Interchangeable liberals: Why they’re impossible to miss

May 13, 2017

One liberal goes, another fills the void

The daily’s far left editorial columnist Linda Valdez inhabits a world of her own. Radical liberalism is her calling card and logic is outside her frame of reference. Her views on a wide variety of topics — not the least of them being her deep commitment to an open border with Mexico and gifting amnesty and myriad taxpayer paid perks to America’s illegal invaders —  would most appropriately fall into the category of unhinged.

But recently we noticed Elvia Diaz closing in on Valdez’ territory. In an Opinion piece lecturing newly installed Democrat Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone what he must do with the court appointed advisory panel he wants to ditch, Diaz harked back to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, using the identical adjective “controversial” that Valdez gives a workout. Regardless of what Arpaio says or does, even in retirement,  it’s reported as “controversial.”  The word has transmogrified into an invective to be routinely hurled at conservatives and their ideas.

Diaz picks up the mantle, describing  Arpaio’s Tent City not only as “controversial” but sounding like Valdez, says the renown outdoor jail symbolized “Arpaio’s circus.” Since the tents are military surplus, the same used to house deployed American service personnel, does she think the U.S. Military is also overseeing a circus?

In a later column Diaz condemns Republican President Trump while giving a pass to similar actions of Democrat Arizona Congressman Ruben Gallego, by employing the Maxine Waters justification technique.

Valdez, who telecommutes, pounding out her vicious spew on a keyboard in Tucson, is closing in on retirement age. Diaz is 40. Most of the senior staff took the early retirement buyouts offered by the strapped newspaper and boogied. The newspaper is mostly manned by Cronkike Journalism School students, working out of their cars, and lacking mature guidance.

Wildly biased political deceit runs rampant at the Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic). Radical leftist Diaz is definitely nipping at Valdez’ equally liberal, but aging heels. 

Jeff Flake’s new gimmick to win conservatives

May 12, 2017

Political ploy intended to garner votes is a stale scam

Jeff Flake, rightfully concerned about his lagging popularity as he gears up for a 2018 reelection campaign, has a shiny new object to grab your attention away from his less than stellar commitment to Republican principles.

Even the left-of-center, Hillary endorsing Arizona Republic had to admit that according to its own poll, Flake’s numbers are weak.

His most recent fundraising email, using John McCain’s “Friend” salutation, touts his efforts, along with McCain, of course, to sever Arizona from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Flake says the court is too large to be effective. He backs that up with the protracted time — up to 15 months — he claims it takes “to make a decision because they are so backed up in their work.”

“I’ve introduced a bill with John McCain that will split the 9th and create a new, 12th Circuit Court of Appeals because Arizonans and other Western states don’t have the bedrock principle of swift justice found in the rest of our nation,” writes Flake.

Before he moves to the money plea, using bold italicized type Flake intones, “Justice delayed is justice denied,” neglecting to credit British Prime Minister William E. Gladstone who said those words in 1868.

“Join me in fighting for a solution for Arizona,” Flake implores. “We need courts that are fair and effective for everyone, not political institutions. Let’s make it happen; chip in $5, $10, or whatever you can today to bring justice to Arizona!”

We’ve removed the links to his donation page, since even $5 is too much to send to this Republicrat phony. Money is the least of his problems. He’s been amassing plenty from lobbyists.

Flake blathers about the size of the court and its backlog of cases, slowing its actions.

What he doesn’t mention is that the Ninth Circuit is a crushingly liberal monopoly and one of the most overturned circuit courts in the nation, since those facts don’t matter to increasingly left-leaning Flake. This is not Flake’s first trip to this political well. He also introduced this legislation during the 114th Congress, but it didn’t receive a vote. The current version has a single cosponsor, John McCain. Congress has considered proposals to break up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals dating back to 1941.

After meeting with Democrat Merrick Garland, Obama’s lame duck Supreme Court nominee, Jeff Flake tried to fast track him to the High Court. Make no mistake, Flake is a mirror image of John McCain and his former senate seatmate, Jon Kyl, who both voted to confirm liberal Democrats to the  Ninth Circuit and other federal courts.

