Hollywood libs threaten boycott over abortion law

May 12, 2019

Today is Mother’s Day…a day set aside to celebrate the selfless gift of life given by mothers.

An exception is taking place among the Hollywood leftists who are threatening a boycott of the entire state of Georgia due to a pro-life bill (HB 481) signed into law May 7, by Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp. The law is scheduled to go into effect January 2020. The executive director of ACLU Georgia vowed, “We will see Governor Kemp in court.”

The bill was sponsored by four female and three male legislators.

The studios and actors are shooting themselves in the foot, but death clearly means more to them than either life or livelihood. IndyWire reports Hollywood got $800 million in tax credits from the Peach State in the 2018 fiscal year. The film and TV industry has spent over a decade steadily building infrastructure in Atlanta that has allowed Hollywood to take full advantage of the state’s uncapped tax incentive. Unlike other states’ incentives, Georgia’s includes 30 percent back on above-the-line costs (like actors’ and directors’ salaries) in addition to below-the-line costs.

Actresses Alyssa Milano and Bette Midler have urged Georgia women to stop having sex with men — avoiding the risk getting pregnant — to protest this law.

Boycotts can be a two-way street. How about pro-life advocates vowing to boycott the nearly 100 Hollywood advocates of death (click to enlarge) and the films in which they appear? Suctioning out their ability to live grandly, doesn’t come close to the grisly 2nd and 3rd trimester surgical procedure that results in the violent death of pre-born human babies.

Blowback as Fla. Republicrat trolls for leftist votes

March 4, 2019

As the barbaric practice of infanticide — aborting a viable pre-born human baby up until the moment of birth —-rears its fiendish head in more states, it shouldn’t surprise that the grotesque has now morphed into full-blown lunacy.

Witness this maniacal turn of phrase, repetitively and shamelessly uttered by none other than a Republican — obviously seeking to expand his voter base. Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva has coined a new term to describe a pregnant mother: “Host Body.”

During a televised interview about a pro-life bill in the Florida House of Representatives, Oliva actually referred to pregnant women as “host bodies” five times during the interview.

The overwhelming negative response was swift, causing Oliva to retract his bizarre language with this apology (video):

 “In a recent interview where the very controversial topic of abortion was raised I used the term ‘host’ to describe a pregnant woman. It was an attempt to use terminology found in medical ethics writings with the purpose of keeping the discussion dispassionate. The reaction undoubtedly shows it had the exact opposite effect. I apologize for having caused offense; my aim was the contrary. This is and will continue to be our societies [sic] greatest challenge. I strongly believe both mother and child have rights and the extent and balance of those rights remain in question.”

Reread that last mind-boggling sentence.

Interestingly, the outrage was led by Florida legislative Democrats and the Florida Democrat Party Chairwoman. 

Would they have protested if a Democrat had uttered the same words?  Chances are slim to none.

The single priceless highlight of this contortionist language was Wikipedia’s coverage of Florida Speaker Joe Oliva. It referred to his own mother and wife as “host mother” and “host wife.” Showing a decided lack of spine, the descriptive language has been removed. Oliva’s wife Jeanne has been a “host” three times!

U.S. Senate Bill 311 titled, “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” can be read here. Fox News reports Democrats, including all of the Senate’s 2020 presidential hopefuls, blocked the measure.


Pro-life victory! Life prevails in Arizona

February 23, 2019

Weekend reading guaranteed to make you smarter

This past week saw a resolute victory for life as Democrats in the Arizona Legislature sought to emulate infanticide legislation that was recently heralded by beleaguered Virginia Gov. Ralph  Northam — shockingly a pediatric neurologist, who put leftist politics above life.

Arizonans are fortunate to have Cathi Herrod and the Center for Arizona Policy to get the truth out and assemble opponents to protest the horror of abortion up to the moment birth which HB 2696 — introduced by Democrat state Rep Raquel Teran — would have accomplished by repealing the fetal resuscitation law.  That law required doctors to provide aid to babies born alive during abortions. Teran’s bill prioritized providing dressing rooms for staff and patients, “appropriate” toilet facilities and areas for pre-procedure hand washing. The babies received death sentences.

SRAZ stresses that pre-election endorsements reveal a lot about candidates. That’s certainly the case with Raquel Teran. Scroll through her endorsements page and you’ll see that she was the choice of pro-abortion advocates and unions including the left-wing Arizona Education Association, which must think they are overburdened with too many Arizona students.

