SCOTUS: 6 Cases amid rumors of Kennedy retirement

June 25, 2017

The SCOTUS blog provides a rundown of the final cases of the Supreme Court ‘s current session, though interest is also swirling about the rumored retirement announcement of Justice Anthony Kennedy.  

The Left is already in full rage mode over  Barack Obama’s lame duck nominee Merrick Garland ,falling off the face of the legal earth as President Donald Trump appointed  Tenth Circuit Appellate Judge Neil Gorsuch to the high court after the unexpected death of iconic justice Antonin Scalia. 

Democrats will go apoplectic if Trump gets another bite at the Supreme Court apple. Expect resistance, distortions and fireworks from the left.

But nothing is certain with justices. Justice Kennedy, who turns 81 in July, was a Reagan nominee who relished his position as the ‘swing vote,’ often siding with the court’s liberals — as did Sandra Day O’Connor, who also skunked Reagan.

The other two older justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 84, and Stephen Breyer, 78, were both nominated by Bill Clinton.  Democrats are not known to veer from their liberalism. Chief Justice John Roberts, nominated by George W. Bush, stunned Republicans when he upheld the health care overreach known as Obamacare by inveigling  the costs as “a tax.“ Roberts also voted with the liberals to gut most of Arizona’s well crafted SB 1070, which addressed the flood of illegal aliens entering our state.

For background on Chief Justice Roberts legal switcheroos, we recommend you read Jeff Crouere’s analysis  Et Tu, John Roberts? posted at the time on Townhall.

Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio exhibits more integrity than foes

June 24, 2017

In anticipation of his upcoming trial, the failing Arizona Republic is thrusting a multi-pronged pitchfork in Joe Arpaio’s direction.  Dissipated columnist EJ Montini gloats in an on-line video in which he appears to be unwell. His counterpart, Laurie Roberts leaps onboard with her own spew of negativity. Political cartoonist Steve Benson, who devoted years to churning out contemptuous criticism towards Arpaio has now turned his focus to President Trump, another Republican to despise and attempt to bring down.

This single sentence sums up the newspaper’s bias: “Joe Arpaio — the man, not the lawman — is the defendant in a federal criminal trial scheduled to begin in Phoenix on Monday.”

Arpaio, who fittingly celebrated his 85th birthday which occurs on Flag Day, faces a criminal contempt trial on allegations that he violated a federal judge’s orders to stop enforcing federal immigration law. Joe Arpaio, the son of Italian immigrants, has obviously never been against immigration. Illegal hordes invading our country, using counterfeit or stolen ID to facilitate their lives here are not immigrants.

What you need to remember: Joe Arpaio, an Army veteran and career lawman who rose from a Washington DC police officer to worldwide assignments within the Drug Enforcement Administration, culminating with heading the Arizona DEA office prior to initially running for Sheriff in 1992 — was doing the job the citizens of Maricopa County repeatedly elected him to do.

Democrat Paul Penzone, the Soros supported leftist candidate, who succeeded Arpaio is working to eradicate any semblance of the last 24 years where Sheriff Arpaio was the popular chief law enforcement professional in Maricopa County. The liberal newspaper, which supports open borders and amnesty, led the charge against him. Shamefully the editorial policy is overseen by editor Phil Boas, who is Arpaio’s son-in-law. Boas claims he recuses himself from coverage of Arpaio.

George Soros, a muti-billionaire, is a socialist who ultimately dropped $2 million into Penzone’s campaign as he has been funding liberal candidates across the nation in an attempt to alter the U.S. Justice system. Politico carries the shocking exposé.

Discover the Networks exposes George Soros’ well-funded tentacles.

Greg Stanton: Phx’ tyrannical leftist mayor stifles voters’ voice

June 19, 2017

Political correctness overrides resident’s rights as arrogant Stanton plays name game, changing city policy to align with his whims

Who can forget the ham-handed tactics liberal former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano used in 2003 renaming Squaw Peak, the landmark mountain favored by hikers in north Phoenix? Aided by her henchman Mario Diaz, she ramrodded  the politically correct change through despite protests from Valley residents.  Following her lead, far leftist Barack Obama  renamed North America’s tallest mountain, over objections. It had been  named in honor of the election of war hero and popular Republican President William McKinley in 1896. He was later assassinated by an anarchist at the beginning of his second term.