When Flake first ran for congress, he latched onto the issue of eliminating “pork,” the term used for non-essential spending. Forming another federal Circuit Court will incur massive costs, though Flake omits that fact. Amnesty supporting Flake has never addressed the astronomical costs associated with turning illegal aliens into citizens or its impact on actual American citizens.

Let’s review who Jeff Flake actually is:

AZ GOP’s Jonathan Lines exposed as establishment trickster  provides a list exposing Jeff Flake.

Jeff Flake impersonates a Republican as reelection nears

 Refurbishing of RINO Flake begins

SCOTUS nominee Gorsuch grilled by legion of lessers & UPDATE Watch the embarrassing video under “Update.”

Jeff Flake: Reaping what he has sown

So you think you know Jeff Flake? Think again

Boorish grads boo U.S. Ed. Sec. Betsy DeVos

May 11, 2017

Commencement season brings with it prominent speakers to bestow words of wisdom on graduates as they leave the confines of academia and prepare to make their way in the world. In generations past, the speakers were greeted with cordiality as the eager college seniors looked forward to putting their years of education to good use.

Unfortunately, times have changed. Many students, such as those at U of Calif. Berkeley, are practiced rioters. Twelve previous years of El-Hi have inculcated them with massive doses of liberalism — five days a week, 180 days a year. Rioters are not alone.  There are now a substantial number of “snowflakes,” who react negatively to instruction or issues they disdain, needing safe spaces, soothing music, coloring books, puppies and hot cocoa to comfort them.

They are products of non-competitiveness, where everyone on the team gets a participation award, but there are no actual winners, or conversely, losers. The prospect of hurting a losing competitor’s feelings is too unbearable to comprehend. Graduates who are unable to speak grammatically correct English are indicative of the lack of time spent on communication skills. What American History is taught has been given a new slant along with factual revisionism. Americans are not world leaders who live in freedom, granted by a masterfully crafted Constitution that invokes a Creator. It is an aggressor nation that oppresses its citizens and exploits the environment.

Graduates are not likely to favor capitalism over communism, because they view the former as exploitive, though they have no real grasp on the issues. Many of them voted for Socialist Bernie Sanders. They refer to politicians they don’t like as “Hitler,” lacking any understanding of the atrocities committed by the Nazi Third Reich.

It is with this backdrop that U. S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, was scheduled to give the commencement address at Bethune-Cookman University — a historically black university in Daytona Beach, Florida on Wednesday.

DeVos was greeted with loud boos and turned backs as she reached the lectern to deliver her commencement remarks. As she spoke, she was booed, shouted at, and met with calls of “Go home!” from students and audience members. Minutes into her speech, the president of BCU, Edison Jackson, stopped her to address the disruptive students. Jackson said degrees would be mailed to students if their behavior continued. “Choose which way you want to go,” he said.

DeVos began again, but the toothless warning went unheeded as the boos increased.  She addressed some of the opposition to her speaking at the black university, asking for those critical of her to hear her out, voicing the Trump administration’s support for black colleges and universities. “We support you and we will continue to support you,” she said.

Business Insider reports that the weeks leading up to her speech were marked by vocal opposition by students, civil rights organizations, and Florida education groups, who claimed DeVos has no understanding of the history and significance of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs)

Parents often go into debt to provide the college education they believe to be the key to their children’s successful futures. But instead of being educated, they are being indoctrinated and propagandized by mostly leftwing unionist instructors. This is where their National Education Association (NEA*) dues go. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT*) has the same agenda. American children spend more time each day with these agents of the left than they do their own parents.

On Tuesday, petitions carrying the names of over 8,000 students were delivered to university leaders urging them to “disinvite” DeVos from addressing the commencement ceremony.

Victimhood is a status graduating college seniors — of any background or ethnicity —-should ditch. It clashes with caps and gowns.

*H/T Center for Responsive Politics

Director Comey out at FBI: What took so long?