Lifesite News covers the facts with this in-depth report, BREAKING: Arizona committee scraps Democrat’s bill lifting infanticide ban.

We urge you to read it and be brought up to speed on the increasingly amoral liberal agenda and the fact that conservative activism brings results.

Mark Kelly, AZ gun hypocrite, announces for US Senate

February 14, 2019

With brazen audacity oozing from every pore, leftist Democrat Mark Kelly has announced his entrance into the U.S. Senate race, mounting a challenge to Arizona incumbent Sen. Martha McSally. The Republican former congresswoman was appointed to the senate after placeholder and former senator, Jon Kyl stepped down. Kyl was appointed to temporarily fill the Senate vacancy following the death of John McCain.

Mark Kelly has ridden the unfortunate shooting of his wife, former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords like a steed, despite some major missteps. Though the two of them have been in the forefront of Second Amendment restrictions for the rest of us via their organization Americans for Responsible Solutions, which opposes concealed carry laws, and has now morphed into the $multi-million Giffords PAC.* Mark Kelly exempts himself from his desire to curtail our constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights. The PAC which claims to be bipartisan overwhelmingly endorses liberal Democrats, including the Virginia trio now negatively dominating the news for everything from infanticide protections, and racism to sexual assault: Gov. Ralph Northam, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax and Attorney General Mark Herring.

In 2013, Breitbart News exposed Kelly making a private purchase of an AR-15, a.45 caliber semi-automatic pistol and “high capacity” magazines at Diamondback Police Supply, a Tucson gun store. After he was caught in the hypocrisy, he backtracked, saying he was not going to keep the AR-15, which he had not picked up from the store.

Democrats are nothing if not two-faced on the issue of guns. They want to rein in the rights of America’s gun owners, but desire easy access to self-protection for themselves. Our illustrative 2012 postDem gun hypocrites,” is proof positive.

The couple is also close to Barack Obama, another Second Amendment restrictionist…for others, though he exempts himself, as seen here.

Mark Kelly has had his share of captured-on-film woes involving not only “assault” weapons but also assault dogs as seen in this disturbing video. During a Kelly family vacation in the seaside resort community of Laguna Beach, his daughter’s 65-pound American Bulldog (a close relative of the notorious Pit Bull) leaped down upon a baby seal, mercilessly attacking and killing the defenseless animal.

Join the NRA to protect our inherent, constitutionally supported freedoms that Mark Kelly would decimate if elected.

* Center for Responsive Politics

VA Gov. Northam condemnations miss the mark

February 3, 2019

Horror of infanticide takes a back seat to racial insensitivity

We’ve reached a bizarre point in our history when an objectionable medical school yearbook photo in which the subject’s face is obscured, is deemed more offensive than condoning infanticide.

Comparing the vileness of aborting a human baby up until the moment it draws its first independent breath to a 35-year-old photo taken in another time and context and which the subject alternately admitted and then denied it was him, has become the rallying cry for demanding Democrat Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam resign.

Incredibly, Northam, who condones abortions up until birth, is a medical doctor specializing in pediatric neurology. Did we mention, he’s also a Democrat? Somehow that fact was obscured, as CNN in its zeal to besmirch a Republican, misidentified Northam as a member of the GOP.

But the revelation of the clearly offensive photo deemed to be Gov. Northam is what has brought the swiftest condemnation. Showing more spine for holding onto his job than for standing against infanticide, he has so far dug in his heels, refusing to acquiesce to the calls to step down, though the list of Democrat officials demanding his resignation continues to grow.

National Democrats including 2020 presidential wannabes Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard, Julian Castro and Kamala Harris have called for Northam to resign. They are joined by former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, under whom Northam served as Lieutenant Governor, the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Governors Association, former Vice President Joe Biden and even Hillary Clinton, who has made a career of lying — have all jumped on the bandwagon. The NAACP and MoveOn, a Soros-sponsored leftist mega-fundraising group have united behind the calls for Northam’s resignation. U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine along with U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott, all Virginia Democrats, joined in the voices raised against Northam.

Despite his resistance, it’s a good bet Northam’s more astute wife, Pam, is already packing in anticipation of vacating the Governor’s Executive Mansion.

Dems OK barbaric infanticide, Republicans vote for life

January 31, 2019

Sanity still exists in the Virginia House of Delegates. On Tuesday Virginia Republicans rejected H.B. 2491, known as the Repeal Act, which would have repealed restrictions on late term abortions — even after a mother went into labor. The admission of the bill’s sponsor, Democrat Delegate Kathy Tran, of the ghoulishness of the procedure was the death knell for the bill allowing for aborting human infants minutes from birth.