Now Phoenix is dealing with liberal Mayor Greg Stanton who has unilaterally decided to override the homeowners in the Squaw Peak neighborhood who want to keep the unique street name as their address. There have been protests from the residents who have called public meetings, signed petitions and spoken before the city council to let their voices be heard. Aside from wanting to retain the unique name, residents would be forced to update their addresses on bank and investment accounts, driver‘s licenses and legal documents, including mortgages, wills and trusts. They’d have to change their credit cards, their children’s school records, family medical records, requests for early ballots and contact all their creditors.

In his first stage response to their protests, Stanton ordered new signage erected directing hikers to Piestewa Peak. Now he’s enlarged upon that scheme.

Current city policy requires the support of 75 percent of affected property owners to agree to a name change, but that’s too democratic for the Democrat mayor. To address what he considers a problem of not enough inclusion of minorities in street names, he is on a mission to push his agenda forward and intends to accomplish that by changing the city policy to suit his whims.

Far leftist Stanton, who received a joint congratulatory call from then-President Obama and then-Homeland Security chieftain Janet Napolitano, has filed to run for Arizona Secretary of State. — a sleeper office often the direct route to the governor’s office since it is next in line of ascension if a sitting governor is unable to serve out his or her  term.

As we noted in our April 8, 2017 post “Back to the future with Squaw Peak,” Stanton lives on a street named Frier. Squaw Peak residents should petition the city to change it to something less offensive to vegetarians, vegans and members of PETA. Tofu Drive has a nice, non-offensive ring to it.

Celebration of assassination betrays leftist hypocrisy

June 13, 2017

Broadway incites presidential assassination, mob cheers

In a bizarre mockery of President Trump passing itself off as a highbrow production of Julius Caesar, the assassination scene is the main impetus. If this is public theater, it has sunken to a new low. Even the reviewer called the production “genuinely frightening.”

We live in dangerous times in an increasingly polarized nation. Donald Trump was elected by a majority of Americans who were demoralized following eight years of far leftist governance by Barack Obama.  Imagine if conservatives controlled the entertainment venues of Broadway, Hollywood and the majority of what comes directly into our homes via television — filled with biased news and vicious deceit passing itself off as comedy.  Obama and his family who were revered by the celebrity clique, would still never be treated in such a repulsive manner.

Some of Julius Caesar sponsors have pulled their funding. They all should have. Presidential assignations are no joke. Four U.S. Presidents have been killed, two others were wounded,  surviving attempts on their lives.

The same elites who consider the stabbing of our president entertainment, celebrating it as a free speech issue, go mysteriously silent when universities — where free speech should flourish — stage raucous protests to repress it when it conflicts with their liberal views. They remain silent when conservative speakers with whom they disagree are shut down or uninvited.

North Korea’s unstable leader is threatening to nuke New York. Terrorism in the United States and Western Europe has reached epic heights resulting in the murders and maiming of ordinary people going about their lives. Instead of pulling together in a united effort to defeat evil, we are increasingly inundated with those who appallingly find it appealing.

Freedom of speech is enshrined in our Constitution. It once had its limits. Schenck v. United States, decided in 1919, is notable for Supreme Court Justice Oliver Holmes writing “the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic.” It was overturned in 1969 by the infamous Warren Court.

AZ political heavyweights indicted on multiple charges in Federal Court

May 28, 2017

Serious charges leveled against high-powered lobbyist, utility company owner, former chairman of AZ Corporation Commission and his wife

Gary Pierce, former chairman of the Corporation Commissioner along with his wife Sherry Pierce, utility company owner George Harry Johnson and prominent lobbyist Jim Norton were each indicted earlier this week on eight separate federal charges of bribery and fraud.

The 17-page indictment can be read here.

Director Comey out at FBI: What took so long?

May 10, 2017

While Pres. Donald Trump’s Tuesday firing of FBI Director James Comey (read Trump’s letter) was hailed by conservatives, the reliably liberal editors at AOL took a distinctly different approach, exhibited by the headline:

“Why did Trump fire FBI Director James Comey? Cover-up of Russia investigation suspected.”

Of course, the usual Never-Trumpers, still reeling in the wake of scandal plagued Hillary Clinton’s defeat, were ready to pile on, concocting their own conspiracy theories, all revolving around Trump’s “collusion with Russia” resulting in his 2016 presidential election victory.

Using the well-known magician’s maneuver of misdirection, U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY); Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass); Hillary’s running-mate Tim Kaine, (D-VA); and John McCain (RINO-AZ) were more than ready to heave their partisan spew to the media.

