AZ legislators’ bill suspends refugee resettlement program

February 3, 2017

Refugee resettlement has been in the forefront of national news since Pres. Donald Trump issued an executive order suspending the program for 120 days until adequate vetting of those from terror sponsoring nations is in place. The president is of the opinion that American security is more important than political correctness.  After the Boston marathon carnage, San Bernardino, Orlando and a host of other bloody attacks by resettled but unwilling to assimilate refugees who bear allegiance to ISIS, few disagree with that premise as evidenced by recent polls.

Rasmussen Reports indicates most voters approve of President Trump’s temporary halt to refugees and visitors from seven Middle Eastern and African countries until the government can do a better job of keeping out individuals who are terrorist threats.  The recent survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a temporary ban on refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen until the federal government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists from coming here. Thirty-three percent (33%) are opposed, while 10% are undecided.

The Arizona legislature is also responding to the issue with SB 1468(click link to read) which amends Title 1, Chapter 2, Article 4 of the Arizona Revised Statutes with the addition of Section 1-272, relating to refugee resettlement. It was introduced by Sens. Judy Burges and Sonny Borrelli and Reps. Mark Finchem, Anthony Kern, Vince Leach and  Don Shooter. The bill indefinitely suspends Arizona’s participation in the resettlement program and imposes a fine of $1,000 a day per refugee on any charity or group providing services to refugees.

Pew Research Center notes that with 4,110 resettled in Arizona in 2016, our state is number six among the top ten states to receive the largest number of refugees.

Before leaving office Barack Obama announced that 10,000 Syrians would be allowed entry the following year. As of Nov. 19, 2016, 31 Governors across the country were concerned enough by the potential for terror that they opposed the entry of new Syrian refugees according to this CNN map. (scroll down.)

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey issued this press release stating his immediate plan to halt the placement of any new refugees in Arizona a year ago.

The ‘flash mobs’ protesting these reasonable restrictions have been mobilized at airports around the nation by the same activist groups that protest a security wall along our southern border or other efforts to protect our nation and citizens from harm. John McCain’s longtime financier, Socialist billionaire George Soros, a leftist, open borders proponent, has funded numerous such anarchist organizations to create havoc. We saw them burn down Ferguson, Missouri, terrorize and ultimately shut down those who dare to engage in free speech on university campuses, and screech vulgarities on the mall in Washington, D.C. on the day of President Trump’s inaugural.

Today Paris is once again under attack. This time by a machete wielding man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he attacked French soldiers at the Louvre Museum.

It’s past time to wise up. Arizona’s legislators are on the right track.


McCain and Flake deserve Senate phony’s award

February 2, 2017

AZ U.S. Senators hypocritically praise Pres. Trump’s SCOTUS pick, though if they got their way during election, we’d be faced with a permanently leftist skewed high court

Who can forget sanctimonious hypocrite John McCain taking to his high horse and withdrawing his brief support from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump? McCain, who previously referred to Hillary as a rock starhe could support, also declared he and his wife Cindy would not vote for Trump. Vacuous daughter Meghan followed suit.

Jeff Flake, Obama’s basketball teammate and traveling companion, not only refused to get on board with our nominee, but rogue Flake went before any MSM camera placed in front of him to undermine Donald Trump, declaring, “I don’t expect that I will be able to support him (Trump) in November….I just don’t see how I can.”

He didn’t.

Now the duplicitous duo of amnesty supporters is heaping praise on President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch.

If it had been up to either of these Hillary cohorts, we’d be looking at liberal nominees in the mode of former ACLU chief counsel, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, admittedly no fan of the U.S. Constitution, appointed by Bill Clinton, as was Stephen Breyer.

Leftists Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, a White House policy adviser to Bill Clinton and later Obama’s Solicitor General — were both Obama appointees.

As McCain and Flake enthuse over Judge Neil Gorsuch, remember what we would have had if either of these Republican pretenders got their way and Donald Trump, who they sabotaged every step of the way, had not been elected President.

The disgraceful Arizona senators deserve the award of shame for their blatant hypocrisy.

Here are a few of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices and the AZ senators votes:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Roll Call vote. McCain voted aye in tandem with Democrat AZ Sen. Dennis DiConcini on confirming this radical appointee.

Stephen Breyer:  Roll Call vote. Again, McCain and DiConcini both voted aye for the Democrat.

