Politics wearing you down? Get a lift with Evan Sayet

February 15, 2016

Coming to the Laugh Factory, Wed., Feb. 17, 2016

 When Rush Limbaugh calls a political humorist “Brilliant!” and Dennis Prager calls him “The funniest man in America,” that’s praise you can trust!

Here’s a sample: Evan Sayet: Liberals on American Exceptionalism.



McMyopia offers “willful blindness” to GOP voters

February 14, 2016

More evidence of the desperation of Arizona’s very senior Sen. John McCain, who will be 80 by Election Day and is actually running for another six-year term.

In an effort to appear relevant and trendy, McCain is trying to foister a new gimmick on Arizona voters. For a mere $5 donation, he’s offering sunglasses with his name imprinted on the earpiece. Seriously.

Instead of “Lost your sunglasses?” the subject line should read,: “Lost your mind…and your memory?”

Not only do these sunglasses “shade” the truth, they block out the pesky illegals crossing McLiar’s non-existent “danged fence!”

His tagline is “John McCain is fighting to keep Arizona safe and strong,”adding “Complete the secure form below to make a donation.” It sounds as though he’s reprising this infamous use of the word “complete.”

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, 1936 – 2016

February 14, 2016

“A devastating loss”

Precise, honest and hard-hitting, Ann Coulter — with legal creds in high dungeon — discusses the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. She warns, ‘Craven Coward Republicans in Washington’ Had Better Not Confirm An Obama Nominee. Read her assessment on Breitbart.  You’ll likely find your head nodding in vigorous agreement.

In this interview, Mark Levin, a renown Constitutional scholar, says of Justice Scalia who died Saturday,  “I would count him as a top ten, maybe a top five of all time, and he wasn’t even a Chief Justice. This is a devastating loss for people who love this country. It’s a devastating loss for those of us who love the Constitution.”

RIP, Justice Scalia. Job well done.


GOP Debate tonight: Sat. Feb. 13, 2016, 7-9 PM AZ Time

February 13, 2016

“Hi, honey….I’ve got a great idea for our Valentine Saturday night date”

All six remaining major GOP presidential candidates have qualified for CBS News’ Republican debate in South Carolina tonight. Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush  and John Kasich will participate in the debate in Greenville, South Carolina.

Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina dropped out of the race earlier this week, Jim Gilmore, previously relegated to the second tier stage, did not qualify for this debate, receiving only 12 votes from Iowa caucus voters.  He suspended his campaign Friday. Real Clear Politics’ most recent aggregated polling numbers can be viewed here.

Face the Nation anchor and CBS News political director John Dickerson will be the debate’s main moderator. He will be joined by CBS News White House correspondent Major Garrett and The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel.

The debate will air live on CBS from  7 to 9 p.m. Arizona time. (9 to 11 p.m. ET).

Socialist Labor Party of America issues threat….

February 13, 2016

….Direct from AZ Republic’s Tucson outpost, editorial writer Linda Valdez wishfully warns:

Socialism has a young face in America; look out GOP

Socialism is alive and well in America. It’s young, too. An NBC exit poll found Sen. Bernie Sanders won 84 percent of voters age 18 to 29.  He won 58 percent of the 30 to 44 age group, as well. His anti-establishment appeal resonates with those who will inherit the mess the establishment made. These young people may not create a problem for Hillary Clinton this year. But they will grow into a strong consistency for reversing the small government policies of the far right.

Read the radical Marxist-based platform of the Socialist Party USA rooted in support of the revolutionary overthrow of the U.S. government. No wonder leftist Valdez is licking her chops at the prospect of our representative Republic, based in the rule of law, failing.

This instructive video explains the American form of government, comparing it to other government systems:

Monarchy or Dictatorship: (ruled by one)

Oligarchy: (ruled by a few)

Democracy: (ruled by a majority)

Republic: (ruled by law)

Anarchy: (ruled by no one)

What Valdez neglects to attribute the increase in radical thinking to is the fact that over several decades American students have been force fed liberalism by their unionist public school teachers who hold a decidedly left-wing agenda. (Listen closely to the words of longtime NEA legal counsel Bob Chanin given in his retirement speech in linked ad in previous sentence). The Center for Responsive Politics posts the amounts —  in millions —  that the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers contribute to liberal political campaigns. That answers the question of the leftward lurch.

Dem debate: Obama love fest, trip to Pandersville

February 12, 2016

No right thinking person would subject themselves to an entire Dem debate, but watching sporadically, it was clear that Socialist Bernie Sanders and Leftist Hillary Clinton have a lot in common. Pandering for minority votes, they are both sufficiently ashamed to be white and heterosexual to pass liberal muster. Hillary can even affect what she regards as a ghetto accent when she thinks it benefits her. They both hate the rich, which amounts to a chromic case of self loathing for Hillary. Neither can give away American citizenship fast enough to the illegals who invade our country — and they each brag about their exemplary record in doing so.

Clinton blasted Sanders for not being sufficiently bonded to Obama.  Sanders countered by saying, “One of us ran against Barack Obama. I was not that candidate.”