A House subcommittee voted 5-3 to table the reprehensible proposed legislation. The vote was along party lines, with all of the Democrats voting for infanticide and all of the Republicans voting for life.

Tran is a Buddhist, born in Vietnam shortly after the end of the war. With the devastating loss of life so prevalent and causing her own family to flee to the United States, it would seem she’d have a special affinity for the sanctity of life — even more so as the mother of four children. But leftist politics obscures rational thought.

Todd Gilbert, Virginia’s Republican House Majority Leader, who has been honored as  Legislator of the Year and Defender of Liberty, questioned Tran about the bill during a hearing Monday. He asked Tran if a woman who has physical signs she is about to give birth could request an abortion if a physician alleged the birth could impair her mental health.

“Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth — she has physical signs that she is about to give birth. Would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified — she’s dilating?” he asked.

“Mr. Chairman, that would be a decision that the doctor, the physician and the woman would make at that point,” Tran replied.

 “I understand that,” Gilbert, a former prosecutor, replied. “I’m asking if your bill allows that.”

With not a moment’s hesitation, Tran replied: “My bill would allow that, yes.”

Last week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed S2796 into law. The Reproductive Health Act, is a bill permitting abortion through the end of the third trimester. So proud was Cuomo of what he glorified as the “Woman’s Equality Law,” he even made sure the World Trade Center was bathed in celebratory pink lights. What’s not to celebrate about killing your own newborn as he or she takes its first breath?

Roe v. Wade: Science now provides the truth

January 18, 2019

March for Life holds its annual gathering in Washington D.C. today. This year’s theme is, “Unique From Day One.”

This informative commentary,Why Science Strengthens the Pro-Life Argument,” by Andrea Picciotti-Bayer, is definitely worth your time.

Scientific and medical advances have impacted the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision in ways that could not be envisioned in 1973. Ultrasound wondrously shows fetal development, a beating heart and an undeniable, unique, human life —- even allowing parents to know the sex of their preborn child. Familial DNA, telling our generational story, is affixed from conception.

Agents of depriving life to preborn humans are celebrating the legal ability to destroy it. A breakfast event, held at the San Diego Hilton Resort and Spa advertises itself as the “46th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Breakfast Celebration.” It’s hosted by a group known by the dubious moniker, “Coalition for Reproductive Justice.”  The question of whether it’s just to murder the defenseless within what should be the safest place on earth —- their mother’s womb —- is of no consequence to the celebrants who sell event tables for up to $2500. The San Diego “celebration” is one among many across the country.

Undeniably, life begins at conception. Medical advances now allow successful surgeries to be performed on preborn babies, providing incontrovertible evidence that life begins long before birth and what abortion proponents describe as a ‘clump of cells” is actually a growing baby whose life matters.

Web MD provides this spectacular slide show titled, “Fetal development month by month,” detailing a baby’s growth from conception to birth.

Court rules pregnant moms’ drug use not child abuse

December 29, 2018

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in its collective wisdom, reversed the decision of a lower court and has ruled that women who use illegal drugs while pregnant can’t be considered perpetrators of child abuse against their newly born children, under the state’s child protection law.

Why, you might ask?

In the 16-page opinion, issued Friday, in which the mother is anonymously referred to by initials, the court’s majority determined the law’s definition of a child doesn’t include fetuses or unborn children —- opining victims of perpetrators must be children —- “a person under 18 years of age” —- just not too far under that interpretation.

A 1997 statute specifically exempts pregnant women and abortion providers from facing charges in the death of a pre-born baby.

Two justices who dissented waffled, saying what should matter is when the injury manifests itself, and that can be after the child is born.

This case involves a newborn girl who was hospitalized for 19 days last year undergoing treatment for drug addiction that caused severe withdrawal symptoms. Her mother resumed drug use after being released from jail two weeks before the baby was born in January 2017. At the time of birth, she tested positive for opiates, marijuana and benzodiazepines.

The mother’s lawyer, David S. Cohen, called the high court’s decision a victory for public health and the rights of women and children. His client does not have custody of the child. Though not surprising, the Pennsylvania branch of the far left American Civil Liberties Union also holds the opinion that women should not face criminal charges for using illicit drugs while pregnant saying it stigmatizes them and makes them fearful.

In Pennsylvania, pre-born children are not fortunate enough to legally count, although they are able to have life saving, in utero surgery performed on their tiny living bodies.