Sonia Sotomayor: Roll Call vote.  In an out of character move, McCain and Kyl both voted nay on confirmation of Democrat although she was the first Hispanic woman appointed to the high court.

Elena Kagan: Roll Call vote McCain and Kyl each voted nay on confirmation. Apparently her partisan political background was too much for them to even split their votes.

David Souter (ret.): Roll Call vote. Once again, McCain voted aye with Democrat AZ Sen. Dennis DiConcini. Souter, a nominal Republican appointed by George H. W. Bush, turned further left as a justice. He retired not long after Obama was elected, calculatingly allowing him to appoint Democrat Sotomayor as his successor.

Jonathan Lines new AZ GOP chair — more of the same

January 29, 2017

Syndicate reigns

In a continuation of the establishment control of the Arizona Republican Party, Jonathan Lines follows in the footsteps of Robert Graham and his mentors John McCain and Jeff Flake. Despite the aggressive hits against Jim O’Connor, Lines won by a slim margin, 596 votes to O’Connor’s 562.  Disappointingly, he also had the endorsement U.S. Reps. Paul Gosar and Trent Franks. Gosar warmly introduced Lines at the meeting., referring to him as “my friend.” It was obvious, there were behind the scenes actions requiring these gratuitous  endorsements.

Although the well qualified O’Connor was defeated, members of his team were victorious.  Gabby Saucedo Mercer was elected state GOP Secretary and Robert Lettieri was elected party Treasurer.

Noteworthy observations: 

The overarching reaction among state delegates to the barely concealed shenanigans, was “disgust.” That word got a workout at the overly long meeting.

Robert Graham’s reluctance to leave the chairman’s post and revert to obscurity was palpable. He’d been eyeing the RNC chairmanship position, but his reputation for fomenting divisiveness preceded him. Reince Priebus, the longest-serving RNC chairman is now the White House Chief of Staff for President Trump. Ronna Romney McDaniel, niece of former GOP prudential candidate Mitt Romney, was selected for the post by Pres. Trump, and was officially elected Jan. 19 . She previously served as chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, shepherding Donald Trump’s victory in Michigan — the first Republican presidential candidate to carry the state since 1988.

Gov. Doug Ducey who never came to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s aid as he was being savaged by the media, was effusive with praise for the former lawman. After thanking Robert Graham for his party leadership, a notion that would be disputed by many in attendance, Ducey rhapsodized over watching our new President and First Lady’s inauguration night dance to the Frank Sinatra song, “My Way.”  Then he tied it to Arpaio by saying, “But there’s another person who has danced to “My Way” long before — Sheriff Joe Arpaio!” The governor called Sheriff Arpaio “a cop’s cop,” and said, “Arizona is a better and safer state to live in because of Joe Arpaio.” It would have been nice if he stepped forward with that warm endorsement before Election Day. We now have a George Soros-funded Democrat as Maricopa County Sheriff. 

Ducey, who will be running for a second term,  knows those reflections are a sure winner at a Republican meeting, where the popular, now former sheriff, always garnered the most applause and enthusiastic standing ovations, regardless of who else was in attendance.

If you were not an elected state delegate, don’t berate yourself. You didn’t miss much. Your day could have been put to better use cleaning leaves out of your rain gutters.

Key info preceding AZ GOP Jan. 28th meeting

January 27, 2017

Jim O’Connor is the conservative candidate for AZ GOP chairman

Republican Briefs is a reliable source for the latest news and updates from a conservative prospective. Editor Frost Taylor’s insights and straightforward reporting are a dependable daily read for many GOP grassroots activists.

That’s why we link directly to her Friday post.  If you are an elected  state committeeman attending the Saturday, Jan. 28 Statutory Meeting, you will benefit from having this information before you vote for intra-party officers and Resolutions.

Earlier this week, Seeing Red AZ wroteIt’s time to take back the AZ Republican Party,” along with an update. It contains a powerful video featuring Tim Horn, first Vice Chair of Legislative District 23, Jim O’Connor’s home district —  exposing outgoing chair Robert Graham’s disenfranchisement scheme to rig the election for his chosen successor Jonathan Lines. 

Jonathan Lines is the establishment candidate for Republican state chairman, endorsed by the untrustworthy Robert Graham and linked to the unsavory senate duo of McCain and Flake — who have been instrumental in purging conservatives from precinct committeemen posts.


* Photo: McCain, Unknown, Jonathan Lines, Jeff Flake   What a nice cozy little group this is for a man who denies he is a McCain supporter.  Would YOU have dinner with these people?