The dreary drone-fest ended seven minutes before the announced conclusion — which would have provided plenty of time for moderator Judy Woodruff to disclose her donation to the Clinton Foundation. She didn’t.  Not a single question was raised about Clinton’s private server housed in her basement or the fact that her laxity with emails containing classified information has put our national security at risk and is acknowledged by officials to be “a serious matter.” The ongoing FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation or subpoenas issued by the State Department? Not a single question. Hillary’s reprehensible Benghazi lies or her myriad scandals? Nope. Her deep connections to George Soros? Not a word.

The debate hosts saw nothing of consequence in any of those topics.

But what do Democrats care? Meet some of Hillary’s supporters.

McCain was Marco Rubio’s Waterloo

February 11, 2016

Before exiting the 2016 GOP presidential race Wednesday, N.J. Gov. Chris Christy expertly exposed Rubio Marco as a robotic talking points lightweight during the New Hampshire debate:

This ‘Courageous Conservatives’ ad tells the full story:

Is AZ AG Brnovich a “crazy white supremacist”?

February 10, 2016

If merely questioning Tony Bouie’s honesty brings out racist slur machine, imagine what an AG’s investigation could face

Tony Bouie has a knack for getting himself in hot water. His proficiency as a skilled liar is renown and well documented. When facts catch up with his fallacies, out come the allegations of bigotry such as those noted in this 2008 letter from Allison Bouie, Tony’s wife.

Despite being a problematic lightening rod with no relevant experience to recommend him, Tony Bouie has been able to garner establishment support including then-Indiana Congressman, (now Gov.) Mike Pence, for his ill-fated legislative runs based on his minority status and  easy acquiescence on illegal immigration.

Most recently, Bouie secured a gubernatorial appointment to head up the state Lottery Department. Now, a month after his abrupt resignation amid allegations of gross mismanagement, cronyism and misuse of a state vehicle, the daily confirms reports that Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s office has launched an investigation of the slippery Bouie.

Politics is not for the faint of heart. It is also not for those who cannot withstand public scrutiny. As we noted at the time of Bouie’s appointment as lottery director, Arizona’s governor was taking a pointless gamble with Tony Bouie.

Seeing Red AZ has been tracking Tony Bouie over several years. Some of the linked reports can be read here

Doug Ducey’s advisors would have done well to acquaint themselves with Bouie before declaring him clean enough to be worthy of a well paid, cushy state job. It only takes a simple Google search.

New Hampshire 1st 2016 primary: Results here

February 9, 2016

View live 2016 New Hampshire presidential primary election results, including delegate counts and results for Democrat and Republican presidential races. Polls close at 7 p.m. ET.  Arizonans, blessed with Spring like weather would find the cold temperatures daunting, but New Hampshire residents are accustomed to the cold and snow. All nine voters in Dixville Notch voted last night at midnight in a tradition begun in 1960.

Democrat vote results: Hillary Clinton did not receive a single vote. Bernie Sanders won 4 votes. Republican votes:  Donald Trump received 2 , John  Kasich received 3.

This year marks the New Hampshire Presidential Direct Primary Election’s 100th Anniversary  — 1916-2016. 

AZ GOP Chair Robert Graham’s ballot harvesting amnesia

February 9, 2016

More self aggrandizing bravado from Robert Graham while efforts of former Maricopa County GOP chairman A.J. LaFaro get kicked to the curb

In a Monday email blast titled “Encouraging Support for Elections Integrity Legislation,” AZ GOP chairman Robert Graham made a point of thanking everyone but the actual “Man of Integrity” — former Maricopa County Chairman A.J. LaFaro, who has relentlessly worked to expose the ballot harvesting issue for the last year and a half.

What justification could there be for neglecting to mention LaFaro? HB 2023 came about as a direct result of LaFaro’s exposure of  the practice of ballot harvesting in Arizona’s elections. Ballot harvesters worked in the 2012 and the 2014 elections canvassing precincts, collecting ballots, and arranging opportunities for fraud, intimidation, and even the denial of voting rights if they were not turned in prior to the voting deadline.

At legislative hearings, voters in Arizona elections voiced objections to strangers coming to their doors requesting their ballots. Some of these “good Samaritans” even offered to pick up unvoted ballots.

In the height of hypocrisy, Robert Graham commented on the legislators “selfless dedication” which he said reminded him of “what Presidents Truman and Reagan used to say: that you can accomplish a lot when you don’t care too much about who gets the credit.” Unfortunately Graham, was all too eager to neglect to give credit to A. J. LaFaro.

This Oct. 2014 Newsmax “America’s Forum” coverage shows J.D. Hayworth interviewing then-Maricopa County GOP chairman La Faro. Truth Report also exposed the fraud of ballot harvesting in this report revealing the practice engaged in by left-wing activists — complete with a surveillance video featuring dialogue between LaFaro and a vulgar activist.

And Robert Graham? He conveniently purged A.J. LaFaro from the history books. Where have we seen that before?