Obama legacy: Middle class down, poverty rates up

September 18, 2013

Poverty up 6,667,000; Record 46,496,000 now impoverished — Middle-class fared worse than any year since 1989

The U.S. Census Bureau has released the dismal account of how Barack Obama’s leadership is failing American families. The information is contained in this 88-page report, titled Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2012

During Obama’s first term the real median income of American households dropped by $2,627 and the number of people in poverty increased by approximately 6,667,000.  Arizona, with 19 percent living in poverty, has one of the highest rates in the nation.

In 2008, real median household income in the United States was $53,644. Shockingly, that figure has declined in every year of Obama’s first term. In 2009, the year he was inaugurated, it dropped to 53,285. In 2010, his second year in office, it dropped further to $51,892. In 2011, his third year in office, it fell to $51,100. And, in 2012, his fourth year in office, it tumbled even further to $51,017 — indicating a drop of $2,627—or 4.89 percent—from 2008 to 2012.

The number of people living in poverty in the U.S. has increased during those same years. In 2008, according to the Census Bureau data, there were approximately 39,829,000 people living in poverty. In 2012, that number jumped to 46,496,000 — a sharp increase of approximately 6,667,000, or 16.73 percent — from 2008 to 2012.

In 2008, people in poverty represented 13.2 percent of America’s population. In 2012, the impoverished had risen to 15.0 percent.

An even bleaker picture is painted in the Congressional Budget Office report, which sends an urgent message to Americans, as it says the nation’s debt is on an “unsustainable path.”  Implementation of Obamacare will exacerbate the crisis. CBO warns federal debt held by the public will hit 100% of GDP by 2038.

This Fox News report details the results of a new poll showing an overwhelming majority of Americans are concerned about their healthcare plan under Obamacare. A majority — 68% — want to go back to the 2009 healthcare system. Concerns are not only shared by Republicans and Independents, but by a 56-percent majority of Democrats.  Watch this report.

Still, Obama’s media accomplices remain mum. And the far-left Arizona Republic?  It relegated this significant report to Page 8, although giving prominence to expected increases in lottery jackpots.  Still buying this supposed disseminator of news?

Mind-boggling truth: Americans getting filtered news

September 17, 2013


Russia’s Putin on cover of global editions of Time magazine; USA rates sports fluff

As the rest of the world is discussing serious matters concerning World Peace or threats to America, Americans are given the equivalent of another six-pack — with the specific goal of keeping us ignorant.

Compare the absurd covers detailing Time magazine content* intended for American consumption. They and the reports they contain are not remotely comparable to those directed to foreign audiences.  We are kept in the dark with sports, entertainment and the war between the sexes, while European, Middle Eastern, African and Asian editions carry topics concerning critical world events and explore the global impact of Islam.

How often have you seen the phrase, AMERICA, WAKE UP!”? Is it any wonder the fastest growing online newspaper in the USA is The Guardian, published in Great Britain?  Even Fox News is undependable. The network, now boasting a lineup of hired liberal strategists, is too interested in being “fair and balanced,” to provide unfiltered information.

Beware the sedating seduction of “Bread and Circuses.” Entertainment is a powerful distraction from addressing the difficult issues we are facing. The term is descriptive of the political strategy of the ancient Roman elites preceding the empire’s eventual fall. It was based on hedonistic disdain of ethical behavior, civic values and disregard of patriotism, as the officials lulled the Roman citizens with diversions of cheap entertainment, free wheat, beer and distractions of watching gladiators compete — contrived to take their minds off of the empire’s massive problems.

* H/T  Before It’s News

Republic front ’n centers same-sex “marriage,” AIDS

September 17, 2013

The Arizona República never strays too far or for too long from its favored twin themes of amnesty and same-sex issues.  Just days ago the newspaper wanted us to believe that former Governor Rose Mofford, now 91-years-old and inclined toward seclusion, had taken on the task of chairing the Southwest Center for the HIV/AIDS development campaign of funding a permanent home. They even dutifully provided Democrat Mofford with a quote expressing delight over being able to engage in this venture.