May 10, 2017

While Pres. Donald Trump’s Tuesday firing of FBI Director James Comey (read Trump’s letter) was hailed by conservatives, the reliably liberal editors at AOL took a distinctly different approach, exhibited by the headline:

“Why did Trump fire FBI Director James Comey? Cover-up of Russia investigation suspected.”

Of course, the usual Never-Trumpers, still reeling in the wake of scandal plagued Hillary Clinton’s defeat, were ready to pile on, concocting their own conspiracy theories, all revolving around Trump’s “collusion with Russia” resulting in his 2016 presidential election victory.

Using the well-known magician’s maneuver of misdirection, U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY); Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass); Hillary’s running-mate Tim Kaine, (D-VA); and John McCain (RINO-AZ) were more than ready to heave their partisan spew to the media.

Schumer promptly called for an independent investigator to take over the “Russia probe.” Warren echoed Schumer’s calls for a special prosecutor. Kaine, peering out from under the rock where Hillary found him, used a series of tweets, declaring Comey’s termination proved “how frightened the Admin is over Russia investigation,” claiming it was “part of a growing pattern by White House to cover-up the truth.”

Republicrat McCain, the still smarting failed presidential candidate who previously called Hillarya rock starhe could support, has done all he can to undermine Donald Trump since Trump won the GOP nomination. McCain and his family made it clear they were not voting for Trump, who won despite their embarrassing and rancorous display.

McCain, sounding no different than the Democrats he aligns with, said, “I have long called for a special congressional committee to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. The president’s decision to remove the FBI director only confirms the need and the urgency for such a committee.”

But wait! Chuck Schumer, Comey’s steadfast supporter today, on Nov. 2, 2016 — opinion swinging like a chimp in the rain forest — gave Comey a vote of no-confidence in response to his revelation that the FBI reopened its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.I do not have confidence in him any longer,” Schumer gravely stated. Liberal hypocrites switch their opinions so quickly, they must have chronic whiplash.

TX Gov. Abbott signs bill banning sanctuary cities

May 9, 2017

Rational Americans understand the danger posed by sanctuary cities, which thwart federal immigration law, releasing arrested illegal alien criminals back onto our streets. The issue gained notoriety following the horrific murder of San Francisco resident Kate Steinle, strolling along the pier with her father and gunned down by a repeatedly arrested and deported illegal alien felon who had just been released from jail. Her tragedy — one of countless such deaths — where the perpetrators are given cover by sanctuary cities — highlights the need to rein in these disastrous policies.

Closer to home was the cold blooded murder of Grant Ronnebeck, a 21-year-old Mesa convenience store clerk killed by a Mexican illegal repeat offender, facing deportation but released on bond. Ronnebeck was killed for counting the money before handing the impatient illegal alien the cigarettes he was purchasing.

On Sunday Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed a state law which imposes stiff penalties and hefty fines on elected or appointed officials who fail to comply with the provisions included in Senate Bill 4.

Gov. Greg Abbott should stand on solid legal ground. He was previously the longest-serving Attorney General of Texas, served as a Justice on the Texas Supreme Court and as a State District Judge in Harris County. With her own interesting bio — holding two Master’s Degrees and a Bachelor’s, Cecilia Abbott, has made Texas history as the first Hispanic First Lady of the state.

The Texas measure comes as President Donald Trump has prioritized combating illegal immigration. Texas, which has an estimated 1.5 million illegal immigrants and the longest border with Mexico of any U.S. state, has been at the forefront of the immigration debate.

“As governor, my top priority is public safety, and this bill furthers that objective by keeping dangerous criminals off our streets,” Gov. Abbott said in a statement after signing the bill into law. It will take effect on Sept. 1.

This Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report published on March 20, 2017 details a portion of what U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been dealing with regarding “Detainers that were declined.” Another tricky description is “Non-cooperative jurisdictions.”

Gov. Abbott stands in stark contrast to the repugnant policies of California Gov. Jerry Brown, a left-wing Democrat.

Pres. Trump appointing Cindy McCain to key post?

May 8, 2017

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” If the reports are true, President Trump must be taking those words to heart.