Photo and caption: Arizona Freedom Alliance

It’s time to take back the AZ Republican Party & UPDATE

January 24, 2017


Jan. 26, 2017

At the eleventh hour and without throwing his support to Jim O’Connor who he campaigned alongside, Frank Thorwald has withdrawn from the three-man race for Arizona Republican Party chairman.

Thorwald was widely considered a spoiler helping McCain supporter Jonathan Lines defeat the true conservative, Jim O’Connor. Actions speak louder than words.


Don’t be deceived: Vote conservative Jim O’Connor for AZ GOP chairman

Politics is an intriguing business. It has the ability to lure or repel. Whether as elected officials or  grassroots activists, it holds many of us captive  — some for decades.

Those who began as newly recruited precinct committeemen continued to run for the office and some as state committeemen. The reward for serving in the unpaid posts and donating countless hours /years of labor intensive work is helping to elect those who shared their core beliefs to public office.

As bizarre as it appears, Arizona’s U.S. Senators have often ignited turf wars at the precinct (neighborhood) level aimed at ousting hardworking conservatives from their posts. Unprincipled John McCain and his surrogates have honed this traitorous activity to a razor sharp edge, even colluding with a San Francisco based Obama donor.  For his continual conspiring with Democrats against his own party, John McCain was censured by Republican State Committeemen in 2014.

Jon Kyl engaged in these underhanded tactics in 2012. Jeff Flake undermined Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, by refusing to endorse him and arrogantly showing up wherever a camera and mic might be to catch his betrayal.

Worthy of note are the shenanigans nearly out-the-door McCain and Flake colluding State Chairman Robert Graham has engaged in. Graham oversaw the Jan. 2015 meeting that stretched the sensibilities of state committeemen to the limits as he slipped the two senators in the rear stage door using a ruse to have them vacate the auditorium before the ballots were tabulated.  The duplicitous duo, who never attended state meetings,  were greeted with boos, turned backs and walk outs.

This coming Saturday Jan. 28, State Committeemen elected in their own legislative districts across Arizona, will assemble for the AZ GOP Statutory Meeting at the Church of the Nations, 6225 N. Central Ave. in Phoenix. Election of party officers will be front and center. Candidates for AZ GOP State Chairman are conservative Jim O’Connor, also-ran Frank Thorwald, and Jonathan Lines, the McCain /Flake ally being pushed by Robert Graham. Don’t be deceived.  The one to vote for is Jim O’Connor.

The Jan. 23 Republican Briefs provides even more background as well as Lines’ denials. It’s the top story. There’s more from Arizona Freedom Alliance, titled, “AZGOP Candidate Jonathan Lines from Those Who Know Him Best.”

In this video Tim Horn first Vice Chair of Legislative District 23, Jim O’Connor’s home district, exposes Robert Graham’s disenfranchisement scheme to rig the election for his chosen successor Jonathan Lines. This information is crucial. If you’re a state committeeman, you can’t be better informed in four short minutes. The video is well done and  the facts are clearly presented

John McCain’s latest border security deceit

January 14, 2017

McCain’s entire career has been marked by partnering with the most liberal Democrats — along with Jon Kyl and now Jeff Flake — to promote amnesty for illegals. The most recent charade was the infamous Gang of Eight, orchestrated by the AZ duo and their leftist Senate cohorts Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Robert Menendez and Michael Bennet. They were joined by by Republicrats Lindsey Grahamnesty and double talker Marco Rubio.

A recent press release from John McCain’s senate office contains a joint self-congratulatory I’ll-slap-your-back-if-you-slap-mine routine with AZ CD 2 Rep. Martha McSally.

Since the issue is about the duo’s Border Security Technology Accountability Act, conservative’s antenna should be rising, since we know McCain has long been in the forefront of amnesty proposals  — not implementing security to stop illegal invaders. The deceptive press release is up on his website, which we have no reason to link to. The bill can be read here.

John McCain is working to deflect his now admitted involvement in the effort to dismantle President-elect Donald Trump before he is even inaugurated, by delivering vile and unverified allegations with shady origins against Trump to FBI director James Comey.  McCain still hasn’t gotten over his colossal loss to Barack Obama and his visceral hatred/jealousy of Donald Trump capturing the American imagination has consumed him. McCain withdrew his iffy endorsement of the Republican nominee. Jeff Flake appeared wherever a camera would train on him, to declare he wasn’t voting for Trump. That means both of Arizona’s marginal senators, either by acts of omission or commission,  voted for Hillary Clinton.