Randy Lovely editor and VP of News for the increasingly feeble Arizona Republic, front paged the upcoming wedding of two women, regaling readers with accompanying news coverage that three Tempe churches “pledge their support for same-sex marriage,” standing together to “preach equality.”  Equality is the latest step in the incremental normalization of deviancy.

The daily can’t get enough of its favorite family — repeatedly reporting on two men who have adopted two more kids since this article was written — bringing their brood to a grand total of 14, and plumping the household total to 16 — including the dads — at last count. Channel 12, the Republic’s in-house sister station carried an in-tandem televised report describing how the dads “face the challenges.”

There are many sides to this multifaced coin. As an example, the Foundry reports that state clerks in Pennsylvania and New Mexico are blatantly breaking the law by issuing invalid same-sex marriage licenses, despite prohibitions. Activists in various states are actually encouraging government workers to betray their offices, putting politics ahead of their responsibilities to citizens.

Although mega-warehouse retailer Home Depot has withdrawn its widely displayed public support for the homosexual agenda, the daily continues its mission of ramping it up. In 2010, it editorially came out in support of “same sex “marriage.’

The Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic) has two major topics to which it devotes its last gasps: Amnesty for illegals and ‘gay” issues. If you’re looking for news, the state’s newspaper of record is not the place to find it.  Leftwing agendas abound. News? Not so much.

Remember when Bill Nye was a benign “Science Guy?”

September 16, 2013

Bill Nye, it turns out, is a committed Obama supporter, and BFF with far-leftist-posing-as-a-comedian, Bill Maher.

Appearing on “Real Time” Friday, Nye has “come out of the closet,” gloved, bobbing, weaving and bashing Republicans and believers in creationism, as enemies of science. “Evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science — in all of biology.”  Calling for increased scientific advances and innovation, the so-called “Science guy” said that it’s important for the U.S. to embrace these ideals so the nation can continue to grow and prosper. The Blaze’s Billy Hollowell has more here.

In his Think Big video, “Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children,” Nye claims that those who reject the theory of evolution are damaging children and harming scientific progress. “When you have a portion of the population that doesn’t believe in that [evolution], it holds everybody back, really.” He said, “it’s difficult to make sense of life and to attain the proper answers if one denies the scientific theory. Evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science — in all of biology.”

So there you have it.  The extraordinarily bizarre “Science guy” said so. Nye is an odd man, who obtained a temporary restraining order* against his momentary wife, claiming she attempted to poison his garden.

 *H/T The Smoking Gun

Colo. voters speak: Dems call it “voter suppression”

September 16, 2013

Elections are the means of giving voice to the voting citizens. We might not always like the results, but they are accepted as the outcome of a fair and legal process.  Unless you are a liberal Democrat.  Then the results that don’t play out in the desired manner are derided as bogus.

Case in point?  The results of last Tuesday’s recall election in Colorado. Former Colorado Sen. Angela Giron, a Democrat who was ousted in a historic election for her pro-gun control votes. Her anti-Second Amendment cohort Sen. John Morse was also removed. The duo are the first senators in Colorado history to be recalled.

Here is Giron on CNN blaming her defeat on “voter suppression” — in her predominantly Democrat district. Giron, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and even Obama’s former top advisor David Axelrod can’t bring themselves to admit trampling on Second Amendment rights doesn’t fly with American citizens — regardless of their affiliation.

 Giron: “What this story really is about, it’s about voter suppression. When Colorado has voted by mail — 70 percent of Coloradoans vote by mail — and we didn’t have access to that mail ballot, I mean, I…”

Host: “Forgive me, but I’m going to cut you off right there because if we talk voter suppression, I’ve read reports about a lack of popularity on your behalf, let’s just not go there. Let’s get to the meat of the story, which is this gun control stance…”

Both Colorado senators held their seats in deep blue territory. In 2012, Obama won Giron’s district by 19% and carried Morse’s district by 21%. The anti-gun effort was bankrolled by billionaire New York City Democrat Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Colorado’s last legislative session was defined as “one of the most liberal ever” by Joe Hanel of the Durango Herald. Democrats veered hard left on gun control and virtually every other policy issue dominating the left-wing agenda. But the election results show that in the end, radicalism doesn’t play well — even with the left.