Schumer promptly called for an independent investigator to take over the “Russia probe.” Warren echoed Schumer’s calls for a special prosecutor. Kaine, peering out from under the rock where Hillary found him, used a series of tweets, declaring Comey’s termination proved “how frightened the Admin is over Russia investigation,” claiming it was “part of a growing pattern by White House to cover-up the truth.”

Republicrat McCain, the still smarting failed presidential candidate who previously called Hillarya rock starhe could support, has done all he can to undermine Donald Trump since Trump won the GOP nomination. McCain and his family made it clear they were not voting for Trump, who won despite their embarrassing and rancorous display.

McCain, sounding no different than the Democrats he aligns with, said, “I have long called for a special congressional committee to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. The president’s decision to remove the FBI director only confirms the need and the urgency for such a committee.”

But wait! Chuck Schumer, Comey’s steadfast supporter today, on Nov. 2, 2016 — opinion swinging like a chimp in the rain forest — gave Comey a vote of no-confidence in response to his revelation that the FBI reopened its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.I do not have confidence in him any longer,” Schumer gravely stated. Liberal hypocrites switch their opinions so quickly, they must have chronic whiplash.

TX Gov. Abbott signs bill banning sanctuary cities

May 9, 2017

Rational Americans understand the danger posed by sanctuary cities, which thwart federal immigration law, releasing arrested illegal alien criminals back onto our streets. The issue gained notoriety following the horrific murder of San Francisco resident Kate Steinle, strolling along the pier with her father and gunned down by a repeatedly arrested and deported illegal alien felon who had just been released from jail. Her tragedy — one of countless such deaths — where the perpetrators are given cover by sanctuary cities — highlights the need to rein in these disastrous policies.

Closer to home was the cold blooded murder of Grant Ronnebeck, a 21-year-old Mesa convenience store clerk killed by a Mexican illegal repeat offender, facing deportation but released on bond. Ronnebeck was killed for counting the money before handing the impatient illegal alien the cigarettes he was purchasing.

On Sunday Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed a state law which imposes stiff penalties and hefty fines on elected or appointed officials who fail to comply with the provisions included in Senate Bill 4.

Gov. Greg Abbott should stand on solid legal ground. He was previously the longest-serving Attorney General of Texas, served as a Justice on the Texas Supreme Court and as a State District Judge in Harris County. With her own interesting bio — holding two Master’s Degrees and a Bachelor’s, Cecilia Abbott, has made Texas history as the first Hispanic First Lady of the state.

The Texas measure comes as President Donald Trump has prioritized combating illegal immigration. Texas, which has an estimated 1.5 million illegal immigrants and the longest border with Mexico of any U.S. state, has been at the forefront of the immigration debate.

“As governor, my top priority is public safety, and this bill furthers that objective by keeping dangerous criminals off our streets,” Gov. Abbott said in a statement after signing the bill into law. It will take effect on Sept. 1.

This Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report published on March 20, 2017 details a portion of what U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been dealing with regarding “Detainers that were declined.” Another tricky description is “Non-cooperative jurisdictions.”

Gov. Abbott stands in stark contrast to the repugnant policies of California Gov. Jerry Brown, a left-wing Democrat.

Kerplunk! Sheriff Penzone falls from grace

May 5, 2017

That didn’t take long.  Paul Penzone, the new shurff in town, is already feeling the wrath of the newspaper that couldn’t wait to see him unseat former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who had been reelected to an unprecedented six 4-year terms. 

The upset stung, but was not unexpected since Republican Arpaio was in the eye of the storm for doing the job he was repeatedly elected to do. It didn’t hurt that Penzone was the darling of the illegal alien protectors at the Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic) or that he had secured the financial backing of open borders multi-billionaire globalist George Soros. In August 2016, Politico reported that Soros was working behind the scenes throughout the nation to overhaul the U.S. Justice system — working to elect liberal prosecutors and law enforcement professionals as a means of loosening America’s criminal justice structure. Electing Democrat Paul Penzone was a part of that ambitious scheme.

With this background, fast forward to a recent newspaper editorial. Elvia Diaz takes on Penzone, chastising him for wanting to replace the court ordered advisory panel put in place to hamstring Joe Arpaio.  Count on the fact that the word “controversial” is still used in conjunction with Joe Arpaio. That’s de rigueur. No mention is made of the fact that Penzone has referred to illegal invaders as “guests.”