Five of the seven Justices are Democrats.

Michele Reagan: New P/T gig requires black attire

December 4, 2018

After a series of blunders, Michele Reagan recently lost her election for a second term as Arizona Secretary of State. The position, known as “a heart beat away from the governor’s office,” has frequently been the line of succession since Arizona has no Lieutenant Governor. The base salary is $70,000.

But never fear. She won’t be showing up at a soup kitchen. Besides being vested in the elected officials retirement plan, she’s following in her Dad’s footsteps, and going the Justice of the Peace route, which pays full time JPs $101,500. No law degree is required. A high school diploma, the ability to speak English, state residency and a pulse suffice. A quickie on-line training course is provided by the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada. The Reagan family owned a political sign company after moving here from Illinois in the early 1990’s, and the name Reagan was an asset in jump starting the venture.

According to this report in the San Tan Valley Sentinel, Michele Reagan has been appointed as a Pinal County Justice of the Peace pro tempore, by Superior Court Judge Stephen McCarville. Justice of the Peace Shaun Babeu requested Reagan be appointed as a temporary judge when needed, calling her “highly qualified” for the position. Reagan’s appointment must still be approved by the Board of Supervisors before it becomes effective.

Michele Reagan, who ran as a Republican, served in the Arizona Legislature from 2002 through 2014, voting with social liberals on a wide range of issues from abortion and Common Core to amnesty for illegals.

In January 2018, SRAZ posted, “AZ SOS Michele Reagan seeks voters in Mexico,” which is chock full of information about the soon-to-be-out of elected office Republicrat Michele Reagan.  The links are worth your time, providing a tangible warning of how easy it is to be taken in by an “R,” and legendary, though unrelated, name.

In a stunning example of her disconnect with Republican voters, then-Arizona Secretary of State Reagan resigned her position as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 2016, rather than go to Cleveland to vote for Donald Trump.

Petsas, O’Connor: Conservatives are “kooks, hyenas and jackals”

November 5, 2018

LD 28 state legislative candidate Kathy Pappas Petsas is a RINO political opportunist undeserving of your vote

Longtime readers of SRAZ know this site delves into local, statewide and national politics. They are frequently interconnected, featuring overlapping players  Occasionally, when the issue is compelling, we even hunker down into one of the thirty statewide districts, from which our state House and Senate members originate. Districts — representing both major parties — have elected chairmen, put in office by elected precinct committeemen, known as PCs.

Recently we focused on the underhanded campaign mailer (image included), sent out by the Arizona Republican Party to Republican voters in Legislative District 28. The mailer deliberately omitted highly-qualified GOP incumbent state legislator Maria Syms. It has been followed by more of the same. To say these actions raise more questions than they answer, would be the height of understatement.  Although the Pro-Life plank is integral to the Republican Platform, both former House member, Kate Brophy McGee, now running for the state senate, and newcomer rabble-rouser Kathy Pappas Petsas are pro-abortion advocates. Syms is Pro-Life.

You might recall Petsas as she cozied up to leftist AZ Republic columnist Laurie Roberts denigrating conservative Republicans as “Kooks,” and advocating on behalf of “DeKookifying” the Arizona Republican Party. In Bosnia in the early 1990‘s, this despicable action was known as “ethnic cleaning,” resulting in wiping out perceived enemies. Yes, we know, only symbolic political deaths are being called for here. And conservatism is not the same as ethnicity, though many of us believe our values are in our DNA.

Although we are not subscribers to the Capitol Times’ Yellow Sheet, it’s been reported that Scott O’Connor, the RINO former LD 28 chairman has declared to its reporters that he’s “proud” of the AZ GOP for kicking Syms to the political curb and boasted that he cast a single shot for Petsas, to give more oomph to his vote.  He also claims he enjoys seeing the “hyenas and jackals” who populate Seeing Red AZ and Republican Briefs have fits over the denigration of state Rep. Maria Syms.

Those “kooks, hyenas and jackals” are all of us, folks.

This 2012 post titled, “RINO Kathy Petsas aids Dem fundraising machine,” clearly shows she’s been laying the groundwork for not only her current state House race, she’s long been homing her incisors to take a bite out of your conservative neck. Also from 2012 is, “Conservatives targeted in LD 28.”

Get up to speed.  Tomorrow is Election Day There will be no do-overs. Vote Republican, not Republicrat. If you live in Legislative District 28, vote only for Maria Syms.