for another 6-year term at age 80. Ward rightly questions the National Right to Life endorsement given to McCain despite his dubious record.

In 2010 Seeing Red AZ posted, “McCain refuses to answer pro-life questionnaire.” In 2007, John McCain called for returning to a Republican Party Platform which did not include the pro-life plank.  

Listen closely as McCain, summoning up the weakest of adjectives to describe the gruesome death of a pre-born human baby, refers to abortion an “unpleasant procedure.”

 “But we all know, and it’s obvious, that if we repeal Roe v. Wade tomorrow, thousands of young American women will be performing illegal and dangerous operations. I want us to be a party of inclusion. I think that we can all be members of the Republican Party whether we are pro-choice or pro-life because we share the same goal, and that is the elimination of abortion, because it’s an unpleasant and terrible procedure. We think, I think, that we must go back to the Platform of 1980 and 1984 and we include people who have this specific disagreement who share our same goals.”

 Do these equivocating words sound like those of a candidate who is deserving of the National Right to Life endorsement? Give NRTL a call and ask them what they were thinking.

This is Dr. Kelli Ward. It’s time for a change.