Returning to the Border Security Technology Accountability Act, we’ve been down this path before. McSally introduced a bill with the same title July 27, 2015. And technology has been tried and failed since the days of the first Homeland Security chief, Judge Michael Chertoff’s efforts to get a 28-mile  “virtual fence” that pledged to use radar and surveillance cameras. That was during  the George W. Bush administration, which also gave a wink and a nod to illegals crossing into the U.S.

It was a costly farce then and it will be a costly farce now.  Donald Trump is committed to a border wall and so are most Americans who were moved to support him on that compelling issue. SRAZ wrote,” Virtual fence is a virtual flop,” in April 2008. Earlier, in Feb. 2008, we covered,Virtual fence “looks good” to Homeland Insecurity Chief Chertoff,” regarding the technical malfunctions, glitches and postponements carrying $ multimillion price tags. This postand we’ve got a bridge to sell you,” which includes a list of just some of the terror sponsoring nations breaching our border plainly illustrates nothing has changed.

Believe these practiced liars at your own peril.

Taking down Trump: Like father, like daughter: it’s in their McBlood

January 11, 2017

Report regarding John McCain being responsible for passing the intending to damage, falsified dossier on Trump to the FBI was relegated to the back page of the McCain endorsing Arizona Republic

Meghan McCain, who like her father John, declared she would not vote for Donald Trump, is now attempting to make him a one-termer days before he’s even inaugurated as President of the United States. She picks up her tactics from the dear, old dad.

Referring to left-wing Hillary supporter Meryl Streep’s wasted opportunity to thank her peers for the honor of bestowing the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award at the Golden Globes, she used her allotted time to blast Donald Trump. Previously, on July 26, 2016, Streep endorsed Clinton at the Democrat’s National Convention.

Vacuous Meghan’s twitter response: “This Meryl Streep speech is why Trump won. And if people in Hollywood don’t start recognizing why and how – you will help him get re-elected.”

Meanwhile her dad, who resides in a luxury penthouse, fully staffed with 24-hour guard gate, doorman, concierge, valet parking, plus a rooftop swimming pool, gymnasium, sauna, dog walk, conference and club rooms has been but a short distance from the VA debacle resulting in countless deaths from overly long wait times.

The scandal-plagued Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center is about 4 miles from McCain’s 7,000 sq. ft. penthouse condo. For a blowhard like John McCain, that’s spitting distance from his mountain-view balcony. For all of his lip service regarding being an advocate for veterans, the problems continue.

In fact of the 146 VA medical centers across the United States, Phoenix gets the worst rating.  Hospitals run by the VA are graded on a 5-point “star rating” system. Up until now, those grades have been hidden from the public.

As noted in this Dec. 2016 post, “Phx VA hospital scandal occurred under McCain’s nose,” the self-proclaimed veteran’s pal, John McCain has never ventured onto the hospital complex demanding answers from administrators. 

McCain would rather showboat at senate hearings delving into Russian cyber threats to our national security, as he implies that our elections might have been hijacked. That’s already been discredited by James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence. What was exposed was the embarrassing communications between high-ranking members of Hillary Clinton’s staff and the media.

 The Guardian, a prominent U.K. newspaper now reports that John McCain passed documents to FBI director, James Comey, last month alleging secret contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow and that Russian intelligence had personally compromising material on the president-elect himself. The documents are said to be “unverified “and potentially “unverifiable.” BuzzFeed, which provides a link to the documents notes the report contains errors.

In his 80’s John McCain ran for reelection to another 6-year term as though his life depended on it. He was not above accusing his able opponent, a physician and conservative two term state senator, of aiding ISIS, though he knew that was a complete fabrication. The question to ask is why?

Silliness Trying To Trump Common Sense

January 6, 2017

Much longer than our usual posts, this guest commentary is being given space due to the relevancy of the issues presented here prior to our Republican Maricopa County and state statutory organizational meetings coming up later this month. We hope all elected precinct committeemen and state committeemen are alert to the slick attempts by AZ GOP Chair Robert Graham to deliver the party to the Republicrat syndicate led by McCain and Flake. Jim O’Connor is the conservative choice for state chairman. We’ve been in the wilderness long enough.