What else could motivate him to consider appointing Anheuser-Busch beer heiress Cindy McCain to a State Department post? Under discussion is a broad-based position, perhaps ambassador-at-large, where she would focus on a specific issue, such as human trafficking.

The McCain’s discussed possible choices with President Trump during a dinner at the White House last month, according to an AP report.

A still petulant, failed presidential candidate, John McCain has done all he can to undermine Donald Trump since Trump won the GOP nomination. He withdrew his momentary support, and like his doppelgänger seat mate Jeff Flake, said he would not be voting for Trump.  McCain has actually referred to scandal-plagued Hillary Clinton asa rock star.” Flake claimed Trump can’t win and shouldn‘t win.” The McCain’s and their fully-packed daughter, Meghan — now gifted with a morning slot on the Fox network —  have made no secret of their deep animosity toward Trump.

On Election Day, Cindy McCain sported a white pantsuit, a “code” used by those supporting Hillary Clinton —- even giving rise to a hashtag #WearWhiteToVote.

Just prior to Trump’s inauguration, an easy to imagine salivating John McCain passed what he knew to be unverified documents, reported as a “dossier” — all later determined to be bogus — to FBI director James Comey, alleging secret contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow along with allegations that Russian intelligence had personally compromising material on the then-president-elect.

No doubt about it — Cindy McCain, addicted to prescription opioids in the mid-1990s, stealing them from her own charity and misleading investigators about the facts — would be the ideal person to put in charge of trafficking — human or otherwise.

President Trump needs to rethink this plan.  It’s akin to bringing famished foxes into the hen house.

Decaffeinated conservatism served at CAP: Come hear the lobbyists

May 7, 2017

Aside from the fact that they are both liquid beverages, coffee and wine have little in common. But like fine wine, many who congregate  here at “Seeing Red AZ” are of a vintage able to recall “conservative coffee klatches” of years past.

One of the longest running franchises connecting caffeine and conservatives was the “Jon Kyl Coffee Club.”  Whether in the House or Senate, before the topic of border security (and the lack thereof) alarmed the Grassroots, there was the ultra-cautious and calculating Kyl serving up regularly scheduled Saturday morning breakfasts, featuring prominent GOP politicians brought to sunny Arizona to spread “sweetness and light” about the ambitious lawyer-turned-legislator.

The harsh light of his Open Border/Amnesty advocacy and his personal caution eventually prompted Kyl to retire from the Senate — to start collecting massive K Street fees as a lobbyist.

The same could be said of another lawyer-turned-legislator-now lobbyist. Both physically and intellectually, former Congressman John Shadegg was never able to cast much of a shadow in the heated political battles that marked his time on Capitol Hill.

Fortunately for him, he resided in a safe Republican District, never attracting the invective and money that was spent against former-Rep. JD Hayworth. In fact, during the mid-terms of 2006, Rep. Shadegg offered up criticism of his more prominent and embattled Republican colleague, telling the New York Times that conservatives championed “xenophobic and intolerant” policies as outspoken opponents of amnesty. Shadegg signed on as an enthusiastic supporter of John McCain’s 2010 senate re-election campaign against Hayworth, erroneously thinking that such action would result in a McCain quid pro quo senate endorsement of Shadegg in 2016, as the senior Senator claimed 2010 would be his last race.

McCain’s 2016 Campaign did provide work for another Shadegg, as John’s son Stephen, worked as a McCain aide.

During his days in the US House, Shadegg also tried his hand at emulating the “Kyl Coffee Club” approach with a series of breakfast fundraisers he dubbed “The Shadegg Group” — a variation on TV’s “McLaughlin Group — with little success.

What brought all this to mind was Saturday morning’s Center for Arizona Policy Breakfast featuring — wait for it — Jon Kyl and John Shadegg! What would prompt executive director Cathi Herrod to call on this pair of “has-beens?” Could it be she’s paying penance for this 2013 run-in with McCain and Flake? (links have been removed.)

Conservative current office holders, who are also Pro-Life would doubtless be happy to find the time to address this group of “values voters.”