The ostensibly independent six-member panel, arising out of a lawsuit, was mandated by U.S. District Court Judge Murray Snow, who has routinely evidenced his own biases. Since then-sheriff Arpaio opted out of playing games, the panel members are all recommended by the ACLU which represents the plaintiffs in the ongoing Melendres case.

But why go after their pet Penzone? Paul Penzone wants to change the members and configuration from six to five members. In exerting independence, he is distressing both editorialist Diaz— the obvious Linda Valdez successor-in-training —- and the Hispanic activists who are now attempting to rein him in. What a surprise.  He doesn’t find this muzzling any more appealing than Arpaio did. He says the antagonistic positions of the current panel members make the situation unworkable and has announced he “won’t respond to unreasonable demands or unrealistic expectations.”

Diaz chastises Penzone, warning him there could be another Arpaio waiting to challenge him in four years.

A liberal, Penzone has set up citizens panels to advise him on other issues that focus on blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals. But according to the report, the “activists” say those groups are composed of Penzone’s sympathizers and don’t speak for “undocumented immigrants“ —– which this site chooses to refer to in more precise terms as “illegal aliens,” since we don‘t adhere to the AP Stylebook.

Silly us. We were laboring under the obvious misconception that the sheriff of one of the largest counties in the United States represented us all — even white, non-Hispanic heterosexuals who happen to be citizens.

Imagine having the tenacity to hold such brazenly seditious thoughts! Then again, that’s likely why you’re reading Seeing Red AZ in the first place.

AZ Republic insults remaining readers with copasetic ID theft victim

April 9, 2017

Last Sunday we wrote, “We read the AZ Republic so you don’t have to.”  Judging by its popularity, we’re tempted to make this a regular or at least an occasional feature

Today we regale you with the foolishness that appeared in the Arizona Republic’s “Around Arizona” section. Written by Richard Ruelas the premise of the report is that criminal acts perpetrated by illegal aliens are no big deal. Even the victims of ID theft are onboard with the thieves.

We couldn’t make this stuff up.

The featured criminal illegal, Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 35, is a mother of two teenage U.S. citizens, or anchor babies, and has been living here illegally for more than two decades.. As per usual she facilitated her life here by using someone else’s social security number.

When SRAZ first covered the story this past Feb. 10, we headlined our coverage, “AZ newspaper’s new heroine: The Illegal alien.”  Of course, The Periódico de la República de Arizona  (Arizona Republic) provided a sympathetic perspective. 

This was just a simple woman, after all, working as a custodian at a water park and trying to support her family.  She has a husband, but he declined to be interviewed, since he is also a Mexican national, residing her illegally.

Using the identity of a 32-year-old Tucson man, Alex Andrade, Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, was picked up in a 2008 workplace raid.  When her crime was uncovered, she was charged and convicted of felony impersonation, which led to her deportation.

Identity theft victim, Alex Andrade is characterized in the headline as, “Man reports no problems after SSN was used by woman later deported.” 

If you’re thinking that’s quite a mouthful for a headline, you’re not alone.  So were we. But nothing qualifies as too extravagant when the subject is the newspaper’s beloved illegals.

Alex Andrade didn’t notice the problem since he is on disability. He’s sympathetic to the thief due to the fact that his own father entered the United States illegally, and like Guadalupe’s children, he was born a citizen by virtue of a gross misinterpretation of the intent of the Fourteenth Amendment. It was put in place to correctly address the status of American-born children of newly freed African-born slaves immediately after the Civil War. When the amendment was ratified in July 1868, it would have been impossible to envision the repercussions of having an invasion on our southern border.

Today the costly reality of unassimilated foreign nationals many with criminal records is a massive problem. Socialist billionaire and open borders advocate George Soros is spending millions to mobilize Hispanics as a Democrat voting bloc via his Super PAC Immigrant Voters Win.

It’s not only the voters he’s funding, but as Politico reports, he is also attempting to overhaul the criminal U.S. justice system by funding prosecutors and other law enforcement candidates who will follow his dictates rather than the law.

Stay alert. Our future generations deserve no less from us.

Did Obama’s NSA illegally spy on Sheriff Arpaio’s prosecution?

March 20, 2017

Jerome Corsi, writing for INFOWARS details in this Bombshell report what he describes as clear parallels to Obama’s wiretapping of Trump.”

You won’t want to miss this report, which contains a timeline of the Arpaio civil rights case, “created with the assistance of the Operation Dragnet whistleblower and made public in a federal hearing that disseminated the timeline to the public. It was provided to, and is reproduced in full.”