How many mail angels can dance on the head of the word “mail” in a statute involving giving notice of a meeting of a purely private political organization?  An anonymous writer at Sonoran Alliance posted a silly article.  It contains some choice SILLINESS.

But, before getting to that, I saw reported on the MCRC Briefs a nice summation of the “mail” issue in the context of the Solicitor General’s “informal opinion”

Attorney Ted Naeckel Responds To AG Opinion: I saw the “opinion” from Bronovich. He clearly acknowledges that his “opinion” is hasty and not well researched. The only authority for USPS mail that he sites only is in the   rules of court and rules of civil procedure for serving documents another party and is inapplicable in terms of a call letter to PC’s because court procedure is a specialized circumstance and the sole purview of the courts.   It has no binding application to “normal” areas of the law.  The definitions section of the Arizona Revised Statutes does not define “mail” as being only Snail mail.  Nor does Title 16, which deals expressly with the political structure set up by the state, define “mail.”  Further, depending on the dictionary, I can find the term “mail” to include e-mail. Because the definition of “mail” is not established anywhere other than the court rules of civil procedure, e-mail is not precluded under title 16. With the new “e-filing” system, everything but the initial service of a complaint is done by e-mail now. And, the initial service can also be done by the agreement of the parties.Back to the silliness contained in the silly anonymous article at Sonoran Alliance:

“Just issued, a legal opinion by the Arizona Solicitor General office of the Arizona Attorney General, resolves a dispute regarding notification in Republican Party elections.”

“In the opinion posted by Attorney General Mark Brnovich, Solicitor General Draye

clarifies and establishes the correct definition of “by mail” . . . .”

“Given this official legal opinion, the Maricopa County Republican Party Bylaws are out of compliance with the law.”

“The Solicitor General’s opinion affirms AZGOP Chairman Robert Graham’s assertion was correct, that districts such as LD23 that improperly noticed their precinct committeemen by email, were in violation of party bylaws and state statute all along.”

“With the State Republican Party Meeting and Election rapidly approaching, there is not enough time now for a ‘do-over’ election leaving LD23’s illegally elected state committeemen potentially ineligible to vote.”

Um, no.  These statements are all non sequiturs – inferences that do not follow from the premises.  When a non sequitur is stated by someone who knows it is an inference that does not follow from the premises, then the non sequitur may be called something else:  a lie.

Saying something that is not based on fact and untrue over and over and over does not make it so.

Who is this person who writes such unsupported assertions?  He remains anonymous.  Turnabout is fair play.  So shall I.

“Resolves a dispute?” What dispute?  Between whom?  In what court of competent jurisdiction?  Blank out.

“Illegally?” What are criminal penalties?  Under what statute?  And who has jurisdiction to rule on the “illegality” and impose criminal penalties?  Blank out.

“The opinion issued by Dominic Draye to incoming Speaker of the House JD Mesnard, settles the legal question of whether or not precinct committeemen were properly noticed regarding the upcoming Maricopa County Republican Party election and ultimately the election of State Committeemen in LD23 including an announced candidate for State Party Chairman.”  Again, a non sequitur.  Or lie, depending upon the intention of the writer.

“Settles the legal question of whether or not [sic] . . . .”  Really?

This is what an “advisory opinion” of the Arizona Attorney General constitutes:

From the 2016 archive page of the AG’s web site explaining what force and effect AG opinions have (and, mind, you this “informal opinion” that concludes “notice by email appears insufficient” is not signed by Brnovich, and has no signature by the alleged signatory, the Solicitor General, and is based on a single federal court decision interpreting a statute, an Arizona Rule of Civil Procedure in a completely different context involving legal rights of parties involved in litigation.  The other analogies are based on, again, court rules involving legal rights in the context of protective orders, civil appellate rules, another rule of civil procedure, and a rule in the Code of Judicial Admin.; in the situation involving the notice of a meeting “by mail” by a political party, we are talking about how a private organization that can have no mandatory dues for precinct committeemen (because they are all elected volunteers and mandatory dues would potentially disenfranchise the voters in the precinct who elected the PC(s)) gives a notice of a private meeting of a private organization, a political party meeting, for which the PC is under no legal compulsion to attend:

The following opinions were issued from 1999 to the present time. The first two digits of each opinion indicate the year it was issued (I99 indicates it was issued in 1999), and the next three digits sequentially number the order in which the opinions were issued. For example, I99-003 would be the third opinion issued in 1999. The number in parentheses (R98-025) references the request for an opinion file number. Opinions of the Attorney General are advisory, and do not have the same effect as decisions of a court of law. (Click on the link to the 2016 archived opinions if you do not see this at this link.)