A quick check of the CAP website provides a possible answer. One of the CAP’s  new initiatives is called El Proyecto La VerdadSome might regard this “outreach” as practical, but it seems to be in line with the “inevitability” of Open Borders championed by “Corporate Conservatives” like Kyl and Shadegg.

SRAZ long ago grew weary of the fast food franchise owners in town who are so prominently Pro-Life but also Pro-Amnesty. The “counterfeit compassion” endorsed by these burger-meisters have held down wages while transferring healthcare and education costs to local taxpayers.

Though the Left would never admit it, the “import” of “hard working migrants” gave AZ Dems the “backdoor rationale for their successful statewide Arizona Minimum Wage initiative.

Ironically, the subject the Kyl/Shadegg Duo addressed Saturday was President Trump’s First 100 Days in office. It wouldn’t be a surprise if the pair offered some “whine” along with the coffee that was served. 

Kerplunk! Sheriff Penzone falls from grace

May 5, 2017

That didn’t take long.  Paul Penzone, the new shurff in town, is already feeling the wrath of the newspaper that couldn’t wait to see him unseat former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who had been reelected to an unprecedented six 4-year terms. 

The upset stung, but was not unexpected since Republican Arpaio was in the eye of the storm for doing the job he was repeatedly elected to do. It didn’t hurt that Penzone was the darling of the illegal alien protectors at the Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic) or that he had secured the financial backing of open borders multi-billionaire globalist George Soros. In August 2016, Politico reported that Soros was working behind the scenes throughout the nation to overhaul the U.S. Justice system — working to elect liberal prosecutors and law enforcement professionals as a means of loosening America’s criminal justice structure. Electing Democrat Paul Penzone was a part of that ambitious scheme.

With this background, fast forward to a recent newspaper editorial. Elvia Diaz takes on Penzone, chastising him for wanting to replace the court ordered advisory panel put in place to hamstring Joe Arpaio.  Count on the fact that the word “controversial” is still used in conjunction with Joe Arpaio. That’s de rigueur. No mention is made of the fact that Penzone has referred to illegal invaders as “guests.”

The ostensibly independent six-member panel, arising out of a lawsuit, was mandated by U.S. District Court Judge Murray Snow, who has routinely evidenced his own biases. Since then-sheriff Arpaio opted out of playing games, the panel members are all recommended by the ACLU which represents the plaintiffs in the ongoing Melendres case.

But why go after their pet Penzone? Paul Penzone wants to change the members and configuration from six to five members. In exerting independence, he is distressing both editorialist Diaz— the obvious Linda Valdez successor-in-training —- and the Hispanic activists who are now attempting to rein him in. What a surprise.  He doesn’t find this muzzling any more appealing than Arpaio did. He says the antagonistic positions of the current panel members make the situation unworkable and has announced he “won’t respond to unreasonable demands or unrealistic expectations.”

Diaz chastises Penzone, warning him there could be another Arpaio waiting to challenge him in four years.

A liberal, Penzone has set up citizens panels to advise him on other issues that focus on blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals. But according to the report, the “activists” say those groups are composed of Penzone’s sympathizers and don’t speak for “undocumented immigrants“ —– which this site chooses to refer to in more precise terms as “illegal aliens,” since we don‘t adhere to the AP Stylebook.

Silly us. We were laboring under the obvious misconception that the sheriff of one of the largest counties in the United States represented us all — even white, non-Hispanic heterosexuals who happen to be citizens.

Imagine having the tenacity to hold such brazenly seditious thoughts! Then again, that’s likely why you’re reading Seeing Red AZ in the first place.

MC Recorder Fontes compares voter verification to slavery

May 4, 2017

Just days ago we posted what turned out to be a tip-of-the-iceberg article about the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office, advising, “Keep your eye on the Maricopa Recorder’s Office.” Little did we realize how prophetic that warning would be.

Newly elected Adrian Fontes is the first Democrat to hold that important, but under the radar, office in decades. And he’s wasting no time politicizing it. That was never the case as longtime Maricopa County Recorder, Helen Purcell, a Republican, and  Elections Director Karen Osborne, a Democrat, interacted in a trustworthy manner without interjecting a partisan agenda.