Score a big win for Constitutional rights.

Mexican drug cartels recruit US soldiers as assassins

September 15, 2013

Mexican drug cartels are recruiting American soldiers to act as clandestine hit men, paying them thousands of dollars to assassinate federal informants and organized crime rivals, law enforcement experts tell the New York Daily News.

The Mexican drug syndicates have been offering cash to American military members to act as contract killers in murder-for-hire plots in the United States. Experts worry this line of work will only become more enticing for vets who struggle to find civilian jobs after serving in combat zones.

According to the article, the most recent FBI statistics show that 53 gangs have been identified with members who have served in or are affiliated with the U.S. military. Those gangs include MS 13, Latin Kings, Crips, Bloods and Barrio Azteca, some of the most notorious and nefarious outlaw groups operating in the U.S. and Mexico.

 Read the complete, chilling, news account here.

Then acquaint yourself with the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment, published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Scroll down past “Figure 16” following Map I and 2 to “Appendix A” which lists gangs in each state. In 2011, there were over 70 gangs operating in Arizona.

Weekend reading, viewing guaranteed to make you smarter

September 14, 2013

Today we recommend you cultivate the habit of checking in with NumbersUSA. The site is chock-full of valuable information in a well-catalogued style featuring eight pull-down tabs at the top of the home page, which address the myriad questions surrounding “immigration reform” —-  more correctly known as amnesty.

The site has a state-by-state congressional immigration report card, a bill tracker complete with updates and provides free faxing while protecting your privacy. This week there is an op-ed by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala), which appeared in The Hill. His main focus is the detrimental effects the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill, S.744, would have on the labor force by creating dramatic increases in legal immigration levels.

We recommend you read the shocking facts contained in Corporate Layoffs Precede Call for More Foreign Workers, Amnesty. At the top of the page, there is a sign-in to receive NumbersUSA email updates.

Many of you are familiar with Roy Beck, the executive director of NumbersUSA by virtue of his exceptional immigration “gumballs” video.

Call your Arizona U.S. Representatives and Senators and tell them to stop the Gang of 8 from passing anti-America legislation that hurts the American worker.

Yet another takes notice of AZ GOP rift with McCain

September 13, 2013

Since we’ve been following the rash of national sites — Drudge Report and Breitbart News, among them — we add yet another to those who have noticed the widening of the chasm between Arizona’s grassroots Republicans and Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake.

McCain’s capitulation to, and colluding with, the most liberal of Democrats has finally given rise to legislative district voices raised in opposition. Throughout his years in the House of Representative, Jeff Flake has done the same, championing amnesty and additional benefits for illegal aliens and their families by co-sponsoring the STRIVE Act and closely aligning with Democrat Illinois U.S.  Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who is noted for declaring his “only” loyalty is to the “immigrant community.”

The latest to take notice is BizPac Review, in this post “Arizona GOP group tells McCain knock it off, act like a Republican,” by Michael Dorstewitz.

Understanding Sharia

September 13, 2013

Imam vows, “it’s just a matter of time”

CBN presents “Belgistan? Sharia Showdown Looms in Brussels”

If this video does not play, refresh page.

Friday the 13th: A Lucky Day?

September 12, 2013

Yes indeed….at least for those who enjoy listening to JD Hayworth’s take on what’s happening and why!

JD will guest host “The Savage Nation” on Friday, allowing a national audience the chance to hear what we used to enjoy regularly on Phoenix radio.

Listen LIVE HERE from 6 – 9:00 pm at KSFO-AM — or hear two hours of the program that are tape delayed and broadcast locally from 9 -11:00 pm on 1100 AM, KFNX. Listen LIVE HERE.