The real question is:  If the notice requirement of A.R.S. Section 16-824 B. was not met (for whatever reason), and the elected precinct committeemen of a county committee nevertheless appear for their statutory organizational meeting, and are credentialed, who, if anyone, has the right to declare the meeting invalid?

Some party “leaders” stamp their feet and pronounce that a non-snail mail notice somehow makes the meeting invalid.

SAYS WHAT STATUTE?  They can provide none.  Because no statute says so.

Who has authority to determine the meeting to be invalid?  No court or state chairman has any authority to prevent the members of the county committee from conducting their meeting.  The meeting “belongs to” the members of the county committee, not to any law court’ and not to the political party’s state chairman.

The precinct committeemen who show up on January 14 to be credentialed can be credentialed whether they received an email notice, a snail mail notice, or no notice at all.  Having received a snail mail or other notice is not a prerequisite for being credentialed.  If a snail mail notice got “lost in the mail,” and the PC never received it, does that mean he can’t be credentialed?  No.  The PCs who show up on January 14 will be credentialed and conduct the meeting, as they see fit, as no statute gives any court or anyone else any power or jurisdiction to “intervene” and prevent the meeting of the private, voluntary organization from taking place.

As a wise man once wrote, the power to resolve any question any political party committee might need to resolve resides entirely with the members of the party committee itself.  Political parties and their state, county, and legislative district committees are private associations of volunteer individuals. Giving government any role in determining rights in any private association, especially a political party, would be entirely inappropriate and likely unconstitutional.  Political party committees, being wholly private, voluntary associations of volunteer members, have the right and power to adjudicate disputes over the affairs of the committees.

The precinct committeemen members of the political parties have no constitutional, civil, or statutory right to be a precinct committeeman – they can only become an elected precinct committeeman if enough of the registered voters of their political party in their precinct elect them (or, as in the overwhelming majority of cases, the number of candidates in their precinct is equal to or less than quota of slots for their precinct and they win by default).  Likewise, elected precinct committeemen are not public officials – they have been elected by the voters in their respective precincts (or have won by default) to represent them in a purely private organization – a political party.  No statute compels precinct committeemen to do anything; they cannot be compelled to participate at all in the meetings of their legislative district committee or their county committee unless they volunteer to do so.  For example, the chairman of the state committee cannot order any other elected member of the party to do anything, as all members are volunteers.

Some people have trouble grasping these fundamental concepts and facts relating to our private political parties.  None are difficult to learn and know.  Perhaps the stumbling block is most never had Basic American Civics in middle school or have never taken the time to read and study the statutes relating to political parties and the bylaws of the state committee and county committee.


The political representation flows from the voters to the precinct committeemen (who directly elect their legislative district committee officers and county committee officers and state committeemen) and to the state committee, who represent the precinct committeemen and elect the state committee officers.  We currently have a state chairman who appears to want to bluff his way into HIM electing the state committeemen electors.

Once the precinct committeemen are elected in Maricopa County, they come together at an organizational meeting to form the new county committee.  A simple notice of the meeting needs to be sent out “by mail” by the county chairman, and the Maricopa County Republican Committee (“MCRC”) Bylaws define the undefined-in-the-statute word “mail” as email or postal service mail.  Perfectly reasonable. From the Republican National Committee’s “autopsy” report which over and over recognized the need for the Republican Party to leverage digital technology to make its operations more efficient:

Campaigns and Elections magazine reported that an “active email list is a gift that keeps on giving.” We agree. Email continues to generate significant revenues and, importantly, can provide hard dollars in the fall when the major donors are maxed out. State parties and campaigns must invest in the data to continue to grow their working email lists and harvest them for fundraising and political benefit. It is worth noting that in 2012 email raised more than twice the percentage of total funds it raised in 2008.

Google it.  So now we have a county chairman who wants to use email to more efficiently (in terms of money, in terms of time, and in terms of sweat equity) send out a simple notice about the date, time, and location of a meeting – which many, many legislative district chairmen welcomed along with many, many precinct committeemen, because of the savings in time and money, yet some adamantly pronounce:  “If I don’t get my snail mail, the meeting is ‘invalid’ and ‘null and void!’”  Or something.