Those days are gone. Right out of the hatch, Fontes, who won by a single percentage point, made it clear he intended to mandate mail-in ballots in time for the 2018 statewide elections — eliminating polling places, poll workers and security.

Fontes is now claiming that eligible voters may have been denied the right to vote because their forms were missing proof of citizenship such as a passport, birth certificate, naturalization number, tribal ID or a driver’s license. In an attempt to verify those he alleges have been disenfranchised, he’s hired nine additional staffers to perform extra research in the motor-vehicle system to verify citizenship and add eligible applicants to the voter rolls. He has since significantly downgraded the inflated numbers of supposedly disenfranchised voters he originally reported.

Comporting himself more like a street thug than an officeholder Adrian Fontes is reported to have said he’s itching for a court fight. ”They can bring it,” he said. “I’m not interested in the status quo, I’m interested in doing what’s right.” Asked if that meant going against state statute, he countered with, ’That’s what they said during slavery.”

It’s not difficult to see where this is going. The leftist ACLU has already jumped aboard this out-of-control train. If Fontes seeks to change the law, the state legislature is the route to take.

Proposition  200, the “Arizona Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act,” passed overwhelmingly by voters in 2004, requires proof of citizenship and presentation of a photo ID at a polling place in order to vote — along with proof of eligibility to receive taxpayer funded benefits. With nonexistent polling places count on the vultures swooping in to pick over the bones of the law.

Joe Kanefield, an attorney who was the state elections director in the Secretary of State’s Office when Proposition 200 was passed says, “The statute seems pretty clear cut to me. If a voter registration form is received and does not contain evidence of citizenship, the registrar shall reject it.”

According to the local newspaper, Fontes is the only Arizona county recorder not rejecting state issued voter applications lacking proof of citizenship. His actions should raise concerns. He countered by stating “What we’re doing is not illegal. If you read the entire statute, and you take it in context, I’m doing exactly what I should be doing. And that’s enabling U.S. citizens to vote.”

Others view the grand scheme differently, expressing concerns about ballot security, including ballot harvesting, and coercion. There is also the real problem of non-citizen participation in our elections.

The guarantee of secure elections is a fundamental expectation of each and every voting citizen. We should accept nothing less. Registering online, receiving a ballot in the mail  — regardless of whether it was requested by the voter  —  voting it at your kitchen table and returning it by mail, removes oversight and opens the entire process to fraud.

Fontes indicates that any voter who is eligible to vote in local elections — though they’ve never previously requested or received a mail-in ballot need not do anything to participate. All registered voters will automatically receive a ballot.

March 2016, Seeing Red AZ posted How secure is your mail-in ballot? It included several links that expose the very real crimes associated with voter fraud — including ballot harvesting.

Last November, just days before the presidential election, the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated Arizona’s ban on ballot harvesting. Read more in SCOTUS blog. 

VP Pence calls Limbaugh’s show to defend budget deal

May 3, 2017

Rush Limbaugh to Vice President Mike Pence:

“If I’m the Democrats, $21 billion, 15 billion for defense that was not originally authorized, that’s a small price to pay for continuing to fund refugee resettlement, continuing to fund Planned Parenthood, continuing to fund sanctuary cities, continuing to fund the EPA, and not build the wall. The Democrats clearly think this is a big win, and they’re confident they can block Trump’s agenda after this spending bill for the rest of Trump’s term. There isn’t anything of the president’s agenda in this budget, and people are beginning to ask, when’s that gonna happen? If you’re gonna shut it down in September, why not now?”

“If this is what happens, Mr. Vice President, why vote Republican? What is the point of voting Republican if the Democrats are gonna continue to win practically 95% of their objectives, such as in this last budget deal?”

The transcript of the entire conversation which took place Tuesday. is here.

Limbaugh echoes other prominent conservative media personalities in questioning the budget, which is viewed as a giveaway to Democrats. Meanwhile, devious House Speaker Paul Ryan refers to this charade as a “Pro-GOP game changer.” In our view it’s only a “game changer” if the players are looking to throw the game to the opposition.