Again, we are talking about the notice of a meeting at which the only business to be conducted is the election of five officers and any other possible business, such as amending of the county committee’s bylaws or resolutions proposed by the members.  The procedures for accomplishing these things are covered in the MCRC bylaws.

The precinct committeemen wear another hat, that of member of the county committee.  Later, by statute, they are to be given ten day notice by the chairman of that meeting.  “By mail.”  Which can be email.  Per the statute and the bylaws.  Again, we are talking about a mere notice of a meeting telling the precinct committeemen the date, the time, and the location of a meeting.  That’s it.

What if, somehow, the ten-day notice is not given.  Are there any penalties for anyone?  No.  Search the statutes – none will be found.  Why?  Because precinct committeemen and the officers they elect ARE NOT PUBLIC OFFICIALS.  They are volunteers who happened to be elected first as precinct committeemen and then, perhaps, as a committee chairman or other officer.  The courts have NO jurisdiction over the internal workings of the political parties because no civil or constitutional rights are involved.  The organizational meetings are governed by statute only insofar as the windows of time for them are stated and the notice requirements are set forth.  But, even if a deadline were to be blown, the meeting can still take place and late notice can be given – and if a precinct committeeman thinks otherwise, and decides not to attend, and complain about late notice, so be it.  Because it would take a majority vote of all the PCs present to make that decision.  And why would they invalidate their own meeting?  So they could force themselves to come back some other Saturday and have the county committee, which runs on donations, not mandatory dues, spend money a second time for a second meeting?

Let’s see if that happens on January 14.  And let’s see what happens on January 28. 

The anonymous non sequitur-writer provides this legal advice for the state chairman and the readers:

“The legal remedy is for Chairman Graham to disregard the illegally called meeting results, seat an appointed contingent of committeemen from LD23, and hold the State Meeting according to statute and bylaw.”


Blank out.  The reader is left to wonder.  Perhaps no statutes or bylaws are stated, and no explanation of this “legal remedy” is given because none exist.

Precinct committeemen and only precinct committeemen in a precinct have the power to elect a captain.  If they choose not to do so, the legislative district (“LD”) chairman is required by the MCRC Bylaws to appoint one.  How many of the LD committee chairmen in Maricopa County have complied with the MCRC Bylaws to ensure the election of precinct captains at their organizational meetings, or, if the precinct committeeman have failed to elect a captain, have appointed one?  As far as I know, zilch.

The county bylaws require the district chairs and all PCs to cooperate with the county chair and to help reach the goals of the county committee.  Instead, some choose to be thorns in the sides of the volunteers who are trying their best to bring the county committee and its members, the PCs, from a pen, paper and phone world into a world of email and databases that has been used by every other type of organization for going on almost three decades.  But it’s so much more fun demanding, “I want my snail mail letter, damn it.  Because, ‘mail.’  Or something.”

Gee, it’s almost as if the state chairman and others DO NOT WANT precinct committeemen to use digital technology to communicate with one another.  I recall our current state chairman promising when he ran for state chairman, and then ran for reelection for state chairman, to provide a digital tool to all of the state’s precinct committeemen so that every precinct committeeman in the state could communicate digitally with every other precinct committeeman to accomplish the goals of the Republican Party:  to effectively and efficiently get out the vote for the best Republican candidates in the all-important, traditionally-very-low-turnout primary elections and then again in the general elections for the winners of the primary.  Four years later?  Still waiting.

The Democrats have been doing this with their Voter Activation Network software, which is the original, Democrat, version of rVotes, for about eight years.  What software do we, as Republicans, have, provided by the RNC and the state party, that allows each precinct committeeman to communicate and organize GOTV efforts like this with their fellow precinct committeemen?  Zilch.

The precinct committeemen in each legislative district nominate state committeemen, who are then deemed elected by the county chairman.  ONLY the precinct committeemen can select these state committeemen.  A legislative district committee organizational meeting at which the elected PCs in attendance, by majority, approve of the conduct of the meeting, cannot be undone or “invalidated” by a county chairman or a state chairman or anyone else.  Despite what some huffing and puffing state committee or county committee “leader” might say.

The precinct committeemen elect their state committeemen, who in turn elect the state officers, including the state chairman.  The state chairman has NO authority for picking and choosing which state committeemen were “properly” elected.  ONLY the precinct committeemen may do that.

Some in our Party try to get away with, and often succeed in getting away with, a lot of I-am-making-up-the-rules-as-I-see-fit usurpations through bluff and bluster mostly because too many of the county chairmen and legislative district chairmen and precinct committeemen have failed to spend the time and expend the effort to learn and be fully aware of who can do what per the statutes and the bylaws, whether it’s the state bylaws or the county bylaws.

The funniest part of the anonymous author’s article arrives in the last paragraph, where he states:

“Party activists and officials must be aware of these important bylaws and statutes especially when they conduct the process of elections and seek higher leadership. Pushing a personal agenda by skirting the rules or making them up as you go is the not the upholding manner in which GOP leaders should conduct themselves.”

Was the writer deliberately stating such ironic hypocrisy?


Some background on all the silliness.

What’s going on with the AZ GOP?

January 3, 2017

It’s time to take back the AZ Republican Party

Frosty Taylor, editor & publisher of Republican Briefs, is a reliable conservative source who has unfailingly gotten essential information out to Maricopa County Republican activists. A former newspaper reporter, her commitment to integrity was honed when that was a career goal of people once known as journalists.

Monday’s Jan. 2, 2017 Briefs is loaded with crucial facts regarding the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) Statutory Organizational Meeting to be held Jan 14, 2017 at El Zaribah Shriner’s Auditorium, 552 N 40th St., Phoenix, AZ 85008. The state GOP Statutory meeting (time and location not yet announced) will follow the Maricopa County meeting on Jan. 28. There are three candidates for AZ GOP Chairman: Briefs has sent identical questions to each of the candidates and will print their responses each day. Jonathan Lines, Frank Thorwald and Jim O’Connor’s replies are available under the Briefs link.

Candidates running for AZ GOP office and Maricopa County Republican Committee office during the January 2017 Mandatory meetings have been asked to submit their bios and positions to help PCs get acquainted with them and their views.

Worthy of note are the shenanigans current State Chairman Robert Graham has been engaging in. SRAZ has written about his deception on numerous occasions. Here is but one example. He is not only establishment, but self-serving and obviously angry that his aspirations to head the Republican National Committee have evaporated before his eyes. Opposing Donald Trump, he takes his marching orders from the McCain/Flake cabal, who both opposed Trump. Additionally, Graham was well aware and likely even complicit in the most recent McCain orchestrated ousting of conservative, elected precinct committeemen.

This upper echelon party effort to systematically remove conservatives from the Arizona party ranks previously made the national news. In 2012, former Sen. Jon Kyl also engaged in these despicable actions against dedicated PCs. 

Be sure to check out  the Jan. 1, 2017 cartoon published by The Arizona Daily Independent, depicting how the Republican Establishment continues to wage war on the party Grassroots, as the GOP syndicate lines up against Jim O’Connor.  The conclusion drawn is, “that means he must be good….”  He is.  Of the three on the list, O’Connor is the one to support.

MCRC candidates announced for the Jan 14 Mandatory meeting election of officers, according to MCRC Nominating Committee Chairman Raymond Jones:

Chairman: Chris Herring and Tristan Manos 

1st Vice Chairman:  Aaron Flannery 

2nd Vice Chairman:  Yvonne Cahill 

Secretary: Cindy Casaus

Treasurer:  Wesley W. Harris 

Another McMoney train needs help pulling out of station

December 22, 2016

Stripper Gypsy Rose Lee was known to have learned early on in her burlesque career that, “You gotta have a gimmick.”  John McCain obviously takes that advice seriously.

The octogenarian who was just reelected to another 6-year term last month is already trying to fill his coffers with another “gimmick.” 

McCain has learned well from his money-making machine friend Hillary Clinton, whom he has described as a “rock star.” Besides his McCain Foundation and the McCain Institute, there is the “Country First PAC” that needs cash infusions, too — ostensibly to elect conservatives. If you believe that, naiveté has trumped your better judgment.

Still McCain would be the first to tell us, he can’t do it alone.  He needs you to pitch in and fork over your fair share, though he knows it won’t be on the same level as the $1 million his Institute received from the government of Saudi Arabia.

Too much is never enough for John McCain. And electing conservatives is definitely not on his agenda.  In fact, even at the local precinct level in his home state, through his operatives, he has worked tirelessly to purge them from the party ranks after he was embarrassingly censured by Republican elected state committeemen in 2014. Former Sen. Jon Kyl engaged in the same purging shenanigans in 2012.

The only way these obsessive antics will end is by ridding ourselves of the source.  You’ll have the opportunity when amnesty proponent Jeff (Mc) Flake comes up for reelection in 2018.